Donald Trump’s 2024 running mate.


Abusive Little Bitch
Nov 22, 2013
It’s pretty late in the election cycle for Trump not to have named his Vice President. Given Trump’s advanced age and mental state, it’s important that he names someone that voters will be comfortable with if Trump is incapacitated.

I’m curious who the Republicans think he should pick, and what that person will bring to the ticket to make Trump more electable.
We already know who it is, and hes at every single Trump rally in plain sight! The problem lies here,the media wont let you know or try like hell to keep it from you! Its gonna ne hilarious once he announces it! The media will run and hide! Remember MSM you can run but you cant hide, they will be hunted down until every last one of them is caught! And if this doesnt turn the communist left on MSM, nothing will! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! TRUTH
We already know who it is, and hes at every single Trump rally in plain sight! The problem lies here,the media wont let you know or try like hell to keep it from you! Its gonna ne hilarious once he announces it! The media will run and hide! Remember MSM you can run but you cant hide, they will be hunted down until every last one of them is caught! And if this doesnt turn the communist left on MSM, nothing will! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! TRUTH
Take your meds
The Pub convention is next week. That is soon enough. The Dems will need more time for their clusterfuck.
I like the logic of picking governors for executive experience instead of senators. Jesse Ventura is young enough at 72, but both parties locking him out shorted his experience.
It’s pretty late in the election cycle for Trump not to have named his Vice President. Given Trump’s advanced age and mental state, it’s important that he names someone that voters will be comfortable with if Trump is incapacitated.

I’m curious who the Republicans think he should pick, and what that person will bring to the ticket to make Trump more electable.

I would have said J.D. Vance, but the commercials write themselves with some of the “not nice” things Vance said about Trump before Vance was "converted".


Right now it all depends on which demographic the corrupt orange traitor is lagging in support from, imho,

Women? Then it’s Elise Stefanik.

Rural establishment conservatives? Then it’s Doug Bergum. (J.D. Vance is out imho).

Hispanic voters? Then it’s Marco Rubio.

Black voters? Then you have options - each with their own appeal to certain subsets of the black electorate. (A black V.P. choice is high risk, high reward, imho)


They’re all craven cowards and
traitors, so does it really matter???

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I like the logic of picking governors for executive experience instead of senators. Jesse Ventura is young enough at 72, but both parties locking him out shorted his experience.
Jesse Ventura? Are you fucking serious?...
The media loves a horse race, so they've been hyping J.D. Vance and Little Marco Rubio all week.

I still think Trump's pick for UnterReichFuehrer of his Second Reich will be Tulsi Gabbard, in accordance with Putin's wishes.
I hope not. He brings nothing to the party. Basically he's Mike Pence with wild hair.
Makes sense that he would be the pick of the litter then. Mike stood by his side even after being threatened with hanging. Talk about the degree one goes to for the sake of loyalty.
I'd really like to see Vivek Ramaswamy take the role, but I don't think he's Trump's first choice.
Because Trump needs the spotlight at all times, he wants a VP with zero personality who knows how to keep his or her mouth shut. They also must be fanatic enough to sign a “lynching authorization form”.

Bergum fits the bill.
Because Trump needs the spotlight at all times, he wants a VP with zero personality who knows how to keep his or her mouth shut. They also must be fanatic enough to sign a “lynching authorization form”.

Bergum fits the bill.

Are you suggesting Bergum would sign his own death warrant???




It's a rule that the candidate has to pick someone who is dumber than them and isn't going to shine them out.

I'll go with Marjorie Trailer Trash.
Breaking News.

13 women have come out and accused the (fill in the name) Trump VP candidate of rape
Because Trump needs the spotlight at all times, he wants a VP with zero personality who knows how to keep his or her mouth shut.

Bergum fits the bill.
That’s why I guessed Burgum. Trump has a big ego and wants a loyal vp who will be low key. Regardless of who he picks, I don’t think it will have a measurable impact of the election though.