Dress right, dress


Kitty Mama - East Coast
Aug 9, 2000
Ok, on another thread, it was announced by our dear Dill that he dresses to the right.

So I ask you, gentlemen, to which side do you dress and how does this compare to you dominant hand, ie. dress right, right handed?

(If you have no idea what any of this means, it refers to which side of your fly your dick sits when your pants are on. Important stuff when having pants tailored.)
Oh, can we add "which of your balls is lower than the other?"
I think left is fairly dominant, but lets really fulfill my curiosity!
Ya gotta love it when people come up with new meanings for military terms but ummm.. Yeah, I tend to "dress to the right" which is my dominent hand.
You have a cute right flank...

I dress to the left and am right-handed also.

Maybe it has something to do with warping over the years from masturbating?
To the people that really know about tailoring

Does it reall make a difference.

If you wear briefs it really doesn't hang but is held up.

Or if I was cynical I would say that the gay tailor is turning the conversation to sex parts to see if there is any interest.
Yes... I not only dress to the right but I am right handed too. Both quite dominantly.
In my world dress right dress means to have everything squared away, perfect, and each and every detail attended to with full concentration.

Dress right dress is perfection.

So no, I'm not dress right dress and I don't really think Dillypop is either. He has too many mispellings.

Where'd this handed stuff come from?
KM - you need to come to DC on the 11th - we'll compare dress "codes."