Dominion: A Tale of Wealth & Power

"I'm sorry," Alysa nearly sobs. "I'm just... scared."

Having not yet selected any clothing, Michele turns back from the closet and opens her arms, offering a hug.

"It'll be okay," she says. "I promise!"
I look at her when she opens her arms and I find myself wanting to feel comforting arms around me. I step forward into her arms. I slowly put my arms around her waist my hands clasping at the small of her back. I lower my head to her shoulder and just take in the comfort of being held. "Thank you." I whisper to her while moving closer to her. "This is just so different to me." I enjoy feeling her warmth and kindness.
"Well, I cannot help with the front porch," Tim says as he stands up. "But as far as R-and-R...."

The suddenness of his kiss, and the unanticipated confidence it manifests, ignites Mary's already smoldering libido. She returns the kiss with passion.
“Oh, Baby!” she sighed as she pulled Karen down into her lap so that her legs straddled Josephine’s thighs. “I could only hope this day would come this soon.”

Wrapping her arms around Karen’s shoulders, she kissed her with a passion of both lifetime love and long suspended lust.

As she returned Josephine's kiss with identical ardor, Karen used her hands to finish what her legs, as they slid onto Josephine's lap, had started. Josephine had never secured her robe that morning, and Karen's knees had pushed it open at the waist. Now, she parted the robe at Josephine's breasts. Karen then undid the single button holding closed Chauncey's over-sized suit-coat that she herself wore. She shrugged this off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor in front of the chair.

"Mmmmm...." Karen sighed into their kiss as she leaned into Josephine and relished the feeling of their ample breasts pressing together.

Starting Slowly

“Mmmmm....” Karen sighed into their kiss as she leaned into Josephine, pressing their ample breasts together. Josephine’s fingers traced teasingly down Karen’s spine, then she squeezed Karen’s bottom through the thin wool of the suit slacks. Josephine’s hips started to rock under Karen’s.

"I don't want to keep you if you have other things you need to attend to," Malcolm said.

"Well, I need to pull this beast into the garage," Dawn replied, affectionately patting the hood of the Rolls Royce. "After that, unless Josephine has another errand for me to run, I'll have some free time."
Michele held Alysa for several minutes, enjoying the feel of the woman's naked body against her own. She could never force herself upon her, as Josephine had so unexpectedly and uncharacteristically done. Nonetheless, she hoped Alysa would some day want to do more than cuddle.

"We should get dressed," Michele finally said, although she did not move to end the hug.
"Well, I need to pull this beast into the garage," Dawn replied, affectionately patting the hood of the Rolls Royce. "After that, unless Josephine has another errand for me to run, I'll have some free time."

Malcolm admires the car and Dawn at the same time. "Well perhaps you would like to spend some time together, I suspect Josephine will be occupied with other matters for awhile." If only Malcolm truly knew about what was happening, he would be wanting to watch and videotape for later usage. "I will need to give her my report later."

He looks over the car, "Do you mind if I ride with you as you take the Royce to the garage?"
Mary sighed with immediate desire at Tim's fondling her breast.

Group sex last night, sex with a stranger in a few moments, Mary both hated and could not resist what she had become in the venue of this manor-house.

"Now!" she whispered to Tim. "But not here."
"Sure," Chrissy replied to Maurice's request that she give him some cooking pointers. "If you'd enjoy that, that would be great. I don't even end up cooking every meal here. Sometimes others step in. Josephine's about the most egalitarian autocrat you will find. Anyone around here can do anything they want, so long as she doesn't disapprove... and she doesn't disapprove of much."

Chrissy laughed at her own assessment.

"Well then, Ms. Chef. Thank you for your time. " I feel a sudden spell coming over me. " I'll be around. Do you know where I can get a good workout at by the way? I was thinking about hitting some weights and getting a good run in sometime, maybe around the manor, probably after a bit of rest. If you can point me to a bed, that would be great."

The drive coming all the way up from North Carolina seemed to have taken some toll on him. After hearing what she had to say, He returned for his suit coat in the dining room.
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“Mmmmm....” Karen sighed into their kiss as she leaned into Josephine, pressing their ample breasts together. Josephine’s fingers traced teasingly down Karen’s spine, then she squeezed Karen’s bottom through the thin wool of the suit slacks. Josephine’s hips started to rock under Karen’s.

"I have dreamed for years about this moment," Karen broke their kiss long enough to say as she leaned back and cupped Josephine's breasts with her hands, slowly stroking the nipples with her thumbs.


The professor wheeled past the two lovely naked women. Moving towards the room, he moved over to the far side of the table. Perhaps the mistress would deign to watch him eat. This was foreplay for the intellect
The Time Has Come

“I have dreamed for years about this moment,” Karen broke their kiss long enough to say as she leaned back and cupped Josephine’s breasts with her hands, slowly stroking the nipples with her thumbs.

“I dared not think of it,” Josephine admitted as her own fingers stroked Karen’s full, pert breasts. “Not until now, now that you’re of age, and I know you want this, too.”

She again kissed her young heir with exuberant passion.

“I have dreamed for years about this moment,” Karen broke their kiss long enough to say as she leaned back and cupped Josephine’s breasts with her hands, slowly stroking the nipples with her thumbs.

“I dared not think of it,” Josephine admitted as her own fingers stroked Karen’s full, pert breasts. “Not until now, now that you’re of age, and I know you want this, too.”

She again kissed her young heir with exuberant passion.

"Let me show exactly what I've wanted for a while now," Karen whispered as she slid back off Josephine's lap. Placing her hands gently on Josephine's knees, she urged her to spread her legs, then kneeled down between her thighs, leaning forward to place a soft kiss just over Josephine's clitoris.

Michele held Alysa for several minutes, enjoying the feel of the woman's naked body against her own. She could never force herself upon her, as Josephine had so unexpectedly and uncharacteristically done. Nonetheless, she hoped Alysa would some day want to do more than cuddle.

"We should get dressed," Michele finally said, although she did not move to end the hug.

I lowered my head onto her shoulder when we first embraced, my wanting was for a comfort hug, but the feeling of a warm caring hug was a need that I have had since being sent to this country. I found myself enclosing my embrace around her. I exhaled deeply and took in her scent,which was relaxing as much as her warmth, drew me in closer to her.

I founded myself pushing my face into the soft base of her neck as the embrace continued. I felt save as her words continued to smooth out the fear. I began to wonder if I was treated this way at first would I have resisted the lady of the house? I strangely didn't mind being held kp like this by her, in fact I found myself stepping me into her, felling her breast pressing more firmly against me, and mine to her.

When she spoke of getting dressed, I lossened up but she didn't, so I took that moment to move back into her, resuming the hold upon her. I was confussed about the drop of my stomach at the thought of letting her go, but now that she is back into my hold that sinking feeling was gone.."May we just stay like this for a little longer.. It's been awhile since I've been hugged." I whisper to her...
"May we just stay like this for a little longer?" Alysa whispered into the hollow behind the collarbone where Michele's neck met her shoulder. "It's been a while since I've been hugged."

"Of course," Michele replied. She enjoyed the feeling of their nude bodied pressed together. She began gently stroking and massaging the tight muscles of Alysa's back with her smooth palms and strong fingers. She kissed the top of Alysa's head and left her lips there, pressed against her silky hair as she added softly, "We can stay like this as long as you'd like."
"Do you mind if I ride with you as you take the Royce to the garage?" Malcolm suggested.

"I wouldn't mind at all," Dawn replied. "Front seat or back?"
Malcolm smiled as he considered taking the "Back" but he relented and answered, "Oh he front will be fine. Perhaps once we are in the garage you can show me what the back looks like." He gave her a wink as he made his way over to the passenger side door, opening it and climbing in.
"I have a room in the servant's quarters, if you would like to join me......" I take Mary 's hand and lead her to my room.

Mary sighed with immediate desire at Tim's fondling her breast.

Group sex last night, sex with a stranger in a few moments, Mary both hated and could not resist what she had become in the venue of this manor-house.

"Now!" she whispered to Tim. "But not here."
"Are you hungry or thirsty my dear. I can have someone get you something to eat or drink while you wait. We had just finished breakfast but rest assured there was plenty left and there are always tea,coffee and cold drinks available."

Piper wasn't particularly hungry or thirsty, but it sounded like it may be a while, and Carl was being kind enough to distract her with small talk, so she might as well accept. "Sure. Tea sounds nice," she smiled and stood up from the couch.

"Maybe you can tell me a little about Norway over a cup."
"Hey Siri, open left side garage," Dawn said into her phone as she settled behind the Rolls Royce's steering wheel. She pulled around to that side of the house and into the empty parking space to the right of an AMG SL65 convertible roadster.

"Hey Siri, close left side garage," Dawn again spoke into her phone before turning to Malcolm while the interior of the limousine grew dark as the overhead door slid quietly down behind them. "There's another garage on the other side where we keep the LX 570. Other than that, there's not much else I can show you."
Carl smiled as he led her towards the kitchen. "Why certainly my dear what would you like to know. Certainly not the mundane Touristy things any Google search can tell you about,or the places a travel agent will try to woo you with. I must admit I can also tell you a lot about the Danish, Swedish and Greek countrysides as well. You see I am a prince in all of those courts as well although the position is vastly different in them. Our families are all connected you see, so if one family were God forbid, completely wiped out, there is still a line of succession available."

He grabbed a couple of cups and poured her a tea. "Oh how do you take it?" He made it to her specifications and then brought it over to her. He noticed Chrissy talking to the Lawyer Maurice and led Piper to the other end of the kitchen to give them a bit more privacy.

"Now as to your question I think you would be surprised at how clean and fresh the Nordic countries are compared to here. No disrespect to your country but we have embraced renewable energy a lot more and we drive more clean cars than here. In fact we have the highest rate of electric cars in the world."

Giving a sigh and a shrug he looked at her. "However you are probably not really interested in that. You are an artist and as such I think I could interest you in our famous Gallery. We have some remarkable pieces from all over the world there. Of course there is also the amazing scenery to inspire you as well. From pristine forests teaming with wildlife, to glaciers and mountains. Miles of coastline and of coarse the Aurora's. Then there is the experience of standing outside at midnight with the sun in the sky. That has to be experienced at least once in your life."

He chuckled and looked at her. "So is there anything else you wish to know about? Maybe the nightlife and where the most fun could be had. The location of the best brothels or strip clubs perhaps?" He laughed at her look. "Forgive me I like to tease. I can't ruin my image as a vagabond Prince by being too serious now can I."
Lights are dim

Malcolm smiled as the lights dimmed. He was admiring Dawn's look as the lights dimmed. "You've shown me quite a lot." He said smiling at her. He leaned in a bit closer to her. "Job wise I think you've shown me everything you can. We may need to do an upgrade on your app for the garage door, but such things can happen later."

He did think how attractive the girl was, and he suspected that Josephine might be busy for awhile, she was having a woman strip in her office, that could take awhile. Finally he says, "Perhaps now we should go and look at the back part of the car? See how comfortable it is."
Full Measure

“Let me show exactly what I’ve wanted for a while now,” Karen whispered as she slid back off Josephine’s lap. Placing her hands gently on Josephine’s knees, she urged her to spread her legs, then kneeled down between her thighs, leaning forward to place a soft kiss just over Josephine's clitoris.

“Oh, yes, my Darling!” Josephine gasped, spreading her legs even wider. “Let’s share this final full measure of our love!”
