Dying but still alive


Literotica Guru
Apr 25, 2018
How do you mourn, do you mourn?

Are you supposed to prepare the home like they are coming back, or just move on?

Asking for a friend (yeah, right)
You have to move on. You know all those things that you were going to do together? It's time to figure out if you really wanted to do them.
We've had I guess like 3 (false) starts, I'm not sure this is IT. Also, not my spouse, my uncle that I moved in with on the first cancer diagnosis 13 years ago
We've had I guess like 3 (false) starts, I'm not sure this is IT. Also, not my spouse, my uncle that I moved in with on the first cancer diagnosis 13 years ago
Sorry to hear. It's a tough go. But, you have to go on.
It is good when family takes care of their own. Well done!
That also tells me that somebody probably set a good example for you, and that you are setting a good example for others to follow.
There are no guidelines or a handbook when a loved one is dying.

I agree with silver gurl.

I'll bump a thread that might help by justpet.

Know that you are not alone. 🌹
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You just have to wake up and face each day as it comes. There's no right way or wrong way to face death. Everyone is different and mourns in a different way.

Some never mourn.

Some carry on as nothing happened. Some never get over it.

Although, I will tell you that after you lose someone close, it will seem as though your world has stopped, but everyone else is still going about their business and it seems so, so wrong. You want to stop everyone else and yell at them that your loved one has passed on! And that they should stop and mourn with you instead of just going about their day-to-day lives.
You just have to wake up and face each day as it comes. There's no right way or wrong way to face death. Everyone is different and mourns in a different way.

Some never mourn.

Some carry on as nothing happened. Some never get over it.

Although, I will tell you that after you lose someone close, it will seem as though your world has stopped, but everyone else is still going about their business and it seems so, so wrong. You want to stop everyone else and yell at them that your loved one has passed on! And that they should stop and mourn with you instead of just going about their day-to-day lives.

How dare the birds keep singing? How does the sun dare come up again?
How do you mourn, do you mourn?

Are you supposed to prepare the home like they are coming back, or just move on?

Asking for a friend (yeah, right)
You mourn once they are day. You do every day as if they are alive. One of my besties was in hospice for 3 wks. We treated her like we always did. She did some death preparations, we helped if she asked but otherwise, it was down to her to decided. We didnt clear out her home until after she was gone or sell her car even though it was clear, that she wasn't going back.
We helped her get her affairs in order. We hung out, we listened, we watched her favorite movies. She was never alone unless she wanted to be. Some days were hard, people who are dying can have a day or two of seeming totally okay, and they want to go to work or whatever. It's very hard on the friends and family but it's not about them until the actual death, it's about the person dying.
and moving on... if it's someone you love, you don't move on, it's not like a break up or divorce, your relationship with them never changes except they are physically gone.
You mourn once they are day. You do every day as if they are alive. One of my besties was in hospice for 3 wks. We treated her like we always did. She did some death preparations, we helped if she asked but otherwise, it was down to her to decided. We didnt clear out her home until after she was gone or sell her car even though it was clear, that she wasn't going back.
We helped her get her affairs in order. We hung out, we listened, we watched her favorite movies. She was never alone unless she wanted to be. Some days were hard, people who are dying can have a day or two of seeming totally okay, and they want to go to work or whatever. It's very hard on the friends and family but it's not about them until the actual death, it's about the person dying.
and moving on... if it's someone you love, you don't move on, it's not like a break up or divorce, your relationship with them never changes except they are physically gone.
Been there, done that.

Was with my Mom for 3 months straight as she lost her battle with cancer. My Dad, sister or I was with her 24/7.

She had some good days, but a lot more bad than good.

Very, very hard to see her go. Was with her, her last couple of hours after she had a major stroke, and they took her off of life support.

Will never get over that. Even now, if I start to think of her, I get teary. And it's been 17 years.
you have to do a little of it all. you have to deal with it now. you can't put it off. you do and you wake up one day crying and wont know why. you have to move on. a bit of that comes from dealing with it. remember that there is a time to weep and a time to mourn. most of all remember there is a God and in His time you can heal.
I failed to die, but it was a serious effort, and I enjoyed the lack of pain for a while. I'm making no future promises.