*drools, covets, desires, wants really really badly*


Dirty Pomegranate
May 7, 2002
Ok, I'm *so* not normally into jewelry, but I found this on a website and it grabbed me. The right view is of the back.


So, anyone wanna buy it for me? LOL
heheh! I'd just be careful of wearing it around hungry birds! *grins*

I showed the pendent to my hubby. *sigh* He gave me The Look™. :(
Nora said:
heheh! I'd just be careful of wearing it around hungry birds! *grins*

I showed the pendent to my hubby. *sigh* He gave me The Look™. :(

It's beautiful, Nora.. flash him the twins...*grin*
I would, Cleo, but The Twins® are no match for The Look™

it's ok...really. I'll just pine. *sniffles*
Nora said:
I would, Cleo, but The Twins® are no match for The Look™

it's ok...really. I'll just pine. *sniffles*

If you pine in that particularily noticable way, the big *sighs* whenever you happen to see it, he might relent. V-day *is* coming....
Cleo32 said:
If you pine in that particularily noticable way, the big *sighs* whenever you happen to see it, he might relent. V-day *is* coming....

That's the plan...but shhhhhh!!!!! Don't tell!! *grins*
It's beautiful, Nora. Almost as beautiful as you.

If you get it, can I borrow it?


We'd have fun being roommates.
heheheh! You know, I hadn't quite considered the whole clothes/jewelry sharing aspect. You're right, that would be FUN!

And anything of mine is yours, silly. You know that. :kiss:

Hey wait, what size shoes do you wear? LOL
Damn. 7-7 1/2. 8 for boots. *sigh* We just doubled our budget. ;)

S'okey, we'll save on clothes since you won't be wearing any. *smirks*
Tell you what. You buy me the necklace and I’ll get you the earrings.
J.B. said:
Tell you what. You buy me the necklace and I’ll get you the earrings.

lol I wish!

I've been looking at vintage jewelry all night. I think I could gain a serious appreciation for the sparkly stuff.
OMG, why did you do that to me? Now I'm drooling, coveting, desiring and wanting really, really badly!

ps, I'll go nakkie for you baby, but you may want me to wear some of my slutwear too. Just for fun.

I just ordered a pair of 6 inch red pumps from Fredericks. Oh, and a red corset to go with them :)
you tease. you brazen, cruel tease. *grins*

Ok, I would start wearing gold for this. Hell, I'd start wearing pins for this (i like tiny, boring jewelry):

Nora said:
lol I wish!

I've been looking at vintage jewelry all night. I think I could gain a serious appreciation for the sparkly stuff.
beautifull ain't it?
nonono! wait! one more! I can't ever imagine wearing this much jewelry at one time, but *drools* It's soooooo sparkleyyyyyy!

I have the perfect little mini dress that is right this instant screaming for me to buy that last set.

How much?