Duty comes before love (Close for Heartofcourage)


mulier ignarus mihi
Aug 6, 2006
1809 Devon England

Hampton House

Joshua Abernathy looked at the large county house trying to mask the distain from his face, the building was well and worthy being one of the great homes of England, the rental of such no doubt beyond the expense to all but the most wealthy and if his father was anything he was wealthy.

The Abernathy fortune had been built greatly by his father who had inherited a small holding with Lloyds, a holding his very gifted grandfather had earnt over the course of his working live by being more right than wrong when it came to which ship to insure. Now his father owned over thirty merchantmen aided by extensive associations so that fully half of all the trade between Britain and the
Canadas fell under his control, but the real wealth would come when the trade ties he had with the America's finally reaped fruition, the colonialists had won their little rebellion but still made noises that suggested they looked upon the Canadas as their natural lands, the smart men amongst the Americans knew the truth of their position , when the fire brands lost influence the Abernathy name would be the foremost to profit.

No Joshua was in a foul mood because this was to be the site of his marriage to the Lady of Devon, the Duke of Devon's daughter on the surface this was a match he could only dream of, a commoner marrying into the house of one of the most influenced nobles but there were many things wrong with the marriage, for starters the woman already had a son, a son who would inherit the title of Duke while any son he had with her would at best claim a lesser title that would be a pale reflection of the inheritance of the womans eldest boy, and of course she was old so very old , near 26 and while his father had assured him that she retained the beauty that many said was unrivalled in the Kingdom and his soon to be father in law had assured that the Lady was while likely to offer opinion she would bend to her husbands will as all wifes should, didn’t change the fact that her age was a back handed insult for him to be tied to such a woman.

But even that was not the cause of his displeasure, it was her choice of her first husband, the man had died in a brothel with women who serviced the most base of men and the rumours that had reached Joshua's ears did not reflect well upon his wife for at the very least she had to know of her husbands tastes and thus one had to ask what of his soon to be brides tastes in the bedroom.

He had been with high class whores in order to learn how to understand what gave him pleasure and it was his wifes duty to learn what satisfied him and provide such comforts, but while he expected his wife to have some skill he didn’t want to marry a whore and then there was the issue of disease her husband could not have been clean ..so how clean was she?

“Joshua” his fathers voice broke the young mans reflection “its your wedding man not your funeral, I expect you to greet the lady so that she is encouraged that you will be a good husband “ Joshua got off his horse and handed the reins to a stable boy.

“We have had this discussion father, I shall marry the woman , help her father make the most of the estate and give you grandsons who will become titled, but expect me to love this woman when there is nothing of her that appeals”

“She is truly beautiful and I find her to be …”

“Yes Father I have heard this as well , I best change, I daresay my bride will be here shortly”

Tobias watched his youngest son enter the residence he had rented for the summer he sighed, his son was normally better mannered, the brightest of his sons and despite a life of luxury the young lad was not afraid to work long hours doing the most menial of tasks but this wedding was bringing the worst of his son to the fore, he too had heard the rumours of the Lady’s husband , but unlike his son Tobias knew that many men keep their base desires from their wifes. Tobias looked out at the distant hills somewhere out there the Duke and his daughter and her children were on their way , the wedding was two days hence and inside an hour his son would met his wife for the first time, he hoped his son could at least be courteous they were still dealing with nobility and he needed this marriage to happen, otherwise certain doors to opportunity would remain closed


Joshua Abernathy
Age 18(just)
Black hair blue eyes
Slim around the hips with a mans upper body thanks to hours of physical work
Graduate of Eton Joshua is a skilled businessman and has a confident nature
An expert horseman and a very good shot Joshua had plans to join the Army until his father arranged this marriage.

At his heart he is a good person but is not pleased with this match and when something does not please him he is want to show his displeasure
Grace felt as if she were heading towards her execution as the carriage rattled down the narrow country lane. Danny was babbling happily with her father, dressed in a new suit. It was his first big boy outfit and she had never seen the carrot topped little boy so happy in his life. For him it was a celebration. For her…well, she supposed time would tell.

She glanced out over the countryside as she held her baby, Anna Sophia, tightly to her chest. The little cherub was sound asleep, her bowed pink lips pursed sweetly and her golden blonde hair softly pressing against her arm. When she looked at Anna Sophia, she saw her dead husband and it made her heart clenched painfully at the memories.

She had fallen for the dashing young captain the first moment she saw him. Daniel was strong, handsome, charming, and kind. The had married shortly after she turned twenty. He was almost ten years older than her, more worldly. He taught her what it meant to be a woman and she shortly found herself expecting Danny.

Daniel had lost interest in her after that pregnancy. He would be gone from home more often, out later at night carousing with his friends. It had made Grace feel ugly and unloved but she had kept her tongue and taken care of their son, throwing all of her energy into the charming little boy.

Little did she know that her husband had a dark side. He was a gambler, a cheat, and when she had heard that he’d died in a brothel, she didn’t think that she’d ever live down the shame. Then came the news that his debts were enormous. She had never felt so lost in her life. Her father had tried to make things right for his only child, but it seemed that the debt was far too great to overcome. She would not allow him to become destitute simply because of his son-in-law’s folly.

Then her father had suggested the marriage between herself and the young son of Mr. Tobias Abernathy. The young man had just turned 18 and she knew that the family had the money that it would take to clear her debts. She felt bad that the man would be forced into a marriage of duty but it seemed that the match had been made in the matter of a week.

So, Grace found herself staring at the growing form of Hampton House as the carriage grew closer. She wondered what Joshua would think of her. She was still a beauty with dark red hair and clear ivory skin. Her green eyes still sparkled despite the sadness they carried. Her figure was still trim even after two children.

Her pale lavender gown was stylish and new, a gift from her father for her marriage. A dark purple ribbon encircled her waist, making it seem impossibly small despite the larger bust she currently had. She had Anna Sophia to thank for that she supposed. The little girl was still nursing, although that would soon stop she knew.

As the carriage turned down the lane that led to Hampton House, she turned her gaze towards her son who was excitedly trying to contain himself.

“Daniel, you are expected to be on your best behavior. Your grandfather bought you those big boy clothes so now you’re suppose to act like a little man.” He nodded and promised that he would. Grace smiled as the carriage came to a halt in front of the grand home and the door was opened.

A footman offered her his hand and she carefully moved Anna Sophia to her shoulder and carried the toddler as she stepped from the carriage. Danny soon bounded out followed by her father. She saw Mr. Abernathy standing there to greet them and she smiled and curtsied towards him.

“Mr. Abernathy, I’d like you to meet my son, Daniel. And this is my daughter, Anna Sophia.” Anna Sophia was still sound asleep, oblivious to her surroundings as Danny did his best to charm the man that would be his new grandfather.

Grace Spencer-McCullough, Lady Devon
Age 26
Dark red hair, green eyes
Slim figure with flared hips and a modest chest
Fashionable lady who is soft spoken but very intelligent
Two children: Daniel, 5, and Anna Sophia, 1.
Widowed for almost 6 months. Former husband Captain Daniel McCullough.
Tobias smiled at Lady Devon, if he hadn't been devoted to his own wife , who was currently unwell after the trip from London then Tobias would have wanted the Lady for himself...she simply shone.

He knew his youngest son was not happy with this match but he hoped that upon seeing his bride the boy would at some base level soften his stance...and harden something else, Tobias added to himself.

He smiled once more at the young son of his future daughter-in -law, Tobias was a ruthless businessman and every move always had at its core plans to improve his position and yet family was the most important part of the near 60 year old mans life and in a few days this young boy and baby girl would become part of his family , he would expect his son to treat them in the right way.

"I'm am sorry my good lady wife is unable to greet you , unfortunately the trip from London took its toll, but I am assured that she will be able to attend the evening meal" with that Tobias lead his guests into the House proper.

It had been build barely twenty years earlier, foer considerable cost, Tobias knew that because the rental of this home for the six months was excessive and yet it was a home prefectly situated, Tobias lead them to a large room with French windows allowing just enough light to enter without it being too unbearable to any delicate eyes, several fine furnishings populated the room and a Piano sat nearone corner, his eldest son's wife was a wonderful pianist , their was little talent amongst the rest of the family.

"Joshua shouldn't be too long, he had just returned form ridding no doubt to aquaint himself with the wider property" his other son's and their familes would arrive in the morrow, all his daughter in laws were beauties but as he looked once again at Lady Devon he knew none matched her.

Joshua reached the door took a deep breath and removed the frown from his face, a servant opened the door and Joshua strode in, he was wearing the latest in mens fashion a dark blue coat over a tan waistcoat and high collar , he hated cravats that seemed to be all the rage and so used a simply high tie, he wore tan pants and black shoes, in truth Jopshua had to get his clothes made especially for his size from the waist down he was lean but his upper body was build on hundreds of hours working at his fathers stores , his father believed that while he may have been born of privledge there were still things that had to be earnt.

Joshua's dark hair seemed to flop along each side of his face from a center parting and then the hair flicked over his ears, his face was considered pleasing and he had what many regarded as penetrating eyes.

Those eyes starred in wonder as his gaze met the Lady of Devon...she was stunning a beauty beyond and for a time all his doubts about her were pushed aside.

His father introduced him first to his future father in law, the hand shake while firm seemed friendly enough but as Joshua rose his body from his small bow he saw concern even fear, no wonder just over a week ago the man was facing the ruination of his entire family or the prospect of his daughter in debtors jail for years, now the future held promise as long as an eighteen boy didn't reject his future wife. Joshua noted the mans reaction amd realised the full extend of the power he held.....the Lady of Devon WOULD please him whether she be deviant whore as her first husband had a taste or loving obediant wife.

Then he was introduced to the Lady herself, Joshua bowed , she was nobility, took her offered hand and gentle kissed her gloved hand. "My Lady it is a pleasure to finally met you, father has spoken fondly of you and I have been eager for this meeting"

Joshua looked at her , she didn't seem like a deviant or a woman who would knowingly marry one but he would fine out soon enough "These must be your two children Daniel" he smiled at the young boy" Anna Sophia..." he added with a smile at the baby, before crouching down ot the young boys level and offer his hand " It is a pleasure to met you Daniel"...Daniel the future Duke he was securing that future for the boy and none of his son's would be a duke...father could have found a better match if the man wanted titles in the family, but he kept that concern form his face and waited for the boy to respond to his offered hand.

Soon enough this meeting would end then everyone would retire to their apartments in readiness for dinner...it was all so civil.
“I am very sorry to hear about Mrs. Abernathy’s illness. I do hope that she recovers quickly.” Grace was quick to say as Mr. Abernathy explained his wife’s illness.

Grace knew of women in the nobility that fainted frequently or feigned illnesses, but she’d never been one of them. She had never been ill and had been blessed with a strong disposition. The only length of time that she’d spent in bed was when her children were born.

She was impressed with the interior of Hampton House and she dutifully listened as Mr. Abernathy showed her family around. Anna Sophia awoke through the tour and began to squirm, her arms reaching out for her grandfather. He doted on her and Grace was more than happy to let her daughter go to him. She was content in his arms, sucking on her thumb as the tour led into a large room at the back of the home.

“This is a lovely home.” Grace said as she glanced over the furnishings. “Oh, and a piano. I love the piano.” She said with a wide smile towards the man that would very soon be her father-in-law. Small talk with him was easy and he was a kind man. She could only hope that her new husband was the same.

Her eyes turned towards the door as it opened and in strong Joshua Abernathy. He was strikingly handsome in his newly tailored clothing. His broad shoulder filled the room and his narrow hips drew the eye until a touch of blush was upon her cheeks. He had a boyish face, but one that was handsome and full of youth. It made a smile tug on the corner of her lips as she extended her hand towards him and felt his warm lips pressing against the gloved back.

“It is a pleasure to finally meet you as well.” She said diplomatically as he looked up at her. Their eyes met and she felt…a spark? It was better than nothing at all, she supposed. It wasn’t the breathlessness that she’d felt the first time she’d seen Daniel, but Joshua was comely enough.

Grace was impressed that he knew her children’s names. Daniel beamed from ear to ear as his hand was shook like a man would and Anna Sophia hid her face against her grandfather’s shoulder. She was a shy child, but sweet tempered.

“Daniel, what do you say?” Grace asked as Danny looked at her and then back at the man that would be his new father.

“It is good to meet you, Mr. Abernathy.” He said in carefully chosen words, his childlike voice high and squeaky as he squirmed nervously.

The two older men talked between themselves before it was suggested that they retire before dinner. It seemed too clinical and civil, she thought to herself as she watched Joshua from her seat beside her father. She was fighting for her courage and she found it as all the men stood.

“Father, might I ask that you watch the children for a while? I would like to speak with Joshua…in private. Perhaps we might stroll around the garden.” She said, turning to look at her betrothed with an expectant look.
Joshua looked at his future wife, she was quite bold to ask such a thing and he wondered if such boldness leaned itself to his fear that she either actively involved herself in her husbands lifestyle choices or approved of them. If this was found to be correct he would treat her as a whore if so was so inclined.

For a moment he hesitated by rights such a walk was an expected request with family walking some paces behind to ensure the right mix of privacy while ensuring nothing untoward occurred, to have only met and want complete privacy...well he knew his mother would have objected

"It would be an honour...Grace" both fthers seemed alittle unsure but neither could deny their offspring...for differing reasons of course , Lord Devon loved his daughter above all else , while Tobias Abernathy wanted to ensure his son's seemingly pleasent mood, the old man had no doubt the objections to this match still lay close to the surface but wanted to give his son no excuse to voice them until he was married.

This marriage had to happen for the good of both houses.

The owner of this house had lavishly spend a fortune of these gardens , they were considered the best in the county of Devon even outshining the Dukes own private garden, if the information his father had schooled him on was correct. Of course that ould all change once Joshua took control of the management of the estates , that had been one of the conditions for the bailout along with continued funding to ensure the long term wealth of the Duchy.

Lavish garden beds alive with bright colours and the sound of bees greeted them as the couple exited the house, the day was over half done and the air was warm in the mid afternoon sun. In the near distance a river cut along the gardens and several bridges allowed passage to the additional gardens and small hideaways that reached out as far as the eye could see. To their immediate left a maze quite popular amongst the gentry and their ladies it would be completely inapproiate for them to enter the maze unescorted prior to their wedding.

Joshua took his ladies had and placed it in the crock of his elbow, his eyes wondered her body for the briefest of moments, she was truely beyond stunning, if only she had been young and her reputation untouched by her first husbands deviancy he would have been head over heels in love.

They walked slowly along the pavement bording a giant garden bed , ahead was the maze while the pavement turned around the garden bed and into the garden proper, he would allow her to decide which was they would walk.

He wasn't skilled at small talk he truly never knew what to say and he'd never 'walked' with a lady before so when he spoke he simply said "You wished to speak to me in private Grace , am I to believe you have concerns"... because I have more than enough of them as it is , he didn't add.
The gardens of the estate were beautiful this time of year. Grace took in the sights and smells as she walked with Joshua. She was surprised when he took her hand and placed it in the crook of his elbow, his eyes surveying her body briefly as they walked. She shivered under his intense gaze, her palms turning sweaty with nerves beneath her gloves.

“It’s very strange, sir, this betrothal.” She admitted as he asked her what she wished to speak about. “I don’t mean that I have any concerns with you, Joshua, but my husband is so recently dead and I am suddenly being thrust into a marriage. I know nothing of you. I know not of your likes or dislikes. Does it bother you that I have small children? I mean you’re so young yourself.”

She bit her lip as she mentioned his youth. She didn’t feel old at 26, but she knew that a young man such as Joshua probably hadn’t had the chance to sew his wild oats. It was a hard lesson that she learned with her husband. She had the hope that perhaps this time around her marriage would be happy, fruitful, and faithful.

“I meant no disrespect by my comment, sir. I’m simply worried that this match might not work.” It didn’t matter that she might end up in a debtor’s prison and her children placed in an orphanage. She didn’t want this young man to be sucked into her world of darkness.
Joshua didn't speak for several moments trying to order his thoughts in response to his wife to be, he knew the reasons why his father insisted upon a marriage th man wasn't just looking to advance his business interests over the short term , no his father was planning two or three generations in advance.

They reached the end of one flower bed ,so near the maze, Joshua had intended to let Grace decide their immediate destination but at the last Joshua guided his lady along the graden path that lead into the rest of the grounds.

"I heard no disrespect my lady, you are right to worry about what sort of man you are to marry , what sort of husband I shall be and whether I will be a good father to not only your children but our children" he paused and looked at the beauty next to him " In truth I can not tell you, but I would hope that I would continue to be my father's son, he adores my mother and I suspect that he is in love with her as much as ever and while I will not fill the air with falsehoods and speak of my undering love for you having only just met, I trust love will come and if by sad chance it does not then I have faith that we will be happy with each other "

Joshua glanced as they passed by a bed of roses, white ones...Yorkshire, he would speak with the head groundsmen and get them moved to another part of the gardens to be replaced with Red roses, he may have been London born and bred but the father was from Lancashire and even something as simple as roses mattered.

" As for your children , it does not bother me, would I prefer to be the natural father of all your children, in truth yes, but it will not vary how I will treat Daniel or Anna Sophia over any children we have, I will have the same expectation and hopes for all the children. I would make one request of you with respect to Daniel and that is once we are married he is to call me father, I know this may cause some confusion for the boy but I trust you will encourage him, I daresay that Anna Sophia will naturally regard me as father" Joshua looked at Grace " I do not mean to remove your first husband from their lives , what you tell the children of him and when I leave to you, I think it is a little thing I ask of the two young ones to be called father."

They reached a garden chair and Joshua guided Grace to it, once she was seated he sat next to her "I am a man of many tastes, I enjoy riding and hunting, reading the works of the bard , I am an avid reader of histories however I must admit that I have less skill in randon conversation and dispite my mothers finest efforts I have not taken to the Ballet or Opera" Joshua added with a smile.

Then the smile dropped "There is for me one concern and I'm afraid I must ask after it, My Lady I shall defend your honour against any her besmirch it as a husband should but I must know the full truth, I know the unhappy circumstances of your first husbands passing, his money issues aside he made choices that I would otherwise not talk of but if we are to marry I must know , how much if any of his behaviours were you aware of or suspected, I will not judge you and this marriage is safe regardless of the answer but if this is not to be an issue that causes our marriage distress I must now"

Are you a whore or an overly trusting woman , he did not add. Not that Joshua was completely of pure heart he did have one vice that he'd learnt thanks to the whores his father had supplied him, he loved more than one woman at a time getting his wife to accept this would be difficult if she was no whore.
“I do not expect love, sir.” Grace said quickly to his words, her eyes turning towards his as they walked past rows of rose bushes. “Never shall I expect love. I am not a naïve girl any longer. I do wish to be your friend, Joshua. In fact it is one of my most ardent wishes.”

Grace sighed softly, listening to him speak. He might have been young, but he had a good head on his shoulders. It was a testiment to the family that surrounded him. She was glad that her husband to be was not a cruel man and neither would his family abandon her. She had prayed long hours over their upcoming wedding and it seemed that some of her prayers were being answered.

“I shall talk with Danny about your request. You are right, it will be hard for him, but I will try my hardest to have him refer to you as father.” She consented to his request, a lock of her hair blowing across her face as a soft breeze picked up. She brushed it away with her gloved fingers, the thought of having children with the handsome man beside her made her stomach do a strange flip.

“Of course, Anna Sophia will only refer to you as father as she barely knew her own. I do fear that Danny might not take to the request, sir. He loved his father dearly and has fond memories of his time together. Daniel might not have been a faithful husband but he was a faithful father.”

Her confession made her shiver. She knew that Joshua had to know about the indiscretions that her husband had taken during his lifetime. It wasn’t a secret among the English elite that he had left her penniless and deeply mired in debt. The truth of his death was one that few people knew and it still caused an open wound to bleed upon her heart.

Grace gently took a seat on the garden chair, a smile on her face as Joshua began to describe his likes and dislikes. She laughed softly at his confession about not liking ballet or opera. “I detest the ballet and opera, sir.” She said with a charming laugh that matched the twinkling of a bell.

“Truly, sir, you have nothing to fear from me. I enjoy riding as well and reading. I have a fondness for music and the theatre…and my children of course. They are the very reason I breathe.” The air between them grew tense as he asked the questions that she did not want to discuss. She took a deep breath and steeled herself for the tale that she was about to tell him.

“Daniel…Daniel as unfaithful to me for as long as we were married. I was young and foolish when we were first wed and I wanted to believe the good in my husband. Danny came along so soon after the wedding that I didn’t have time to think about what my husband was doing…or who he was doing it with.”

“Daniel never openly flaunted his misdeeds before me. He did have…unusual appetites.” She squirmed in her seat when she thought about the sexual things he had done to her during the marriage and she blushed prettily under Joshua’s gaze. “Around the time I did begin to question him, I learned that I was carrying Anna Sophia and I found it better to not ask questions and simply focus on my children.”

“Joshua, I’m not a blushing bride. I have done…things…that some men might not find appealing. I can only promise you that I will be a faithful and good wife. I will bear you many children and I will keep your home in any manner that you see fit. I simply want a quiet life with a man that will treat me right.”

She reached across the space between them and placed her gloved hand upon his, giving him a small smile that told him that she wouldn’t scare easily.
Joshua klooked at the gloved hand and placed a hand over it " I thank you for your cander Grace I have no doubt it was a difficult request and I shall not bother you for more details until prehaps after our marriage when we may speak as husband and wife which I have no doubt is a more correct time for us to discuss such matters."

So she knew he cheated but simply accepted it , Joshua knew that his age counted against him in such adult matters but in truth her story seemed plausible ..women rightly did not question their husbands choices, what did intrigue Joshua was her answer regarding the man's appetites, had she been a willing partner or a subserviant wife he would find out soon enough. Still he wondered what they were...the two whores his father had engaged for his education had spoken of many perversions besides a man having two women which they insisted all men desired, they had spoken of women being with other women , women inserting all manner of objects inside their private area , taking a mans private part in a womans mouth amongst some truly sickening perversions. He would find out what his wife to be had experienced and any that appealed he would partake off himself.

"I shall always endeavour to be a good husband and father that much I can assure you " Joshua lifted Graces gloved hand to his lips and gently kissed her glove and as his eyes caught her eyes he felt, an excitment she may be old but she held the promise of a wife who would fulfil her duties in a way befitting of a proper wife and she truly was the most beautiful woman he had ever met and soon she would be his.

Placing her hand down he added "Grace I daresay we have much to find out about each other, I wish you to know that while I wish to be involved in our childrens lifes you will have my full support in how you decide to raise the children and manage our household, your father has ceded responsibilty to me with regards to the running of the Duchy's business interests, I would ask that you forgive me if I do not include your opinion when making business decisions, however in all other matters I will always welcome your opinion and advise and will take them into account when I make any decision"

Then a smile touched Joshua's face "I must say Grace and I say this with all sincerity .. I find you breath-taking you are truly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, I do hope and trustwe will be happy together dispite the speed of this match"

Joshua smiled and stood up aiding his soon to be lady wife to her feet " Would you like to further explore the gardens or shall we retire to the house " Joshua's smile broadened "I have no doubt my mother upon hearing we are in the gardens unescorted will be rapidly recovering from her exhaustive condition and berating my good father for allowing us this time alone"

The dinner planned tonight was fast approaching it would be just his parents , her father and themsleves and while his brothers and their wifes and children were staying at the house his father did not wish to vastly out number the Duke and Grace.

Which to Joshua's way of thinking was a releif his eldest brothers wife Emma had been acting rather strangely since he had turned eighteen and had been most distressed when his marriage was annouced, Emma had always been kind to him and while her beauty was no match for Grace's she normally made a room seem brighter when she entered it , Joshua had no idea why his sister in law was so upset .
Grace listened as Joshua lay out how their marriage would work. While she did not like the fact that she would not be able to give him her opinion in the management of their land, she could accept the fact that he would be her lord and she needed to obey him. She nodded her head and gave him a small smile.

“I would only wish that our children learn and grow and enjoy life. I do not believe in harsh punishment of a child and so far it has proven to be a good decision. Danny is a bright little boy that will give you much enjoyment. Anna Sophia is very shy, but I know she will warm up to you quickly.”

She blushed as he told her that he was the most beautiful woman that he’d ever seen. She smiled shyly and lowered her eyes from his as he stood and helped her to her feet. “Well, Joshua, I must say myself that you are very handsome. I have no doubts that you will be a very good husband to me.”

She couldn’t stifle the laugh that burst from her lips as he mentioned his mother’s recovery. She took his arm with a grin and motioned that they should probably return to the house. Their walk seemed to take longer this time, each enjoying the other’s company.

“Perhaps it would be alright if we had our wedding outdoors? This garden is so lovely and I could not think of a better place to do it.” She suggested as Joshua seemed lost in thought. She watched the way that his face grew serious and his lips puckered slightly. She found it charming, but she wondered what would cause him to have such serious thoughts.

As they approached the front door, she drew Joshua to a stop and faced him with a small smile. “I must ask you one thing, sir. I might have grown up in a formal household, but I detest formality. I would ask that you call me Gracie. It is…well, it’s a nickname from my childhood that I am very fond of.”
Victoria Abernathey walked steadily towards the doors, on the other side of the doors the Dule of Devon and his daughter Grace awaiting, dinner would be served in twenty minutes , just enough time for Victoria to have a chat with her newest daughter in law.

The doors wee opened by servants and Victoria and her husband walked in , she smiled as she saw her youngest son but her eyes were drawn to a beauty beyond words...the ladies reputation for beauty preceded her but in truth did her little justice, the truth was much much more than the rumour.

Introduction were made and Victoria quickly excused herself and Grace so that they could be seated. Victoria had beenn a beautiful woman in her youth and much of that beauty still remained, she was almost as tall as her husband and while her fashion sence was a yera or two outdated it was clear that the clothes she wore were of high quality as a lady of high means should have.

"Now my dear I really must give an apology for not greeting you upon your arrival earlier I'm afraid the trip from London took a lot out of me , quite a surprise really after raising four energentic son's I believed myself made of sterner stuff, now lets look at her " Victoria looked at Grace closely a smile in her face and eyes " My you really are an exceptional beauty" then she took one of Grace's hands in her own.

"I was sorry to hear of your loss, difficult circumstances or not you must have had many happy times with the Captian, regardless of what joys you have yet to experience you must rejoice in all the good you have felt do not let people sway you have that , not even my son." Victoria gave the Lady of Devon's hand a gentle squeeze.

Her eyes looked to her son "He is a sweet boy, he had a good heart ,he has however a strong need to prove himself, his brothers all run various parts of their fathers business interests and with a large degree of success I might add " Victoria said proudly"Joshua will strive to do the same" She continued to look at her son for several moments then returned her gaze to Grace.

"If I might part one peice of advise my dear, you need to guide him in all things, he will need you, need your strenght and intellect " Victoria smiled again "Yes I see a strong mind in your eyes that and a good heart, you must use both when you teach my son...a soft touch with your hand , lips or otherwise " her eyes shone cheekily "will sway him more than a firm tongue, he is still a boy , you will need to help him find the man inside"

A soft cough caught Victoria's attention, the butler had arrived , dinner was served , she looked back at Grace "When the boys were young all I needed to do was call out "Dinner' and the rush would knock me off my feet....I miss those days"
Grace had changed into a gown of pale blue for dinner. It was fashionable, worth more money then she’d spent in probably a year. Her father was spoiling her and the children and she worried that he was spending too much. Still, she wanted to make the best impression to the Abernathy family that she possibly could.

She and her father and Joshua were sitting in the parlor talking when his parents arrived downstairs for dinner. She was stunned at how lovely Mrs. Abernathy looked. She was older, most certainly, but she still looked as beautiful as she had in her youth. She accepted the woman’s invitation to speak and she soon found herself seated beside her, listening as she spoke.

“There’s no need to apologize, Mrs. Abernathy. I know how rough that ride from the city can be. I did not need a formal welcome.” Grace said with a slight smile as Victoria complimented her on her beauty. Grace blushed then, lowering her eyes. “Thank you, Mrs. Abernathy.”

She watched as the older woman took her hand, squeezing it as she talked about her loss. She was so weary of people bringing up the loss of Daniel. She’d had good times with him and a lot of bad. She was saddened but mostly for the loss of what her children had experienced. She felt a sense of relief at knowing that Daniel wouldn’t disappear at a moment’s notice any longer.

“Mrs. Abernathy, I will do my best to make sure that your son’s life is a happy one. I do not wish to cause problems or take him away from such a loving family.” She blushed deeply as Victoria mentioned swaying her son with a soft touch and lips. Could the woman really mean what she thought she meant?

At the call for dinner, she smiled as the older woman mentioned that she missed the way her sons would come rushing to the dinner table. “Then might I suggest you spend time with my son? Danny has a healthy appetite and a curious personality. I thought it best if he and my daughter spend this evening with a nanny to allow the adults to talk about subjects uninterrupted. You will love him, Mrs. Abernathy, and Anna Sophia.”
Emma Abernathy lay in her bed smiling at her sleeping husband next to her, he was the eldest brother and a good man at age twenty seven she had been married ten years, ten happy years..wel mostly happy years they had no children and that pained them both. Only her mother in law knew why, it had been the older woman who had a few weeks before her marriage informed Emma of her future husbands difficulty.

He not only had a tiny cock but he was near impossible to get hard , many of the family maids had tried without success.Emma had believed marriage would solve that issue, she had been wrong , in all there attempts at love making he had only entered her once, two weeks after their wedding night, he had gone soft as soon as he was inside her , they had never come close to fornication since.

Emma moved her hands down her nightdress, past still firm breasts, pulling the fabric so that her dress eventually exposed her sex, she moved her fingers to the wetness and her mind turned to Joshua. Several months ago her husband had agreed that she take a lover , a man who could give her a baby, but it had to be someone that would produce a child that could pass as his own, which meant his brothers.

All in there own way good men Edward was the next eldest, he had been married to Jane for seven years and they had a son a baby believed conceived on their wedding night, Edward liked men , it was a widely known secret, Jane lived with it because she had wealth and simply focused all her love on her son.

William was the third son at 23 he had finally married only last year , he'd been known to spend a fortune on whores and while he took his new wife Clara frequently the young girl barely 19 had been shocked at her husbands behaviour , he made her fornicate with at least two men before he would touch her at night ,and then after husband and wife fucked William would pay her...itb was sick and Emma refused to play at being a whore.

That left only Jacob, young Jacob , her husband Robert had insisted that she wait until he was eighteen but she had spent the last several months flirting with him....and then ...then he was being taken away form her and what was worse not only was his bride stunning she was so very nice the woman had been introduced to the rest of her new family after the quiet meal they had had earlier.

Emma slipped a finger inside her pussy and pretended it was Jacob, she like all her sister in laws were staying on in Hampton House for a month, Emma had no idea the other two had the same reason as her to stay......and that was to find a way to have Jacob's long hard cock inside them.

Jacob woke on the following morning a maisd broughtnin breakfast and he was half way thru his meal when another maid advised his bath would be ready shortly...and so his day began and by the end of it he would be married and a woman he only just met would be in this bed with him....thats when the first attack of nerves hit and he found himself unable to finsih his morning meal.
Grace woke the morning after the meal with Joshua’s parents with a heavy heart and a stomach that was quivering with nerves. As she dressed for the ceremony in a new gown of pale yellow, she thought about the course of events that lead her to this very moment. The loss of Daniel was still fresh on her mind. She didn’t want them to darken her day, but it seemed that they had cast a pall on a cheerful wedding day.

She was dressing her hair into the latest style when Danny came bursting into the room. She smiled at her sunny little boy as he hugged her around the waist and babbled on about what he and his grandfather had done that morning. She listened quietly, a smile on her face as her young son innocently brightened her day.

“Well, it seems that you’ve had an exciting day so far!” Grace exclaimed, stroking his soft cheek as he smiled up at her brightly. “And it will only be more exciting as it goes on.”

“I do have something to talk to you about, Danny.” She said softly, turning towards her son as he looked up at her with confusion written on his face. “Joshua has asked that you call him Papa. It doesn’t mean that you have to forget about you real Papa, but he would like you to think of him as your father.”

Danny looked utterly confused, his baby soft face furrowed with concern as she leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I know it’s confusing, Danny, but it will make sense in the long run. Can you do that for me?”

Danny nodded solemnly, still confused. She kissed him once more before shooing him off so she could finish dressing. Her mother’s pearls around her neck finished her ensemble and she was soon ready to meet her fate, no matter what it might be.

Grace met Danny and her father at the head of the stairs. Gathering Anna Sophia from a serving maid, she held her daughter in her arms as she lead them all downstairs to the gathering family. She had met all of Joshua’s brothers and sister-in-laws the night before briefly. They seemed like a very happy group of people, but there was something that struck her as odd about them. It was something that she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

“Good morning, Mrs. Abernathey.” Grace greeted Victoria with a smile, Anna Sophia playing with the pearls around her mother’s throat. “I trust that you slept well last night. It seems that we will have a beautiful day for a wedding.” She said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible.
The wedding was held in a the small chapel in the property, the Bishop of Devon was unwell and unable to perform the ceremony so it was left to the local pastor to conduct the wedding.

Dispite the short notice and this being Grace's second wedding it was still a wedding between the daughter of the Duke of Devon and the son of one of the most influental and richest men in Britian, if not the world.

The only real drama during the wedding occurred when the pastor asked Grace if she would , love honour and obey her husband, normally a non issue between man and woman because it was a womans place to obey her husbands will , else the family would not fuction, but Grace was nobility related by blood to the King, while Jacob was a commoner and merely a boy, ever since the revolution in France , nobility had been nervy around having to obey common folk.

Still the words came and were said without issue.

And then the kiss , there first, it was functional and within the realms of decorum but as their lips parted Jacob looked at his wife and smiled , he was already eager for the next kiss and all that would come this night.

The reception was help outside , the memu fine and extensive and Jacob could not help but stare at his wife with every opportunity she was a vision, stunning and beautiful a fact Jacob stated to her several times.

Just as Jacob stared at Gracie, so three women stared at Jacob each lost in their own thoughts, each feeling doomed by their circumstance.
Grace played her part in the wedding dutifully, repeating the lines that the pastor bade her to say. It didn’t bother her at all that she had promised to obey her husband’s will. She might have been a higher nobility than her new husband, but she was a proper lady and one that would bend to his discretion in all things to do with their marriage.

Their first kiss was most satisfactory. It was a brief press of their lips, but she knew that it held the promise of so much more. The way that her husband looked at her made her flush and she smiled at him in a pretty way that told him that she was looking forward to many more. She hoped that their marriage of duty would bloom into love and she knew that they were well on their way to accomplishing that.

The reception outside was very nice in the sunny weather. The menu went far beyond her expectations and it seemed that her new father-in-law was flexing his wealth for the nobility to see. She could see her father dreaming of many partnerships and deals in the future and she hoped that he would be happy with the match that he had struck between himself and the Abernathy family.

Jacob was staring at her and she couldn’t help but look at him and blush, a smile on her face as she dared to place her hand over her new husband’s, squeezing it with familiarity. She wanted to kiss him, to show him that he meant something to her, but she knew that they had appearances to keep up.

“It seems that we have made a good match, sir.” She said softly, a private moment shared between them as their families talked and made merry. Anna Sophia had Mrs. Abernathy wrapped around her finger already, the charming little girl cooing and laughing as the older woman held her. Danny held his own with his new grandfather and it seemed that everything was settling into a nice little package.
The dance held after the food was again well attended and quite a stunning affair despite the urgency with which it had been organised, the bride and groom of course danced the first dance, Jacob managed to stay on his feet but it was clear practice would be required.

Each of Jacob three sister in laws had quietly retired to their rooms feeling unwell, thou devastated was a more apt term.

In truth it was the discreet retirement of the newly weds that the dance masked, Gracie left first to give herslef time to prepare for her husbands arrival and with thirty minutes passed his new wifes departure Jacob was directed my his father to see to his wife's various comforts, the dance would carry on past mid night and in many rooms inside the house and in many a discreet place outside the house fornication could be found in abundance , but all this was not on the midn of Jacob as he opened his bedroom door to find Gracie, she was prepared for him ...Jacob suddenly realised he was far from prepared for her.

His discreet attempt to remove his clothing turned into a fumbling bumbling effort as he tried to stare at his wife and soak in her incredible beauty and not embarrass himself with his sudden lack of skill in undressing himself and an overabundance of nerves.
Grace had surprisingly had a pleasant time at the dance held after their wedding dinner. She tried her hardest to stop her giggles as her husband clumsily danced with her. He was sweet and would certainly need practice, but it was honorable and made her smile on a day when she would have felt so much dread.

She knew that the time would come that she would have to retire to her wedding bed. She was as nervous as she had been on her first night with Daniel. Would they be compatible? Would Jacob be kind? It was a guessing game that she hoped would all turn up with the right answers.

She left the children with a nanny that night, kissing both Danny and Anna Sophia good night before she slipped into Jacob’s room to dress for their evening. She slid into a delicate white night gown, one that was frilled with lace but made of thin muslin. Her father had purchased her all new clothing for the occasion and she still blushed to think of the seamstress suggesting the gown to seduce her new husband.

She left her hair down, a soft cloud that fell about her body as she took time to arrange herself in a becoming position upon the bed. Then she waited, her heart thudding in her chest as the door opened and there was her new husband. She smiled at him as he started to remove his clothing, fumbling as he suddenly seemed nervous.

“Would you like some help, Jacob?” She asked as she slipped off the bed and stood in front of him with a small smile on her face. She reached for the ties of his shirt, pushing it off his broad shoulders and found herself staring for a long moment. “You’re very handsome.” She said softly.
Jacob smiled and said a quiet "thanks" in truth he was awestruck not just by her beauty whcih had been self evident from the moment he set eyes upon her but now in this room with a bed so close, her night gown seemed to speak clearly of the night ahead, a night where he would enter her as her husband , as was his right.

Yet more than that it spoke of his own desires and very base desires at that, he felt a familiar hardening as she continued to disrobe him, when she lossening the bindings of his pants it revealed his undergarment. Jacob smiled andhis hands became sure, instead of now changing into a nightshirt as decorum would suggest Jacob pushed his breeches down releasing his erect cock, the whores his father had sent him to had complimented him on his size , he was not so naive as to believe that they did not say that often, but he had oft times watched the servants fornicate and his erection compared favourable to many of the men.

His hands now moved to Gracies hips and he pushed the fabric of her night dress up so that her sex was revealed "I would have you now my darling wife" with that his hands moved to behind her thighs and he lifted her from the floor carrying her to the bed.

The whores had taught him how to pleasure a woman and as this night progressed he would give his wife the benefits of those lessons but right here and now he was an eager young man wanting only to fuck one of the most beautiful woman in the Empire, his wife and soon enough all of her most base secrets he would know , he would find out what her first husband would make her do and if any of it appealled he would demand the same consideration.

As he placed her upon the bed her pushed her legs apart and guided his member to her hole, the whores had said women enjoyed being touched before fucking, that may be butb a womans role was to satisfy her husband and be happy with whatever he desired and so this first coupling would be raw and a reflection of his need.
Grace’s gaze followed her husband’s hands as he pushed his breeches down. Her eyes went wide as she caught sight of the sizable erection that he had and her cheeks bloomed crimson as she tore her eyes from his appendage to her husband’s face. Daniel had been a large man, but Jacob made him seem miniscule.

“Oh, my. Jacob…” She started to say, her mouth agape as she felt his hands move to her hips, pulling the night gown up until her sex was exposed. She squirmed as his eyes moved to the soft tuft of red hair that guarded her entrance and he seemed pleased with what he saw.

She gasped as his hands cupped her thighs and lifted her into his embrace. She clung to him as he walked them towards the bed and she was soon placed upon the soft surface, looking up at the man that would claim her as his wife that evening. Her heart was racing with the uncertainty of the entire situation, but she also had to admit that she was attracted to him.

Her legs were pushed apart, his member prodding against her entrance. She squirmed beneath him, whimpering as he looked down at her with such a lustful gaze. Was she read for this? She didn’t know, but it seemed that she wouldn’t get the chance to protest. It was his right to take her and sire an heir was soon as possible. She had proven fertile with two children already. She wondered if he saw all of that when he looked down upon her womanhood so intently.
Jacob pushed his hips forward and his manhood entered his new wife, to Jacob this was one of his favourite moments when fornicating, it was the moment of conquest, he was here in this woman as of right and she had not and could no longer dispute it, he could now take her at anytime.

He pushed deeper into her hut that hole, the whores had been wet when ever he entered them but they had warned that some women would get wet as fucking proceded, he pushed further and began to feel real resistance as his cock pushed apart the walls of her hole, a smile touched his face her first husband had obviously never been that deep in her.

Then his full member entered her and there bodies slapped together, it didn't take long for the slapping to sound like one long sound as Jacob devoted his considerable energy into his thrusting his cock into his wifes body soon enough he would release his seed for the first time this night the more he released the more likely she would become pregnant and the sooner that happened the sooner his parents would be pleased.

He had no idea that he was central to three other women's plans for pregnancy. One woman slept on her own, her husband with a stable boy, one cried with her loving and inadequate husband next to her and one was being fucked the cooks boy while her husband urged the young man on while calling his wife a whore.
Grace panted in hot, primal need as Jacob pushed forward into her body. She moaned, her lips parting as his thick member stretched her body in a way that she’d never been stretched by a man before. She watched the intense look upon his face as he conquered her body, used her as was his right as her husband, and she shivered with the realization that she was his and only his.

“Oh…God!” She cried out, her nails scoring down his arms as she clung to his body while he slowly sank into her. Her thighs parted more to the side, allowing him the room that he needed and she nibbled on her bottom lip as a smug smile appeared on his handsome face.

“Slow. Please, slow.” She whimpered as he was finally seated within her, his member hard and searing in her wet flesh as he hardly heeded her words and started to rock in rhythm that was as ancient as time.

The lewd sound of their bodies slapping together filled the air of his chambers, the wet sounds of her womanhood making a blush come to her cheeks as he thrust deeply into her. He didn’t kiss her, he didn’t express his love, no tonight was about duty. He would claim her body, make it his, and maybe love would be an after thought.

Her husband seemed so serious above her, his handsome face screwed tightly as he took his pleasure. She whimpered and panted as she reached out to touch his face, intent on drawing some sort of passionate intimacy from him that had been missing from her first marriage.

She drew her fingers across his lips, her eyes locking on his as she felt his thrusting slow just a slight bit. She gave him a smile that was both sincere and seductive. At least she hoped that it was seductive. “You have not even seen all of your wife, dear husband. Would you finish our first coupling so fast?”