Does penis size really matter?


Jan 6, 2003
I have an 5 and a half inch penis and have had a few sexual relationships. I was just wondering if the ladies actually prefer a bigger cock or are they perfectly happy with a cock like mine. Also, as a black man, I realise that ladies consider them to be well-endowned and so how would they fell about this? also wondering what is the average size for a black guy or white guy
Do a search on this forum, you'll find that this question has been asked over and over again.

Most women who have posted have said that size, if it matters at all, matters very little.
I know but this is a more specific question. I am black with only 5.5 inches. I wanna know how women feel about that because of the existing stereotypes
ok, not trying to be a bitch or anything but my answer to the size question is...

it matters if it's too big and causes pain,

and it matters if a woman can't feel it inside.

It also matters if you don't know how to use it.

So yes, it does matter, but to be honest if my man had a small penis but he was open minded and not lazy it wouldn't matter to me.

BTW 5 1/2 inches is by no means small.

That's exactly the size I'm used (I've been married a long time and any boyfriends were a long long time ago) to and I've not found it a problem. You make love with your whole body and by the time I'm ready for it it could be any size I don't care.
I personally do not pay attention to penis size. It depends on rather, if the man in question actually knows what to do with it.
My last boyfriend had a rather large penis, but had NO idea what he was doing in the bedroom.

I also don't care about size. My boyfriend is 61/2 and he is gr8 at pleasing all my needs. :)
Re: Size

Tine said:
You make love with your whole body and by the time I'm ready for it it could be any size I don't care.

There is so much to making love, that penetration is almost secondary to the whole act.

Pay attention to your partner and make her pleasure the center of your world, and you will be the best lover in the world, regardless of size. :)

And I agree...5 1/2 is great. :)

Size Matters

Sorry, but I have had a guy with a VERY small penis, and several greatly endowed, and somewhere in between those two sizes, is the perfect size for me.

If he doesn't know how to use it, the bloke can be taught :D
cock size

Hon, My guy is just under 7 and it's great with me. I've had smaller that have satisfied me entirely, and I've had bigger (by far) and didn't get much out of it. Big is nice visually tho...I admit that. Just like circed is a bit nicer to look at for ME. It's really all in the girth when you talk cock size anyway. Love Lisa
5 1/2 is a nice size and it doesn't matter as long as a guy knows how to use it. Sure a big cock is nice to look at but not necessarily easy to take. Dh is about 6 1/2-7 and he's just right for me. I'd rather have girth than length.:D
A penis is a penis is a penis. Seriously. If you're black and you're concerned about a stereotype, just realize that any lover who's in it for YOU won't care about the size of your penis, and if she's really into it physically, all she's going to want is YOU inside of her, or whatever. She won't be all randy and crazy about you and then see your penis and walk away. And y'know? If she does? She's a megabitch, and why would you want to be intimate with someone like that.

Now then. I've been with men whose penises (penii?) were 5.5" to 8.5". The man who had the average-sized penis (5.5) knew what he was doing.. he was considerate, very hot-blooded in the sack, and his penis was PERFECT for anal... mmmmmm.. good memories. My current so is about 8.5 when fully erect. It's really painful for me to take him in the ass, so I don't do it that often, but I enjoy the feeling of being stretched when he's inside my pussy. And I am still REALLY tight. If my current so was a dimwit in the bedroom, all the endowment in the world wouldn't make him a good lover.. but he makes love with more than just his penis.. his hands, arms, legs, toes, tongue, and mind are all involved.. and that is what makes ANY lover or ANY size good.
Well we've heard from the women that have hubbies/BF's/SO's with big dicks (i.e., bigger than the average 5.5-6.0), now let's hear what the ladies with hubbies/BFs/SOs who have little dicks (i.e., smaller than 5.0) have to say about the size issue.


Sorry... just being an ass.

P. B. Walker said:
Well we've heard from the women that have hubbies/BF's/SO's with big dicks (i.e., bigger than the average 5.5-6.0), now let's hear what the ladies with hubbies/BFs/SOs who have little dicks (i.e., smaller than 5.0) have to say about the size issue.


Sorry... just being an ass.

Why get hung up on your OWN stereotype?? It's obvious here so far that size doesn't matter to the ladies of Lit. Why compare? If you're smaller, there isn't much you can do about it other than be a more attentive lover... and not just with your penis. Confidence with the tools that you have make you a better lover and NOT the size of the tool. I've always believed that wonderful lovemaking starts in the mind and expands outward to the body.
And in regards to stereotyping a black or a white people... what about the thousands if not millions of people, who are of mixed descent? How do we categorize them???:confused: :mad: