

Nov 8, 2002
When we close our eyes at night, in our dreams we can fly...

When we wake up, is our reality the fluffy white pillow under our heads, or can we really fly?

Re: ref: dreams

Cloudbrst9 said:
Is it possible that the dreamer is also a dream?cb9

"We are only dreams in the mind of God." - J.W. v Goethe

"Then who dreams of God?" A.E. Numan :p

Regards,                       Rybka
Re: Ref: ref dreams

Cloudbrst9 said:
"We are only dreams in the mind of God."
"Then who dreams of God?"

Anyone given the ability to do so, Alfred included. (*smile*) That is, if he's as real as we are. He does seem to be, doesn't he?
"Dogs have fleas
that on their backs do bite 'em.
Fleas have fleas,
and these have fleas,
and so ad infinitum." :p

Are you being teleological or just going for infinite regress? :D

Regards,                       Rybka
Just one point

Cloudbrst9 said:
Weinberg, Hawking, etc., are doing just fine in infinite regress (reductionism), as are the hindus and buddhists, et.al.cb9

Infinite regress is not the same as reductionism.
(In an Aristotelian logic universe) :)

Regards,                       Rybka
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Finally, some intellecual intercourse...cb9, thanks for responding...I was starting to wonder...

To anwser my own question, I do think we can fly...Our subconscious is just another part of our existance..
