Doing a Re-Write of Old Stories?


Really Experienced
Jan 14, 2000
I was just looking over some of my very early efforts on Lit.erotica:D and I was just wondering how many of you have gone back to do a re-write on any of them. I am still debating this issue
myself .
"Quieta non movere." Old Latin Proverb
Once a story has been published, I NEVER re-write it. The best way to destroy a good story is to over-work it.

Svenskaflicka said:
Once a story has been published, I NEVER re-write it. The best way to destroy a good story is to over-work it.
I am greatful for your imput. Thank you. :rose: The chances are you are more than 100% right. My biggest problem has always been that I never seem happy with the way the story reads once it's published. :( In all probability I will forget them. Not all were as good as I thought. Thanks again.
BJ said:
I am greatful for your imput. Thank you. :rose: The chances are you are more than 100% right. My biggest problem has always been that I never seem happy with the way the story reads once it's published. :( In all probability I will forget them. Not all were as good as I thought. Thanks again.

A general rule of thumb is that published stories are done -- leave them alone and press on with new stories.

The only time you should revise a published story is if you are going to re-publish it elsewhere, or expand it into a novel.
my feeling is that it depends. i haven't gone back and rewritten anything for a while, kinda scared to look at the mess i left behind me i think.

i am thinking about putting a story up in the SDC (don't hold your breaths though). once the discussion was overwith i would then use the knowledge i'd gained through that forum and rewrite the story. if i felt at the end that it was better than the original, then i would seriously consider asking Laurel to replace the existing one with the new one.

i am conscious of trying not to pass on extra work to others, so really, i would only do a rewrite and resubmission with the story specifically discussed in the SDC.

in the end... do what feels right for yourself.
Although wary of disagreeing with Svens and Weird Harold, I think that you can improve an old story with a rewrite. I've recently rewritten an old 2-chapter story (Seducing Dawn) It started off as a sex scene that turned into a story and was one of the first things I wrote. It showed too. So I expanded it, added a few more scenes, developed the characters a bit more and added some back story. I've now rewritten the first two chapters and am currently working on a third and I can confidently say the rewrite has improved it 100%.

If you want, I still have the originals somewhere, so you can see the difference.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Although wary of disagreeing with Svens and Weird Harold, I think that you can improve an old story with a rewrite.

There is no doubt that rewriting old stories can improve the story. The question is more, "should the effort be expended to rewrite published stories?"

The answer is generally, "no" -- not becuse the story wouldn't be improved, but because tht story has already been read and voted on here.

If you plan on publishing the story elsewhere, a re-write is probably indicated, because you're reaching for a new audience and you owe them your best work. It's just editing a story for the same audience that isn't a good idea.
Appreciated WH, but I felt that I could do so much better with that story and I have. With the fact that I'm posting a new chapter (sometime this millenium) and the fact that due to a clerical error the second ended up in the new submissions list, it's drawn all sorts of new people towards my writing.

The Earl
I've re-written about a half-dozen of my stories, mostly the older ones that weren't nearly as good as my newer ones. Some I just did some editing, so clean typos and such, others I added whole new scenes or added dialog or whatever it took to make the story pass muster in my eyes.

That's the big reason I did it--the stories weren't good enough, and that bugged me. If it bugs you, and it's worth the peace of mind to rewrite them, go nuts. If you don't really care about that particular story not that you've moved on to bigger and better things, don't worry about it. The vast majority of the votes and views you get happen in the first few days, so it might not be worth it if what you're looking for is feeback and votes. For me, that superfluous comma in the third paragraph kept me up at night, taunting me with its wiggling little tail. Taunting me...taunting me...
Weird Harold said:
There is no doubt that rewriting old stories can improve the story. The question is more, "should the effort be expended to rewrite published stories?"

The answer is generally, "no" -- not becuse the story wouldn't be improved, but because tht story has already been read and voted on here.

If you plan on publishing the story elsewhere, a re-write is probably indicated, because you're reaching for a new audience and you owe them your best work. It's just editing a story for the same audience that isn't a good idea.

I can see that you share the same opinion as most of the others.
Thanks for your input.
Weird Harold said:
There is no doubt that rewriting old stories can improve the story. The question is more, "should the effort be expended to rewrite published stories?"

The answer is generally, "no" -- not becuse the story wouldn't be improved, but because tht story has already been read and voted on here.

If you plan on publishing the story elsewhere, a re-write is probably indicated, because you're reaching for a new audience and you owe them your best work. It's just editing a story for the same audience that isn't a good idea.

when you post a new story on Lit, it is likely that you will pick up new readers who, if they like the story, will look for other stories by the same author.

your rewriting is not a waste of effort in that sense.

another thought... i far prefer writing new stories to rewriting old stories.

and another thought... i've been reading Hemingway's 'Across the River and Into the Trees'... that could have done with a decent editing and/or rewrite - some errors stick out like a sore thumb.
I'm not sure what the big deal is.

We're generally talking about short stories here on Lit, not major novels, right? So if we're talking about some edits (even major ones), why not? I tend to agree with christo on this.

I like the concept where new Editions to works are edited to improve, correct and to make more contemporary. The editing and re-editing process is good, especially if improvements are made and re-introduced.

And because Laurel will post the reedit as easily as a new submittal (through a kind request), there certainly is no adminstrative or prohibitive reasons not to.

Besides, just because a story has been voted on doesn't mean future readers won't vote, either. And then there are those that actually do come back to read the stories again (and again).

If you want to improve your story, go ahead--the next reader benefits (and a former reader may pick up on the improvements). If you also want some piece of mind, why not?
wildsweetone said:
when you post a new story on Lit, it is likely that you will pick up new readers who, if they like the story, will look for other stories by the same author.

your rewriting is not a waste of effort in that sense.

another thought... i far prefer writing new stories to rewriting old stories.

and another thought... i've been reading Hemingway's 'Across the River and Into the Trees'... that could have done with a decent editing and/or rewrite - some errors stick out like a sore thumb.

Oh my!

If Hemmingway needs editing and a rewrite, there is no hope for the rest of us. *LOL*

I wish there was a way to make mine dissapear. I wrote it in about 30 minutes just to see my name in "lights" now I wish it could remain hidden for ever.

:eek: Ms.M
Ms.M said:
I wish there was a way to make mine dissapear. I wrote it in about 30 minutes just to see my name in "lights" now I wish it could remain hidden for ever.

:eek: Ms.M
My last was much like that Ms.M, I wrote it in a short period of time. I was in a strange mood, brought on by a strange situation.

What I meant to be humorous came off more hateful and spiteful then I had intended, at least according to those who sent me some responses.

In fact I have rewritten that story, as to posting the rewrite, I’m just not sure. I surely would not want the same title or description.
DM: Post the rewrite under a different name and description. Just make it clear to Laurel that it's supposed to replace the old one and she'll do it.

The Earl
wildsweetone said:
when you post a new story on Lit, it is likely that you will pick up new readers who, if they like the story, will look for other stories by the same author.

your rewriting is not a waste of effort in that sense.

another thought... i far prefer writing new stories to rewriting old stories.

and another thought... i've been reading Hemingway's 'Across the River and Into the Trees'... that could have done with a decent editing and/or rewrite - some errors stick out like a sore thumb.
You are right about the mistakes:) I've caught a few of them on my old stories. lol. Mabey I'll make the updates as a down the road story.:rose:
Ms.M said:
Oh my!

If Hemmingway needs editing and a rewrite, there is no hope for the rest of us. *LOL*

I wish there was a way to make mine dissapear. I wrote it in about 30 minutes just to see my name in "lights" now I wish it could remain hidden for ever.

:eek: Ms.M

Actually, I think Hemingway should have done a lot more editing. In my opinion, all his works are too long.
RE: Hemmingway

I have to be honest here, I never thought Hemmingway was a great writer. He was a bore. He really wasn't much on treating his female charaters well. Read "Hills Like White Elephants" I read several of his stories while I was growing up. I can see why he took a shotgun to himself. Please don't get me wrong not all of his stories were bad, I just felt he was way over rated. Sam Clemens (Mark Twain) has always been a favorite of mine.:)
OK, now I'm eating up all my words about overdoing a story. I just rushed a story to meet the deadline. I could have done that SO much better! The beginning is great, and then it's like "oops, only 10 more minutes!" . which is exactly what happened.:(

I know the feeling. Since I posted my Christmas Story I have been wondering if I should have made it longer. I was unhappy with the way I finished it.:(
"The past is never dead. It is not even past." William Faulkner
:) Hello

Hello BJ,

Some do, some don't. I do it all the time.

I'm like christo, if I spot something I don't like, or someone draws my attention to something not so good in one of my stories, I just can't live with it, I have to change it. It's like an itch I have to scratch.

It occurs to me, since you bothered to post this thread, you are perhaps the same, so don't hold back BJ, re-hash your Christmas story now! :)

I wish you well with your re-write.

Have a grea daym,

Alex. :)
Beginner's thoughts

As I'm still fairly new to this world and English is furthermore not my first language, I tend to go through lengthy periods of revising and rewriting. usually I post a rough-ish draft on Story Feedback or ask people for a sneak-preview before posting the story. Once it's posted I don't tend to change it anymore, except maybe for a novel-ish thing I'm writing on.

For me, this is a learning process, so I don't mind early tries not being as good as I would like to have seen them. But I do understand that urge to keep changing; some stories simply never stop asking for changes :)

Re: :) Hello

the_bragis said:
Hello BJ,

Some do, some don't. I do it all the time.

I'm like christo, if I spot something I don't like, or someone draws my attention to something not so good in one of my stories, I just can't live with it, I have to change it. It's like an itch I have to scratch.

It occurs to me, since you bothered to post this thread, you are perhaps the same, so don't hold back BJ, re-hash your Christmas story now! :)

I wish you well with your re-write.

Have a grea daym,

Alex. :)

Wish I could, the story has already been posted. I may have to write a second chapter.:)
Svenskaflicka said:
Check out my Lucia - it starts out so good, like a major novel, and then... pop!

Talk about premature ejaculation... :eek:

I did check your story out. I also voted on it. I seem to go through the same thing every time I write a story. The end seems to fall apart. :( I'm not sure why that is. I felt that most of the story would go well, then right at or near the end. BANG! It all falls apart.:(
"If at first you don't suceed, try, try aganin then quit no use being a dam fool about it." W.C. Fields
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