Does Kasey Kasem Actually Listen To, Much Less Like The To 40?


Literotica Guru
Sep 20, 2001
I just came in off the road and at some point thought it'd be fun to listen to Kasey count down the "hits."

Kasey: ...and that was "Wanksta" by rap artist 50 Cent at number 22. Next up, "Thugz Mansion" by still dead rap artist 2PAC Shakur.

At what point will he and Rick Dees finally realize that they're out of touch?
amelia said:
the real question:

were they ever in touch?


I'm pretty sure Kasey thought he was the shiznit circa 1984 and Michael Jackson. I mean he even went out and got that bizarre Amazonian wife with peroxide hair and grand tatas to prove that he was hip and stuff. Plus he had those groovy Cosby sweaters.

Rick Dees had a hit with "Disco Duck" in the late '70's, so no, he never was in touch.
One nice thing about getting older is that you can turn down the hearing aid when something offends your ears. My guess is they have been doin it for years. As i recall kasey is pretty short so lots of things must fly over his head to begin with.
Who doesn't like "Wanksta"?
I bet Kasey has an autographed 50 Cent album cover on the wall at his house.

But really, I'm sure he doesn't even listen to the songs as he counts 'em down.
totally off topic: minkey, just have to say, the combo of title, av, and sigline is wicked!
At what point will TuPac's mom be rich enough to stop releasing every snippet he ever recorded?
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modest mouse said:
At what point will TuPac's mom be rich enough to stop releasing every snipper he ever recorded?

dude, TuPac's not really dead. It's a big conspiracy.
Stuck in the 80's

Marxist said:

At what point will he and Rick Dees finally realize that they're out of touch?

When they stop getting paid to do just what they are doing.
I'll be glad when rap dies out and we can get singers. Youse people sing well.
WriterDom said:
I'll be glad when rap dies out and we can get singers. Youse people sing well.

Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me a River" rmx features.....50 Cent.
Marxist said:
I just came in off the road and at some point thought it'd be fun to listen to Kasey count down the "hits."

Kasey: ...and that was "Wanksta" by rap artist 50 Cent at number 22. Next up, "Thugz Mansion" by still dead rap artist 2PAC Shakur.

At what point will he and Rick Dees finally realize that they're out of touch?
I don't know about Casey's countdown, but "Wanksta" is nowhere on Dees'.

He's got a bunch of fluffy pop on his, and fluffy pop, by and large, doesn't change a whole lot.
