Editor Request: The Designer (series)


Struggling Writer
Jul 12, 2012
I'm a long time reader, first time writer. A few weeks ago I had a brain storm that wouldn't let me be until I put characters to pixels (is that a modern equivalent to words to page?)

I have published the first 5 parts to the Mind Control genre.

The Designer - Ch. 01 - Beginning
The Designer - Ch. 02 - Tabula Rasa
The Designer - Ch. 03 - Cleaning Up
The Designer - Ch. 04 - Departure
The Designer - Ch. 05 - Regrets

I'm comfortable with mechanics and grammar (though I overuse contractions, and have a few misspellings), but I always require a second reader.

What I'm really looking for is a collaborator to help me with structure, characterization, and story flow. Encourage me to expand a section that's too brief, or hold me back when the action is a bit too much. I want to give my characters a bit more depth as they deal with the events in the story.

I have all my writing up in a Google Drive/Documents set up which makes it easy to collaborate.

Drop me a PM if interested.

