Don't cry everybody


Literotica Guru
Jan 9, 2002
From a newspaper article this week:
Man dies after gun fires while beating dog

(In short form)
Winchester, Virginia: Debbie Poore told police her husband of 3 wks called her at work to say that their dog had bitten him on the hand and that he was going to kill it.

She raced home and found Raymond Poore, 43, dead in a pool of blood with a gunshot wound to his abdomen. The dog, still alive, had its throat torn open and gashes on its face.

Apparently Raymond, "Raven" (now ain't that an insult to ravens?!) was beating the dog on the head with the butt of a rifle-shotgun when it discharged and hit him in the lower abdomen. His death is being considered accidental.

Don't cry everyone, it's okay,(sniff, sniff)
I'm sure it's God will.

As animal abuse is part of the cycle of domestic violence, the widow may have been saved by the dog.

I bet beating animals with a butt of a rifle made him feel just like them bad ass solders ;)
MissTaken said:
As animal abuse is part of the cycle of domestic violence, the widow may have been saved by the dog.


Actually I didn't think of that, but your right. :)
For those who somehow didnt pick up on it, I'm an animal person and I say it serves the fucking asshole right to have shot himself. I can't believe these bastards who wanna beat up on an animal half their size ( or less). The dog probably bit him with good reason anyway.

I have a chihuaha I rescued whose previous (male) owner kicked her and broke her ribs, her tail, and several of her teeth. And as Miss T said....animal abuse is often a sign of human abuse to come. A man who will beat a helpless animal will beat a helpless woman or child.
Yeah i heard about that right after it happend. Winchester is not far from here.
geez, all he had to do was call the human society and have the dog taken away......serves him right for being so stupid! :rolleyes:
white_mage_goddess said:
For those who somehow didnt pick up on it, I'm an animal person and I say it serves the fucking asshole right to have shot himself. I can't believe these bastards who wanna beat up on an animal half their size ( or less). The dog probably bit him with good reason anyway.

I have a chihuaha I rescued whose previous (male) owner kicked her and broke her ribs, her tail, and several of her teeth. And as Miss T said....animal abuse is often a sign of human abuse to come. A man who will beat a helpless animal will beat a helpless woman or child.

I read the story, I grinned, I whooped, my fingers jutted into the V for Victory sign, I danced an exuberant, revenge jig in the name of all dogs who have been beaten and tortured!
As the vengeful ladies sing in the movie, "Chicago," ---

he had it comin' he had it comin'

SNORT, giggle, SNORT, giggle and more SNORTIN'

:nana: :nana: :nana:
Did anyone read why the dog bit him? I'm just curious. If he was beating the dog regualarly (and animal abuse is rarely a one time thing), then I don't blame the animal for biting out in fear. Its actually a really normal reaction.
Bindii said:
From a newspaper article this week:
Man dies after gun fires while beating dog

(In short form)
Winchester, Virginia: Debbie Poore told police her husband of 3 wks called her at work to say that their dog had bitten him on the hand and that he was going to kill it.

She raced home and found Raymond Poore, 43, dead in a pool of blood with a gunshot wound to his abdomen. The dog, still alive, had its throat torn open and gashes on its face.

Apparently Raymond, "Raven" (now ain't that an insult to ravens?!) was beating the dog on the head with the butt of a rifle-shotgun when it discharged and hit him in the lower abdomen. His death is being considered accidental.

Don't cry everyone, it's okay,(sniff, sniff)
I'm sure it's God will.

Ever been to Winchester, VA? The dogs are smarter than a significant fraction of the human residents there, so I don't think it was accidental.
white_mage_goddess said:
Did anyone read why the dog bit him? I'm just curious. If he was beating the dog regualarly (and animal abuse is rarely a one time thing), then I don't blame the animal for biting out in fear. Its actually a really normal reaction.
The dog beat him 'cause he was a little too far toward tard and not concentrating enough on fuck, clearly.
I'm sorry but I did shed tears after I read this..

I mean, when I laugh so much I can't help but cry a little.