shy slave

Literotica Guru
Jan 2, 2004
I miss it.

I miss the headspace and the fun.

I don't miss the crap that goes with it though.

Just sayin'
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I miss it.

I miss the headspace and the fun.

I don't miss the crap that goes with it though.

Just sayin'

Oh Shy!!!! :rose::rose::rose:

Miss you terribly, and ye.gods. do I hear ya. I mean, technically, my relationship is still D/s, power based, yadayadayada, but yea... there are moments I miss certain things I decided to let go of [a long time ago].

Please stick around a bit? :heart:
Hi CM :)

I wander through from time to time, but it seems the conversations change very little - newbies asking advice on 'how to make my vanilla man a Dom' or 'When/How did you discover who you are.' Then there are the trolls, which have become less inventive and more sexual, where is the fun in baiting those?

I have not been in a Ds relationship for over a year, the last person turned out to be a liar from start to finish; which makes one jaded at best. Now dating a decent vanilla man, who is curious but is far from a Dom.

Coming here makes me miss it all the more, but I really really don't want the hassle that comes with Dom men.

Typical female, never happy lol

Glad you are still hanging in there and in a relationship too. Proof that things come right sometimes, even if it does mean giving up some things :kiss:
I miss it.

I miss the headspace and the fun.

I don't miss the crap that goes with it though.

Just sayin'

When it works, nothing is more fulfilling. When it doesn't, nothing is more painful. It is so difficult to find the right One. Even more so than being the right One, as we are the more flexible. I still have hope...:rose:

Oh Miss Rebecca where have you been hiding?!

*Returns the licks*

This calls for dancing bananas


Welllllllllll Beautiful, I'm a filthy self employed workaholic capitalist. Resultant of that fact did my 'sea change' moved to paradise after years of whoring my artistic abilities for all and sundry. Bought a superb shack right on the Coral Sea in the Whitsunday Region of the Great Barrier Reef. Still working of course, that won't change while I draw breath.

Going to be rather indelicate and say "fuck I miss you".

Miss quite a few of the good folk of Lit in fact just can't afford my time here to be habitual any longer.

Going to shoot you a PM, perhaps a phone call ?
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You're not alone in this. :rose:

When it works, nothing is more fulfilling. When it doesn't, nothing is more painful. It is so difficult to find the right One. Even more so than being the right One, as we are the more flexible. I still have hope...:rose:

Hi BB :) Glad you are still here.

I agree with you LTL, when it works it is fabulous, but when it doesn't it is awkward at best. I am glad someone hasn't given up hope :)
Welllllllllll Beautiful, I'm a filthy self employed workaholic capitalist. Resultant of that fact did my 'sea change' moved to paradise after years of whoring my artistic abilities for all and sundry. Bought a superb shack right on the Coral Sea in the Whitsunday Region of the Great Barrier Reef. Still working of course, that won't change while I draw breath.

Going to be rather indelicate and say "fuck I miss you".

Miss quite a few of the good folk of Lit in fact just can't afford my time here to be habitual any longer.

Going to shoot you a PM, perhaps a phone call ?

A PM, phone call, psychic telepathic messaging - whatever works :)

'Fuck' I have missed you too :)

You moved to paradise? wow! I like the sound of that, although I have my doubts that is really a shack lol :kiss:

*pounces the shy* :cathappy:

*Pounces right back*

Missed you too Wenchie, when are you next heading for the emerald isle? :cattail:
A PM, phone call, psychic telepathic messaging - whatever works :)

'Fuck' I have missed you too :)

You moved to paradise? wow! I like the sound of that, although I have my doubts that is really a shack lol :kiss:

*Pounces right back*

Missed you too Wenchie, when are you next heading for the emerald isle? :cattail:

It's a bit up in the air at the moment. I have to plan around my school schedule, which puts breaks in times that are either bad timing for having extra cash, or bad timing for spending it (summer rates are such a bitch). I'm considering spring. The problem is, he's now taking classes too so our schedules are even harder to mesh together.

I am seriously considering taking a trip to England on my ownsome though. There is so much I want to see in London that will bore the crap out of most people I know, and I think I'm at a point in my life when I could do something like that and not be upset that I'm doing it alone.

And if I'm that close, a night or two in Dublin wouldn't be too unreasonable. The excuse, "I was in the neighborhood" would at least be some what viable. ;)
It's a bit up in the air at the moment. I have to plan around my school schedule, which puts breaks in times that are either bad timing for having extra cash, or bad timing for spending it (summer rates are such a bitch). I'm considering spring. The problem is, he's now taking classes too so our schedules are even harder to mesh together.

I am seriously considering taking a trip to England on my ownsome though. There is so much I want to see in London that will bore the crap out of most people I know, and I think I'm at a point in my life when I could do something like that and not be upset that I'm doing it alone.

And if I'm that close, a night or two in Dublin wouldn't be too unreasonable. The excuse, "I was in the neighborhood" would at least be some what viable. ;)

Well..... yes.... 'in the neighbourhood' is reasonable from England compared to the US :)

If you do decide to hot foot it to England (or Scotland or Wales) let me know I would be happy to meet you. London has some great places but the UK is full of strange/weird/wonderful places to see.

Do you still make costumes and go to Ren fairs? If so it is a few hours from London but Tintagel - King Arthurs Seat is a great place to see, very atmospheric. Not sure how popular actual Ren fairs are but we have loads of places that have that atmosphere. Scotland is choc full of them :)

But whenever, wherever, let me know! :kiss:
Well..... yes.... 'in the neighbourhood' is reasonable from England compared to the US :)

If you do decide to hot foot it to England (or Scotland or Wales) let me know I would be happy to meet you. London has some great places but the UK is full of strange/weird/wonderful places to see.

Do you still make costumes and go to Ren fairs? If so it is a few hours from London but Tintagel - King Arthurs Seat is a great place to see, very atmospheric. Not sure how popular actual Ren fairs are but we have loads of places that have that atmosphere. Scotland is choc full of them :)

But whenever, wherever, let me know! :kiss:

I have some research to do once I decide to do it. I'm going to be relying on public transit mostly when I do make that trip, which I will with in the next 3-5 years for sure. But I have very little experience with public transit, and if it is anything like Dublin, it will be a bit over whelming.

What I really want to see in London is the exhibit of Tudor clothing and such.

I did know that there are a few rennie type things in the area, which kind of surprised me, I think there is one fair but it only lasts two weeks and I don't remember where it is.

There's also a castle in France that does full armor jousts. That's on my bucket list too.