Drawn to Life (Closed)



It wasn't much of a party, to say the least. I mean, not many girls like celebrating their own birthdays by themselves. My parents were out of town, my friends were nonexistent and I wasn't even thinking about going to a bar. Instead, I let myself soak in resentment and self-pity. I told myself, over and over again, that the simple fact that I wasn't pretty was the reason why this type of scenario occurred. Being stupid, flat Ellie Smith sucked. I didn't have any birthday cake, I didn't have any company and I didn't have any presents-

It was at this moment, that I realized that there was a package on the kitchen table. I hadn't noticed it before when I got home from school, mainly because I was angry at both the world and myself. There was no note or anything with it, so I had no idea who it was for. I did open it up, out of sheer curiousity. It seemed to be a blank comic book.

"What the hell?" I thought to myself, thinking that it might have been one of my parents who bought this for me. It wasn't grand, but I figured that a present coming from them was a miracle in of itself.

Sure, it was blank, but I was a skilled artist. I figured that I could draw some sort of story in it. A story where the main character wouldn't have to be alone as I was. She'd be pretty and...


Why was I getting so sleepy?


I woke up, in what felt to be an eternity later. As my eyes opened up, I noticed that this wasn't my room. It was huge, to say the least, and there seemed to be some sort of machines lying around? Why was there a wrench in my hands?

I panicked in a moment, seeing a mirror on the wall and then my reflection. What...what happened to me? My long jet black hair was replaced with wildly purple hair, tied up to a fine ponytail. My entire body change, most noticably, my breasts. My simple A cup breasts seemed to have ballooned into porn-star knockers, and my backside developed into firm plump cheeks. I grew a bit taller now, I'd say about four inches so?

What the hell was going on?

Blane walked into the shop, a mess of tools and parts scattered around

"Alice what the hell are you doing?" he asked as he walked up to the puyrple haired vixen. Her full plump tits spilled out of the tank top, adn her pants rode so low he could see the thong that split her delicious hind quarters

"And what the hell are you wearing?" he asked as he looked down at her

"I know its hot in here, but with a body like that, you might as well just strip it all off" he siad with a grin as he nudged her shoulder.

"Hows the hover bike coming?"
"Okay okay...Calm down Ellie. Everything is going to be just...fine..." I thought to myself, over and over again as I tried to sort this all out. I was obviously dreaming, and none of this was real. That had to be the explanation here. I was so out of it, that I didn't notice that someone entered....well, this room, until I heard a man's voice:

"Alice what the hell are you doing? And what the hell are you wearing?"

Alice? Was that supposed to be my name...?

"Oh...nothing, just-" I responded softly, before being interupted. Wow, this voice wasn't even mine...

"I know its hot in here, but with a body like that, you might as well just strip it all off"

What - Oh right. I was confused for a moment, as no one had ever done that to me before, until I realized that he was talking about this body. Still...it felt nice to hear that, I guess...

"Hows the hover bike coming?"

"Pretty good. Just needs a few more adjustments." I lied, as I didn't really get what I was doing. My hands just seemed to turn a few screws and such by themselves. "How are you doing?" I asked, trying to seem natural. This was a dream, right?
Blane nodded

"I'm good, got a few new parts that are supposed to show up today, hoping to get the torque up on my ride over 10,000." he siad as he walked around her, his eyes roaming over her body

"You know when your dressed like that you should expect guys to look at you" he siad as he gestured at her tits

"Your boobs are practically falling out" he said as he nudged her, watching them jiggle. then eh glanced down at her bike

"ANd your ratio is off for your transmission, you need to step it back another three turns" he told her as he nudged her again. then he peeled his shirt off, the heat getting to him.

his body glistened with a sheen of sweat, his figure was thick and toned, tanned and taught

He tossed his shirt aside as h stepped over to the work bench, getting his tools ready
"ANd your ratio is off for your transmission, you need to step it back another three turns"

Ratio? Why did that word seem vaguely familiar? Was I gaining, slowly if at that, the memories of whoever's body I was occupying right now? I had just so many questions with no real substantial answers. I did, however, blush when the man took off his shirt and joined me.

My hands went to the wrench that I had, turning some knobs and what have you, until I felt that I gathered my composure again.

"I think that I've got it." I responded.
Blane looked back, watching her hands work the gears, and the timing between then, the wrench gleaming in her delicate hands as she worked her machine. She definitely had a hand with the gears, he thought as he watched her focus on her work, his own eyes slipping to her delightful figure

"So why are you stuck in here. Shouldn't you be out on a date or something. I've heard several of the guys talking about you in the locker room at school. I would think that some of them had asked you out by know" he said as he grabbed a rag and began to clean off his wrench set as he glanced up at the clock, his delivery should be arriving any minute now

"After all a girl like you shouldn't be shut up in the shop. Pretty soon people will start thinking your some kind of shut in or hermit, maybe worse with the way guys talk around here" he said as he heard the call bell from the front

"Alright. It's about time" he said as he headed out, returning after a few minutes with a heavy box on a dolley

"Now it's time for me to get dirty" he said with a grin as he pulled the box up along side his own hover bike, pulling his own little rolling stool up as he settled in and began to unpack his new equipment