Does any one els want to bitch about their SHITTY job?

Lord Porn

Really Experienced
Dec 23, 2002
I don't know about any one els but my job is realy pissing me off!:mad:
I left them

I quit the shitty jobs. Life is too short to be unhappy every day.

I LIKE my job!
I love my job and my supervisor is the best! I love job #2 as well.

The other seven people left my department, and now I'm very nearly my own supervisor. I work later hours, but I like it. Very relaxing.
I enjoy my job. I get a feeling of satifaction from my job. I like my boss and co-workers. Actually, I love my job. But there are some days that I love it less.
I want to bitch about my job. IT'S WANK!!!!!!!!!:mad:

Sorry about being so unladylike. I just needed to for a moment!
I love my job. I wouldn't do anything else.

The other night I asked one of the new probationary firefighters I was working with, why he became a firefighter.

His answer(with no hesitation), -The chicks dig it.

I laughed lightly, trying to be the mature seasoned vet of 15 years, but deep down it was a HELL YEAH! high fivin' howl!!
1hotjob said:
I love my job. I wouldn't do anything else.


I couldn't entice you to do something of a more personal nature?;)

Seriously...I know you're dedicated. It's one of the reasons I adore you.
With a name like Lord Porn, I'm gonna have to guess Jizz mopper.

Not even close Spinaroonie! But you made me laugh so hard it made my day:D
I'm still at my job. 'nuff said.

And once I find the moron who coded PeopleSoft, I'm gonna rip his gizzard out and feed it to my cats.
Sorry about being so unladylike. I just needed to for a moment!

That's ok every body needs to lit go once in awile! :rose:
What do you do?

I am a sales rep. for a shipping company, and my boss thinks that I should be doing the same numbers as our NY office!
I have six words to sum up my feeling of loathing for my occupation.

The customer is always an asshole.
juicylips said:

I couldn't entice you to do something of a more personal nature?;)

Seriously...I know you're dedicated. It's one of the reasons I adore you.
:kiss: dear, would be a hobby. An addicting hobby. A spend all my free time when not working hobby!

You are adored as much sweetheart! :kiss:
I like the work I do

But,sadly, I have very little respect for the management of the company I work for.
I'm very happy with the company I work for. The pay is well above average for similar positions within the industry, the benefits are oustanding, and they're allowing me to be innovative in how the job is done. And to top it all of I can't think of a more secure position outside of the US Senate, lol.

I never thought I'd say it but I like my job an awful damn lot.
2 more days. Shouldn't be so bad the rest of the week. I hope. I finally finished something that was on my monday's "to do" list. I still have 6 other items from it left, though. *sigh*
Okay, I have you all beat. I work at a fucking ice cream factory. A shitty ice cream factory at that. We make stuff like shopper's value, flavorite, promenade, and sundae shoppe. We have fucking security guards...yeah, like someone wants to break in and steal valuable shitty ice cream recipes. Next week they're banning smoking. I don't know until I walk out the door what time I'll get off work. Could be a six hour day, could be a 12 hour day. Everyone there is a moron. Everyone. No one seems to know what's going on from one day to the next. Or how to give breaks in a timely manner. My supervisor doesn't do jack shit all day long except sit in the office and fuck around. Not even when we need help, and it's obvious that we do. I'm not egotistical, but I do believe that I am the most intelligent person working in my plant. No one else displays anything above a Jr. High reading and thinking level....Okay...I think I feel a little better, I just had to rant a little bit.