Does anyone care?


Occasional visitor
Apr 1, 2002
I got an e-mail a couple of days ago from fellow literotican 1stTwistedSister. She was very nice about my stories and said "too bad you haven't got a mailing list for when you put new stuff out."

Now I'm well aware that I'm not the best of authors, so I'm wondering whether anyone else cares that I have a new story out and whether you want to be notified of it. I see JonHayworth has a mailing list for his new stories (and I'm v.flattered to be on it Jon, nice to think someone cares about my opinion) and I want to know whether anyone on here would be interested in being on my one.

I have a mailing list myself. Click the www to get to it. I found it to be the most effective--at least as far as my conscience goes--method of getting the word out.

I've had the list since mid-august, I have 98 people on it.
I've been asked this question as well. It suprised me a bit, I'm just not -egotistical- enough to think to come up with the idea. :D

Besides, it takes me so long to finish anything I'd end up spending more time apologizing to the people fool enough to join it that I'd take even longer to write anything. :D
I created my mailing list at the suggestion of a fellow Lit writer, sometimes it poses a problem in my head.

Someone has shown some interest in a particular story of mine does that mean they will want to know when I write in another category?

I still mail them my rational for this is that they have the button to click out of the story if they do not like the subject matter.

Create your mailing list Earl I for one want to know when you have a new story posted because I think you are an imaginative writer.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
I've been trying to figure out how you get your stories listed along with your signature. As you can see I copied the address to the first one and it's there, but how do you turn it into a link?
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<A HREF="" target="_blank">Tony's Stories</A>

C'np that into your sigline box.

You can replace Tony's Stories with whatever you like.
I have a mailing list. When I got feedback about a story from someone, I used to, in my reply, ask them if they wanted to be included on it. Everyone always said yes, so I started just automatically putting the addresses on my list. My justification for this is that I so rarely write a story. Maybe two per year for erotic consumption. So, if I'm bothering anyone, it's not all that often.

Maybe now that I have my little website I should dismantle the mailing list. I'm finding that is a non-intrusive way to announce any happenings in my erotic writing microcosm.

KM, how did you set up the signing up thing for your mailing list?
Thanks Jon, I'm quite flattered. You're the second person today who's told me that I'm a good writer and they want to hear more about my stuff, so I'm on a bit of an ego high atm.

I'll create it soon then. Thanks all for the advice.

The Earl
The hardest part was finding a listserv that permits links porno. I haven't found one so I don't actually link it straight to this site, I have that secondary site with all of my stuff on it until I get around to buying my own bandwidth after I get around to creating the site itself. I don't put up pornographic content that can be easily access there.

At any rate. I use Sign up (it's free) and they give you all the HTML you need to know. Using the wizard thing in yahoo, there's something about HTML in there already. You just drop your own in.

If you're gonna run a website, HTML is cheap and easy to learn.

It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the tags. It's not programming, but it is necessary to run a site.
mailing list

I have a list of folks who are interested in a specific series I am involved in. I let them know when the next one of those is on the boards.

I don't assume they are interested in my other work and so don't e-mail them about them.

My real name is neither John Grisham nor Nicholas Sparks. I don't think I have a real fan club.

But wouldn't that be nice? I could sit at a desk in Barnes and Noble, sip latte and sign autographs.

Whoops, just woke up.
KillerMuffin said:
The hardest part was finding a listserv that permits links porno.

Uh oh. Does that mean I can't have the ss and lit links on my yahoo site, KM?
I do. I don't put up pornographic content, just link to it. The TOS doesn't mention linking to it, just having it.

Mailing lists.......

I've done the same thing myself. I think a mailing list is a great way to get quick exposure to a new story that has posted. One thing I have learned however with the "spam" laws in several states...if you use email to notify your readers, include their email addy's in the BCC section (or blind) copy of your email. Then send it to yourself, or to a secondary email addy if you have one. That way your email goes to everyone, but not everyone see's everyone you sent it to. (Hope that wasn't as confusing as it sounded!) LOL....

And...another thing, ensure you mention that you WILL remove anyone's name if it's requested. That's also an additional little requirement that's needed/required in some states if you have a broad-base of people you email too.

I remain,