Domination by remote control...

Mar 5, 2002
Hello all,

before I start, jsut a quick preface to say that I'm a newbie to all this so please bear with me... if I humiliate myself, then please do correct me, but be gentle (sorry - so many double entendres, so little writing).

Anyway, as I said, I'm a relative new-comer both to BDSM and to posting on this site. My dilemma is this: I have a beautiful girlfriend with whom I have fantastic sex... not a problem I hear you cry, but she is fairly vanilla with sub tendencies, whereas I am rapidly becoming convinced am a switch. We've played around with various fantasy scenarios, but she just can't get into the Dom role.

My plea / suggestion is this... there seem to be a large number of Dom / mes out there online, and there must be an almost equally large number of those of us needing some kind of domination - can we come to some kind of deal, for example with people posting 'homework' / tasks for those of us not fortunate enough to have real life Dom/me's to undertake (preferably in my case that I can do without my girlfriend's participation - we live in different cities!). In return we could post pictures of the results for all to enjoy...or indeed do anything you would desire!

I realise that this might be a chore for you Dom/mes, and lacks much of the intimacy which is so obviously part of the fun, but there we have it.

Sorry this turned into a bit of a mamoth post, and I do apologise in advance if this utterly ridiculous/ naive/ offensive... no doubt you'll let me know!

Anyways, thanks at least for making it to the end of this tome!

Thanks Miss Taken, for taking the time to help!

That'll teach me not to do my research properly before blundering in <bows head, lowers eyes>...

You certainly seem like a friendly, welcoming bunch, so if I ever engage my brain before acting I may well post again sometime soon.

Thanks again,

Welcome aboard.

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