Drinking Fridayyy


The Usual.
Feb 25, 2010
yesZIR... just opened up my 1st one of the day, nice an cold.

who else is drinking or going out tonight??

i might go out, not sure.. i need a babysitter before i make any plans.

i'm stuck wit the kids.
yesZIR... just opened up my 1st one of the day, nice an cold.

who else is drinking or going out tonight??

i might go out, not sure.. i need a babysitter before i make any plans.

i'm stuck wit the kids.

Just what every child wants to not hear..."I'm stuck wit the kids"
Its 2;28 pm here...that means 2 1/2 hours till I crack my first and about 8 till I crack the last...depending on if its gonna be nice tomorrow and I decide to get up early to go walleye fishing
lol... don't get me wrong, i don't mind being with them...is just the fact i wanna have my personal days too... feel me haha
I doubt the kids are reading his posts

No, hopefully not. Just that the idea goes through his head can give a kid the sense that...

"Dad's stuck wit the kids"

On a side note, wondering if you really say WIT or was that a spelling error?
yesZIR... just opened up my 1st one of the day, nice an cold.

who else is drinking or going out tonight??

i might go out, not sure.. i need a babysitter before i make any plans.

i'm stuck wit the kids.

I could go for a Heinekin about now.