Dribble? Prove me racist.


Dying Truth seeker
Jul 3, 2002
You keep calling me racist for a post in which I did not mention race, colour or religion.

So - prove me racist in a quote from one of my posts (only 54,000+ to go through) or any of my stories as oggbashan or jeanne_d_artois (only about 500 stories).

You won't because there aren't any racist posts or stories - so shut up!
This debate as to who is a racist has been going on forever without a clear agreed upon definition of racism.
This debate as to who is a racist has been going on forever without a clear agreed upon definition of racism.
Being accused of being racist by someone who can't even read what I said is annoying. He is racist for seeing racism where it wasn't.

Sad pathetic Dribble.
O noez! ogg's good anonymous name on the interwebz is being besmirched by some other anonymous dude!

But then ogg has made dozens of threads celebrating busybody over the years so there's that.
at least dribble has luk as a fanboi.

Both have the same inabilities!
Dribble is one of the dumbest asshats around. Worrying about what he thinks is a huge waste of energy.
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Remember when he kept saying succeed instead of secede because he was too ignorant to know the difference?
Smart fella there. Real smart
dri-BB-le ain't worth the pixels and electrons.
Nor, I think, is Dribble Lovecraft68. LC is steeped in bitterness for a small life--having gone nowhere, done nothing, failed frequently, obsessed with a half-sister, and finally found some talent for something here, so he clings to it and gnashes his teeth at anyone coming close to competing with him. The world of comic books and movies seen. Dribble, albeit as rightist as LC is, seems to have a broader experience of/interest in the world. They have entirely different demonstrated interests.
I hope that Dribble's silence is because he is trying to read the several million words I have written. He'll probably need a large dictionary...
You are old and white. It's just a knee-jerk thing from someone who merely disagrees with you.

I'm native and I am frequently referred to as a Racist.

Water - duck's back
You are old and white. It's just a knee-jerk thing from someone who merely disagrees with you.

I'm native and I am frequently referred to as a Racist.

Water - duck's back
lmao, You're less Native than Liz Warren.
Nor, I think, is Dribble Lovecraft68.
dri-BB-le just acts and posts like a BB. He's really an escapee from the Playground because he can't spew politics there. I've seen comments over there that he's also Lord PMan.