does anyone else agree?


Blunted Reality
Feb 19, 2013
[does anyone else agree wit me that KIM KARDASHIN being pregnant by Kanye is the biggest mistake an most disgusting choice of her life.]

yes, i think so.
I think you're a fucking idiot for having an opinion of that fat cunt's life.

Go mow the lawn, loser.
sorry faggot, i can't read what you're posting.

you're on IGNORE, dickhead. hahah
Kanye's the biggest d-bag (and least talented) in the music industry. But don't worry this will last about a month.
Kanye's the biggest d-bag (and least talented) in the music industry. But don't worry this will last about a month.

i say nomore than 6 months...

now wit the baby in the way... oh yeah, arguements.

and her dumbass is gonna have to deal wit it, cuz kayne is always on tours etc.