1809 Devon England
Hampton House
Joshua Abernathy looked at the large county house trying to mask the distain from his face, the building was well and worthy being one of the great homes of England, the rental of such no doubt beyond the expense to all but the most wealthy and if his father was anything he was wealthy.
The Abernathy fortune had been built greatly by his father who had inherited a small holding with Lloyds, a holding his very gifted grandfather had earnt over the course of his working live by being more right than wrong when it came to which ship to insure. Now his father owned over thirty merchantmen aided by extensive associations so that fully half of all the trade between Britain and the
Canadas fell under his control, but the real wealth would come when the trade ties he had with the America's finally reaped fruition, the colonialists had won their little rebellion but still made noises that suggested they looked upon the Canadas as their natural lands, the smart men amongst the Americans knew the truth of their position , when the fire brands lost influence the Abernathy name would be the foremost to profit.
No Joshua was in a foul mood because this was to be the site of his marriage to the Lady of Devon, the Duke of Devon's daughter on the surface this was a match he could only dream of, a commoner marrying into the house of one of the most influenced nobles but there were many things wrong with the marriage, for starters the woman already had a son, a son who would inherit the title of Duke while any son he had with her would at best claim a lesser title that would be a pale reflection of the inheritance of the womans eldest boy, and of course she was old so very old , near 26 and while his father had assured him that she retained the beauty that many said was unrivalled in the Kingdom and his soon to be father in law had assured that the Lady was while likely to offer opinion she would bend to her husbands will as all wifes should, didn’t change the fact that her age was a back handed insult for him to be tied to such a woman.
But even that was not the cause of his displeasure, it was her choice of her first husband, the man had died in a brothel with women who serviced the most base of men and the rumours that had reached Joshua's ears did not reflect well upon his wife for at the very least she had to know of her husbands tastes and thus one had to ask what of his soon to be brides tastes in the bedroom.
He had been with high class whores in order to learn how to understand what gave him pleasure and it was his wifes duty to learn what satisfied him and provide such comforts, but while he expected his wife to have some skill he didn’t want to marry a whore and then there was the issue of disease her husband could not have been clean ..so how clean was she?
“Joshua” his fathers voice broke the young mans reflection “its your wedding man not your funeral, I expect you to greet the lady so that she is encouraged that you will be a good husband “ Joshua got off his horse and handed the reins to a stable boy.
“We have had this discussion father, I shall marry the woman , help her father make the most of the estate and give you grandsons who will become titled, but expect me to love this woman when there is nothing of her that appeals”
“She is truly beautiful and I find her to be …”
“Yes Father I have heard this as well , I best change, I daresay my bride will be here shortly”
Tobias watched his youngest son enter the residence he had rented for the summer he sighed, his son was normally better mannered, the brightest of his sons and despite a life of luxury the young lad was not afraid to work long hours doing the most menial of tasks but this wedding was bringing the worst of his son to the fore, he too had heard the rumours of the Lady’s husband , but unlike his son Tobias knew that many men keep their base desires from their wifes. Tobias looked out at the distant hills somewhere out there the Duke and his daughter and her children were on their way , the wedding was two days hence and inside an hour his son would met his wife for the first time, he hoped his son could at least be courteous they were still dealing with nobility and he needed this marriage to happen, otherwise certain doors to opportunity would remain closed
Joshua Abernathy
Age 18(just)
Black hair blue eyes
Slim around the hips with a mans upper body thanks to hours of physical work
Graduate of Eton Joshua is a skilled businessman and has a confident nature
An expert horseman and a very good shot Joshua had plans to join the Army until his father arranged this marriage.
At his heart he is a good person but is not pleased with this match and when something does not please him he is want to show his displeasure
Hampton House
Joshua Abernathy looked at the large county house trying to mask the distain from his face, the building was well and worthy being one of the great homes of England, the rental of such no doubt beyond the expense to all but the most wealthy and if his father was anything he was wealthy.
The Abernathy fortune had been built greatly by his father who had inherited a small holding with Lloyds, a holding his very gifted grandfather had earnt over the course of his working live by being more right than wrong when it came to which ship to insure. Now his father owned over thirty merchantmen aided by extensive associations so that fully half of all the trade between Britain and the
Canadas fell under his control, but the real wealth would come when the trade ties he had with the America's finally reaped fruition, the colonialists had won their little rebellion but still made noises that suggested they looked upon the Canadas as their natural lands, the smart men amongst the Americans knew the truth of their position , when the fire brands lost influence the Abernathy name would be the foremost to profit.
No Joshua was in a foul mood because this was to be the site of his marriage to the Lady of Devon, the Duke of Devon's daughter on the surface this was a match he could only dream of, a commoner marrying into the house of one of the most influenced nobles but there were many things wrong with the marriage, for starters the woman already had a son, a son who would inherit the title of Duke while any son he had with her would at best claim a lesser title that would be a pale reflection of the inheritance of the womans eldest boy, and of course she was old so very old , near 26 and while his father had assured him that she retained the beauty that many said was unrivalled in the Kingdom and his soon to be father in law had assured that the Lady was while likely to offer opinion she would bend to her husbands will as all wifes should, didn’t change the fact that her age was a back handed insult for him to be tied to such a woman.
But even that was not the cause of his displeasure, it was her choice of her first husband, the man had died in a brothel with women who serviced the most base of men and the rumours that had reached Joshua's ears did not reflect well upon his wife for at the very least she had to know of her husbands tastes and thus one had to ask what of his soon to be brides tastes in the bedroom.
He had been with high class whores in order to learn how to understand what gave him pleasure and it was his wifes duty to learn what satisfied him and provide such comforts, but while he expected his wife to have some skill he didn’t want to marry a whore and then there was the issue of disease her husband could not have been clean ..so how clean was she?
“Joshua” his fathers voice broke the young mans reflection “its your wedding man not your funeral, I expect you to greet the lady so that she is encouraged that you will be a good husband “ Joshua got off his horse and handed the reins to a stable boy.
“We have had this discussion father, I shall marry the woman , help her father make the most of the estate and give you grandsons who will become titled, but expect me to love this woman when there is nothing of her that appeals”
“She is truly beautiful and I find her to be …”
“Yes Father I have heard this as well , I best change, I daresay my bride will be here shortly”
Tobias watched his youngest son enter the residence he had rented for the summer he sighed, his son was normally better mannered, the brightest of his sons and despite a life of luxury the young lad was not afraid to work long hours doing the most menial of tasks but this wedding was bringing the worst of his son to the fore, he too had heard the rumours of the Lady’s husband , but unlike his son Tobias knew that many men keep their base desires from their wifes. Tobias looked out at the distant hills somewhere out there the Duke and his daughter and her children were on their way , the wedding was two days hence and inside an hour his son would met his wife for the first time, he hoped his son could at least be courteous they were still dealing with nobility and he needed this marriage to happen, otherwise certain doors to opportunity would remain closed
Joshua Abernathy
Age 18(just)
Black hair blue eyes
Slim around the hips with a mans upper body thanks to hours of physical work
Graduate of Eton Joshua is a skilled businessman and has a confident nature
An expert horseman and a very good shot Joshua had plans to join the Army until his father arranged this marriage.
At his heart he is a good person but is not pleased with this match and when something does not please him he is want to show his displeasure