Dominion: A Tale of Wealth & Power

Malcolm chuckles as he pictures Ian on his little tractor. "Knowing Ian, it is probably one of those racing tractors they have. It could probably go 60 without any issue." As he thinks on it, "We may want to consider going car shopping then, it is good she has a few different vehicles, she may simply want to expand her horizons."

Malcolm looks over Dawn and smiles, "So do you tend to normally drive Josephine around and what kinds of places does she go?" He was also curious to know what kinds of things she might have seen in the backseat, but such a question might have to wait.
"The job is great," Tim said enthusiastically. "And lots of stuff going on. Do you work here?"

"It's better if I don't," Mary chuckled. "I'm a cop."
"A cop? What brings you here?" I take a second look at her beautiful body. It was a good thing I was still sitting down.
"A cop?" Tim's eyes widen momentarily, then resume ogling her figure, accented more than hidden by the white terry cloth robe. "What brings you here?"

"Officially?" Mary smiles. "Or unofficially."
"Either....." I was intrigued by her response. Was she here on official business? Or monkey business? I kept both hands on the table. My member began to throb.
William looked around and smiled as he was the only one left sitting at the table. Carl took off at the door, Josephine and the two women still hasn't returned from taking Alysa to Josephine's office. He couldn't keep track of all the directions they took, but he sat here continued to eat the breakfast that hardly anyone ate.. Well they make think breakfast was terrible but he found it quite tasteful and he was going to eat his...
Piper had barely been out of the car a dozen seconds before a handsome gentleman emerged from Dominion's front door and whisked her away. She felt more than a little rude letting herself be ushered away without first thanking Dawn for the ride and company, but imagined she'd have the opportunity to do so later.

"My name is Carl. I am afraid your hostess Josephine is a little indisposed at the moment..."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Piper," she answered pleasantly but arched an eyebrow at the way he took her arm.

"So what brings you out here Miss?"

"I'm not entirely sure myself," Piper smiled as they stepped into a hall. "My dean's a friend of Josephine's. She asked me to pay a visit and do some art for her; said it'd be a once in a lifetime experience and I might be able to get some extra credit from it."

Ever cautious of strangers, Piper decided she needed to know a little more about the stranger who claimed her arm. "And what do you do, Carl? Are you the butler or something?"
"Officially, I stopped by to investigate the blast that damaged the front porch," Mary explained. "In reality, I came by for some R-and-R."
"Well, I cannot help with the front porch......but as far as R and R....."

I stand up and lean over to give Mary a kiss.
Ever cautious of strangers, Piper decided she needed to know a little more about the stranger who claimed her arm. "And what do you do, Carl? Are you the butler or something?"

Carl smiled widely at her and let out a chuckle. "No I am afraid not. I am but a humble Prince visiting Miss Josephine to continue wooing her I am afraid. Honestly I thought the house would be a little less crowded but those are the risks you take."

Smiling he guided her to the couches and sat her down in one and sensing her mood sat in the one next to her.

"So you are an artist? I have a feeling I know why Josephine has called you here, or rather not specifically you but for one such as yourself. We had an interesting visitor the other day who piqued her interest and was going to do some work for her, but was called away suddenly. I think she still liked the idea though. I hope you have a bit of an open mind though and don't mind doing several types of styles. I am not sure if she knows just what she wants just yet and you may end up painting more than one model."

Carl grinned at her. "Why if you are good, I may have you do one of me and take it back to Norway with me and hang it in the palace. That shake things up a bit, having some new talent in there instead of the boring old fogies we have now."

Chuckling he watched her face to see how she was reacting to the news. "So tell me Piper, what style do you prefer and why do you think your Dean chose you. It couldn't just be for the extra credit, there must be some other reason surely?"
"So," Malcolm continued. "Do you tend to normally drive Josephine around and what kinds of places does she go?"

"I tend to drive her more often than she drives herself," Dawn replied. "She goes to the places you would expect a rich woman like her to go... concerts, parties, charity balls and galas. I don't think it would be appropriate for me to go into too much detail. You might want to ask her."

What she had done to Alysa left Josephine with a good deal of guilt. The fact that it had left her sexually excited exacerbated that. To hear that Karen had the same reaction helped alleviate it some.

“I would have normally not done such a thing,” Josephine explained as she reached up and took both of Karen’s hands in her own. “Please realize that, my dear. I do not want you to get the wrong idea about me, now that you can see everything about the way I live.”

I feel a pit in my stomach as Michele's softly spoken words reach my mind. She was being very polite in telling me that I was nothing more than a slut to be handed out to her clients. I pull my arms around my waist as the though of some of those men touching me makes me want to toss the breakfast I never had. This cant be happening to me I utter under my breath. My eyes moves over to Michele's form, wanting to ask if she enjoyed walking around as she is, but figured that she must, for if she thinks what I went through was pleasurable.

Yes, my body reacted naturally, that is in all cases of rape but it's still rape if the word stop comes over ones lips, but I was raped and humiliated even after asking her to stop for it was a game of power to her, which I conceited to that fact at the breakfast table, No she was testing her new play toy to see if I reacted good enough for her to hand me out to those men.. Again I shudder at the thought.

I look down at the floor slightly shamed for this woman did take me privately away from the room, so she needs none of my ill will toward the lady of the house. "May I ask how many times you are handed out?" I wanted to get the number of times I had to cleanse myself on an daily average.

I blow hard across my lips trying to lower the fear of my fate, as she said maybe if I enjoyed come to her beck and call I will get used to being a house slut but I just don't like not having a say on who can touch me and who cant. I guess after time I will be so numb emotionally that it wont matter.

"Thank you for your kindness in not parading me in front of everyone." I whisper lowly to her. I keep my eyes down for I don't even want to challenge or be challenged by her. I have had my share of that this day already.
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Malcolm was impressed with the chauffeur, she wasn't going to share any kind of illegal activities that Josephine might be doing. Malcolm knew he could only protect people by knowing the full extent of the danger. People normally die when half truths are presented.

He remembered the Duke he had to protect who neglected to mention his mistress on the side, because that wouldn't do. Sadly that is where the assassin got him, the mistress too. The rich and powerful, they surround themselves with fodder to protect themselves, and if the fodder is not willing to save themselves from possible death, there is little enough he can do about it.

"Of course, she was otherwise engaged, so I figured to get the lay of the land and talk with other people. But I guess you've told me everything that you care to tell me." He flashes her a smile. "Quite all right, I do have a few ideas." He looked over her features, taking in her view, "I don't want to keep you if you have other things you need to attend to."
"I have a B.A. from the Kendall College of Culinary Arts, and a Master of Food Science from the University of Wisconsin, where I'm working toward my Ph.D.," Chrissy replied to Maurice's inquiry. "Anyway, before I started at Madison, I had an interview with Josephine down in Chicago. I was one of four finalists she invited up here for a weekend cook-off. I won."

"Is that so? I'm rather impressed. I do a little burning in the kitchen from time-to-time, but nothing at all like you. I tried to bake a Soufflé once, it didn't rise much...Maybe you can show me a recipe or two while I'm here?" He stood with his arms relaxed at his sides, checking her workspace over. He was also looking her over, but not like he wanted her THAT way, but more like inquisitively.
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I am but a humble Prince visiting Miss Josephine to continue wooing her I am afraid.

Piper couldn't tell if he was kidding or not, but decided it best not to risk offending her new escort and didn't question him further.

"I hope you have a bit of an open mind though and don't mind doing several types of styles. I am not sure if she knows just what she wants just yet and you may end up painting more than one model."

Piper shifted to face Carl seated next to her. "Well, I suppose time is more of a constraint than anything else. The more figures, sets, style and certainly mediums she wants will take more and more time. I'll do my best to accommodate her, but I'm just here for the weekend so I hope she doesn't ask for the Sistine Chapel."

"Why if you are good, I may have you do one of me and take it back to Norway with me and hang it in the palace. That shake things up a bit, having some new talent in there instead of the boring old fogies we have now."

"That... would be most generous of you," Piper smiled, still not entirely buying his claims of royalty.

"So tell me Piper, what style do you prefer and why do you think your Dean chose you. It couldn't just be for the extra credit, there must be some other reason surely?"

"Painting, mostly. I prefer oils and watercolors... dabbled a little with pastels, but haven't really mastered it yet. My first choice for style is always impressionism -- I like toying with light." She had to pause and think about his last question. "Guess I never really questioned why she asked me," Piper replied with a slight shrug. "I get good grades, and am never late with an assignment. I guess she just thinks I'm dependable."

Piper didn't let herself linger on the mystery too long before asking a question of her own. "So you say someone else was here to make something for Josephine? What can you tell me about that? I know next to nothing about what she wants from me."
"Sure," Chrissy replied to Maurice's request that she give him some cooking pointers. "If you'd enjoy that, that would be great. I don't even end up cooking every meal here. Sometimes others step in. Josephine's about the most egalitarian autocrat you will find. Anyone around here can do anything they want, so long as she doesn't disapprove... and she doesn't disapprove of much."

Chrissy laughed at her own assessment.
"I do not want you to get the wrong idea about me," Josephine explained as she reached up and took both of Karen's hands in her own. "Now that you can see everything about the way I live."

"I came to understand your lifestyle years ago," Karen assured her. "And I understand and recognize its intrinsic morality, even if most people would think it otherwise."

Karen let go of Josephine's hands in order to step around to the front of the chair and face her. "I have waited for the day when I would fully join in the wonder of your living and your life."
At Last!

Karen, looking uniquely sexy in Chauncey’s oversized suit coat and slacks, stood before the chair in which Josephine sat and said, “I have waited for the day when I would fully join in the wonder of your living and your life.”

Already ruttish from what had just happened with Alysa, and in need of solace for the same reason, Josephine succumbed to the overwhelming desire of a longtime fantasy become possible.

“Oh, Baby!” she sighed as she pulled Karen down into her lap so that her legs straddled Josephine’s thighs. “I could only hope this day would come this soon.”

Wrapping her arms around Karen’s shoulders, she kissed her with a passion of both lifetime love and long suspended lust.

Piper didn't let herself linger on the mystery too long before asking a question of her own. "So you say someone else was here to make something for Josephine? What can you tell me about that? I know next to nothing about what she wants from me."

"Oh yes a traveling Artist happened to wander through a day or so ago. He was rather good and made a living going from one fair to another doing works here and there and selling some of his paintings at them. Every now and then he might be commissioned to do a piece but he was traveling to see the world and paint it."

He watched her to see if that lifestyle also appealed to her. perhaps if it did Josephine could lure her to her employ with the promise of taking her to all the great cities. After all she did travel to some rather exotic places as well as most of the well known ones. Piper could do worse than tagging along.

"I believe she wanted either a watercolor or oil so I think you may be in luck, however the time frame you are talking may be a little short. I am not sure a weekend will do. then again this may just be a meet and greet to see if you are compatible with each other."

Smiling Carl looked at her and decided he would definitely like to get to know this woman better, but now would not be the time. He would love to offer her breakfast as well but with Chauncey acting like an obedient dog he would be hard pressed to explain that.

"Are you hungry or thirsty my dear. I can have someone get you something to eat or drink while you wait. We had just finished breakfast but rest assured there was plenty left and there are always tea,coffee and cold drinks available."
"You've got it all wrong," Michele assured Alysa, taking her hand as the elevator rose. "I'm never 'handed out' to anyone, and you won't be, either."

The elevator stopped and the door slid open. Dr. Edgeways, in his wheelchair, waited in the hallway.

"Excuse me, Professor," Michele said as she squeezed past him, pulling the equally naked Alysa along behind her. She called back to the scholar as she hurried Alysa across the mezzanine above the foyer, "There's breakfast downstairs."

They made it the rest of the way up the hallway and entered Josephine's upstairs master bedroom.
I look at her when she told my that I had it all wrong. I only shook my head in an agreement for why would she tell me anything different. I was surprised when she took my hand and led me out of the elevator. Her caring natured at this moment seemed to confirm what she said that maybe I do have it all wrong. I will keep an open mind with I speak with her until something changes like a lie to me will end this open trust for now.

I see a man in a wheelchair as he looks upon us. I try to cover up but Michele lightly pulls me past him and then informs him of breakfast over our shoulders. "So if I'm wrong then why are you walking around naked? isn't that to keep the men entertained?" I ask as we walk into a beautiful bedroom.. "I don't understand any of this.. So what do you do here if you don't entertain the men?"
"I'm naked because I hadn't had a chance to get dressed yet this morning," Michele explained as she opened the closet door. "You're naked because Josephine wished it. It had nothing to do with men. After all, wasn't it 'just us girls,' as they say, in her office? As for what I do here, I do whatever Josephine desires. The rest of the time I do whatever I want. It's simply wonderful!"
I try to see her side of things but this way of life is new to me so I'm having a hard time grasping the mental image that she is so happy with. I just see her words like Whatever Josephine desires, so what if she wants her to sleep with a client... I decide to ask her.. "SO what if she tells you to entertain ... umm William in a sexual way would you do that cause she desired it? if so isn't that being handed out? ... Besides I seen your bosses way.. Raping and humiliation I have a hard time with her not making you sleep with whom she wants you to.." I don't wish to upset this one for she is being nice with me.. "I'M sorry I'm just .... Scared.."