"Doing the Sorority" Official Thread


Really Really Experienced
Feb 14, 2002
Hello everyone,

My third story "Doing the Sorority" is approved and up on CHYOO!

The premise:

You are a guy in college whose date with a sorority girl turns out to be a test for your suitability for the position of "House Stud" - a test you passed! Your mission: satisfy the sexual needs of the Alpha Pi Omega sorority.

The rules:

This story is about consensual sex. If anyone submits a thread where it turns ugly, it will be rejected.

This story is primarily about straight male-female sex, though lesbian sex is welcome. Male-male sex doesn't take place in this story. Take those threads somewhere else.

I will correct for grammar and spelling errors.

If I reject a thread, I will always say why and I encourage people to submit again if I do reject.

If you submit a thread to my story, I will sumbit one to yours, unless your stories are about Incest (which I find abhorrent), Male-male gay sex (which I find nothing wrong with, but can't get turned on about it enough to write it) or Non-English (which I'm simply incapable of doing).

Feel free to take the story in any direction, but keep the focus on sex. This is not an espionage story, it's porn.

Oh, and just because Julie listed all those rules in thread #1, it doesn't mean they can't be broken...

The story:

Follow the link!

Updates to the story will be posted here.

I hope you all enjoy it!
Oh, two more items...

1: The accepted spelling of the slang term for orgasm is "come" not "cum". This is according to Penthouse magazine. I will use the four-letter spelling rather than the abbreviated version which is generally used in 1-900 number advertisements and cheap smut (not that this isn't cheap smut, but we can pretend it has a certain sophistication...) :cool:

2: I don't like anal sex, it creeps me out. Call me prudish, but I just don't see anything sexy about sticking something up the same passage that one uses to defecate. Therefore any thread that involves anal sex will likely not be approved. My story, my rules!
What's wrong with a little schoolgirl espionage?

as the subject lines reads, What is wrong with a little schoolgirl espionage? LoL. Anybody familar with my story A College girl to be... will know there is a path in the story which actually has the main character becoming a schoolgirl secret agent/spy.

you are a great writer and you are the kind of person Chyoo needs more of. I look forward to reading your story, and possibly adding to it.

One last note, I think I can follow your rules. *laughs*

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
My other story: A Lost Identity: Sex Fugitive
Oh goody, an update!

Many thanks to daciasdesire for the first outside contribution to "Doing the Sorority". Dacia's thread kicks off the initiation process nicely.

Find the story here. Find Dacia's thread by going through the "initiation begins" route.
Oh, goody goody cheesecakes! More threads for "Doing the Sorority"!

Niceguytim introduces us to Sarah in his new thread that you can reach by going the "meet your first girl" route. There are also new ones by me over in the "initiation" part.

Just to clarify on the initiation section - the thread that's there now indicates that the entire sorority house is taking turns with their new House Stud. However, I never intended to describe all sixty girls in detail. So if someone were to submit a thread that says something like "The next thirty girls take their turns, and then Katrina approaches" just to move things along, that's totally cool. Also, remember that just because one "fails" the initiation, it doesn't mean that the story is over. Maybe the girls actually expect him to fail.

Tim, there's a new submission to "Lost Identity" waiting for you, and I'll follow it up with more!
And another

Dacia's latest thread continues the initiation with Tegan!

The thread is located here: Initiation -> Cocktease -> Kylie -> etc.

One of the reasons why I point this out is that I have a plan for this thread that I think would be really cool. The initiation procedure involves locking the guy up in chains and then each girl in the house has a chance to make him come without touching him. I'd like to try to expand this thread until every girl has her chance - that's 50 total. Of course, some of them will elect to take their turns together. So essentially, anyone who has threads of girls taking their turns in the initiation should add them here.

Thanks much, and I hope to see more!
Introducing the Girls

As "Doing the Sorority" has progressed, a number of girls have been introduced. Since there's going to be a maximum of about sixty different girls in the house, I thought I'd list who's been shown already and what we know about them so far (they were all created by me unless noted otherwise):

JULIE, the girl who nominated you for the position. She's a direct and forward girl who simply loves to fuck. She was the one who nominated the central character as a House Stud.

NATALIE, the House President. She's described as five-foot-nine, C-cup, and "brunette with smouldering eyes and hot red lips". She gives a great blowjob.

TRACY, a petite blond with hand-sized boobs.

KYLIE, "a very pretty and petite brunette. She is about 5'3" with straight hair that runs down to about shoulder length. Her breasts are quite small and perky." Kylie is bisexual, and one of her lovers is a girl named Katie. (introduced by Dacia)

KATIE, "quite similar to Kylie except that she is a bit taller, maybe 5"6' and her hair is a longer, blonde color, pulled back into a tight pony tail." Katie is also bisexual. (introduced by Dacia)

KRISTEN DeLANEY, a girl you knew from high school who was always popular and "out of your league". She has a really nice rack.

TEGAN, 5'5", brunette, small but perky tits that are barely an A-cup. Tegan is a virgin but she loves to use her vibrator. She tends to have wild, violent orgasms and actually ejaculates forcefully when she comes. (introduced by Dacia)

MISTY, a slim and petite brunette with medium-small tits that have large red nipples. Misty is very acrobatic and flexible - she can put both ankles behind her head.

AKIMA, an Asian girl, very exotic. She has blonde hair (from a bottle) and large tits that are probably fake. Her nipples are actually tattooed so they look red. Her eyes are dark purple. She's a nymphomaniac and a complete slut, completely free of inhibitions, and will do absolutely anything and love it. She prides herself on being able to make guys come practically on command.

JENNI, a blonde cheerleader type with medium-sized and very firm boobs. She's perky to an extreme. Her room is decorated in pink and lace. She likes Britney Spears, and resembles her as well.

STACY, a tall and athletic girl with long brown hair in braids. She's on the volleyball team.

BIONCA, an Italian girl with long black hair.

LANA, a black girl with a very dark complexion and full lips. She's lightened and straightened her hair.

SARAH BANKS, a first-year, brunette. "About 5'8" and 115 lb., her long brown hair is up in a pony tail, with two thick bangs hanging down at the front of her face and her big sparking green eyes (and) she has curves in all the right places". (introduced by niceguy2000tim)

Anyway, that's fourteen girls out of sixty, so there's still plenty of room for expansion.
A new thread

A new thread and a new situation set up by switch76, who provides an alternative initiation ceremony!

Thank you much, switch, and I'll be working on one for you!
My goodness, it's been busy lately at the Alpha Pi Omega sorority! No less than four new threads to report, by new authors to boot!

First, we have a surprising option by AaronWebster, which you can find right at the start - when the girls of APO say they want you, you say NO! But that doesn't end the story...

Then there's another first-thread option by Rusty69, a "MAYBE" response, which gives our hero the chance to think about what he's getting into - perhaps some of the girls will attempt to persuade him? Time will tell...

And one option from the MAYBE thread has already been explored by WattsIsnaim, who introduces us to the lovely but celibate Heidi - though perhaps she won't be celibate for long...

Finally, a new girl is introduced by DemonD: the lovely Maria, who you'll meet if you follow the "prepare to meet your first girl" thread off the first page. She's bold, beautiful, busty, and eager to get started!

Therefore, when all's said and done, we add to the character list:

MARIA RAMIREZ, who resembles the lovely B-movie actress Raven de la Croix. She's a friend of Julie's.

HEIDI, not an Alpha Pi Omega girl (at least not at the start of the story). She's beautiful and blonde, but also conservative and celibate. She's expressed an interest in dating you as long as there's no funny business.

Thank you all for your contributions, and expect threads from me in return. I should mention that Real Life has thrown me a bit of a loop, with the result that I'm going to be very busy for a while - hopefully not too busy to write threads for those I owe, but probably too busy to write more than one apiece for the next week.
More on Maria

DemonD has provided the next thread in the sexual encounter with Maria. I have no idea what the option actually says, but the results are fun!
I've added a few of my own threads to "Doing the Sorority" after the "MAYBE" option off the first thread. In doing so, I've introduced the first male character, best-friend "Carl". I've also gone through WhatIsnaim's "Heidi" thread to create an option where the lovely Heidi may indeed join the APO house herself!

Is writing threads for one's own story considered masturbation?
New thread from new author

A new thread from Wolk, who takes off from the "Knicker Chase" in the Initiation thread. Thank you! And let me know when your Roman Empire story is approved so I can start working on a return thread.

Hmm, one more thread and I get an Avatar. I'd better do some picture-hunting!
Nice picture, gystex.

I like that Avatar.

Also, I'm using the characters from that list you posted above in my additions to your story. Just want to make sure it's OK with you. It probably is, why else would you be posting the list here? ;)
Re: Nice picture, gystex.

Wolk said:
I like that Avatar.

Also, I'm using the characters from that list you posted above in my additions to your story. Just want to make sure it's OK with you. It probably is, why else would you be posting the list here? ;)

Glad you like the pic - I'll probably be rotating them every week or so, just to keep it fresh.

Yes, I encourage people to use characters from the list. I am not particularly enamoured with any of them, so there's no issue with "ruining" one of my characters. However, we also need some new faces, so feel free to make up your own!
More action at the Alpha Pi house

Wolk continues the panty chase with a delightful encounter with Jenni the Blonde!

Meanwhile, DemonD lets Maria show off her ability to multiple orgasm, and we also meet two friends of hers:

CANDIDA, Maria's roommate. She's a pretty blonde who owns a presumably well-used 8" pink dildo. She likes to spend her evenings playing with it along with...

WANDA, Maria and Candida's friend. Wanda is a brunette. She joins Candida on occasion for a little dildo-sharing. Their sessions apparently last for hours at a time.

Thanks for the new threads, guys!
Yet another submittal by Mr. Wolk, continuing the Panty Chase initiation ceremony!

I won't be checking for the next week due to out-of-town plans for the holiday, so everyone have a good season, and here's hoping your current intimate partners give generously of themselves this Christmas! I guarantee, ladies, what your guy wants more than anything else is you in a naughty lingerie set under the tree, next to a roaring fire and a bottle of bubbly...
I'm back from vacation!

New threads abound for "Doing the Sorority"

We have one by DaciasDesire, extending the "Cocktease" initiation story. Natalie takes her turn!

Another one by Wolk finishes up the "Panty Chase" thread, and leaves off at the moment of meeting the winner. Thanks Wolk!

Rusty69 gives us a new one dealing with the "Best Friend Carl" situation. Find it by going through: MAYBE --> A friend stops by --> Dance around --> Bitch at Carl

Finally, DemonD continues the hot encounter with the sexy Maria in his thread. This is a girl that just can't get enough!

Thank you to all for your patience, and while I do have a few post-vacation things to deal with, I intend to repay your threads as soon as I can!
Thread for you.

Dear Gystex,

I've just submitted my fourth thread for this story and I'm really pleased with this one. Where as the other three were throw away one page jobs, I've really got some great idea for how to continue with this one. It maybe not quite as positive as the others but it should be really worthwhile. I hope you will approve it and let me run with my idea.

I must say i couldnt have come up with anything as good as what I did without the fantastic thread before it by AaronWebster. His thread gave me soo much inspiration that I just belted out an almost 700 word thread effortlessly. I recommed every one read Aaron's thread.

Dacia's new thread is up, plus one more!

Yes, Dacia's new thread is up and approved (and I really like where it's going!) Find it by taking the "No" option and following through from there - in this story, saying No doesn't necessarily mean it ends!

Niceguy2002tim adds another chapter to the "Sarah Banks" thread, heating up the action a bit. Find this thread by choosing "YES! Meet your first girl" and then going with "Sarah Banks".

Thank you both for your submissions!
There's more going on at the Alpha Chi Omega sorority!

DemonD continues the "Maria Encounter" with a chapter that leads into the next morning.

Also, and I feel really bad about this, I approved a thread about a week ago but didn't have time to post that update here - and now I can't remember who submitted it! If you are that person, please post a reply here so that I might be able to properly credit you.

Due to personal stresses, I've not felt terribly erotic lately :(, and so I haven't been writing threads for others. However, I feel that things are on the upswing :) so I should be back in the mood soon. I appreciate the patience of those to whom I owe threads. Please know that I will be submitting again soon!
More updates at A-Chi-O!

AaronWebster's in the house and he continues the encounter with Jenni the Blonde, which you can read all about if you start by selecting "YES - meet your first girl" and then go with, of course, Jenni. Thanks Aaron!

Also, the lovely (I imagine) Dacia provides further events on the"NO" thread - just follow it to the current end to read her latest words.

Thank you!
A thread by Brevdavis continues the welcoming party at Alpha Chi Omega!

To find it, select "Maybe" at the start, then "Weighing your options". Follow through from there to the end.


I've adopted this fabulous story from Gystex.

I've added a thread where Angela gets Kristen (from our hero's high school) to come clean up his spunk from her face and breasts. This bodes well for him.

I've added a new thread where our hero and Maria, the Hispanic hottie, take a shower together.


And a big announcement will be made on this story soon. Keep watching this space.
Torg said:
And a big announcement will be made on this story soon. Keep watching this space.

Can I take a guess: it really happened, & all the main characters got internships working for Congressman Foley.