Drinking From a Fire Hose

Lots of ways to go about it:

1. Check the category top story lists. You’ll run into a lot of multi-chapter series, so I’ll usually jump from there to the author’s page and see what they have on offer. If I like a story from that author, I’ll often read more of what they put out.

2. Use story tags. You may have to try a few variants to find what you want, but you can find some very specific kinks if you want to.

3. Look through contest winners. You can find some really good stuff here that might, for whatever reason, not show up at the peak of the top lists.
I tend to use the search and random story features quite a lot, personally.

Additionally I've generally found that different categories have different levels of acceptability, so while a well-done story in, say Erotic Coupling or Exhibitionism might have a 4.5 average, one with many detractors like Wives or BDSM might find a similar quality story at 4 or below. As such, the 'threshold' I personally use varies wildly depending on where the story has been submitted.
... Or do you mean here in the Forums?

In the Forums, I've browsed through the various sub-forums and found things of interest. Once you've found a topic, you can choose to watch it at the top right (on a PC, mobile can be different). Alternately once you've posted in a thread you're interested in, you can find it again by clicking Forums -> Find Threads -> Threads with Your Posts.
If instead you started a new thread, use 'Your threads'
You can also search at the upper right by keyword etc.
Hope this helps some. It can get busy in here!
Depends on what you're looking for. Finding great stories is a bit of challenge because there's an almost overwhelming number of them, some of which are terrific and others, not so much. I second the suggestion to look at contest winners. I can attest that if you're into it, you will find a story about it somewhere on here: many writers on Lit specialize in niche categories.
If you mean discussions, you're gonna have to wade into the forums. I would suggest not starting with the general forum, because, again, it can be overwhelming for a newcomer.
If you mean links to videos, how-tos, and such, you're still gonna have to wade into the forums.
By and large, most folks here are pretty friendly. Some are insane, but ain't that the internet? :)
How do you find what you’re looking for here?
On the forum side, I browse the forums that I like. This one, BDSM, Fetish and SexualIty and a few more.

I usually look at just one page of responses from the bottom up. sometimes the forums are a little overwhelming.
On the forum side, I browse the forums that I like. This one, BDSM, Fetish and SexualIty and a few more.

I usually look at just one page of responses from the bottom up. sometimes the forums are a little overwhelming.

I started with the stories in literotica. Especially the living wives ones