Does anyone still rate 'Joshua Tree'?

1st saw them on Live

They (the U) have a few good tunes mixed in with the pompous crap.
the only good thing that u2 ever did for me was accidentally introduce me to the genius of brian eno and that probably would've happened without their help anyway.
the only good thing that u2 ever did for me was accidentally introduce me to the genius of brian eno and that probably would've happened without their help anyway.

I was in a hole-in-the-wall BBQ joint in Durham NC. On the wall were pictures of nothing but politicians: Dubya, Clinton, Bob Dole, Strom Thurmond, etc....

At the very bottom was a pic of U2 eating there. The caption read "This is U2. They are a band FROM IRELAND!"

actually, yeah, i can. three mile pilot actually did more to push me in that direction. u2 just put his name in my head.