Do you worry about people finding your "sex collection" after you're gone?


Oct 4, 2012
Toys. Porn. Whips. Chains.

Those of you with children, can you picture the mortified faces of your kids pouring through the boxes and boxes of your most intimate possessions? Or maybe your brother?

But then, I'm a worrier.
I told my gf to come delete my comp history and throw out my toy box. I'm sure the chain will puzzle her. :D
Toys. Porn. Whips. Chains.

Those of you with children, can you picture the mortified faces of your kids pouring through the boxes and boxes of your most intimate possessions? Or maybe your brother?

But then, I'm a worrier.

I'm hoping I'll have raised my boy to be open minded enough to feel no more discomfort from my toy box as he would my underwear drawer.
I'm hoping I'll have raised my boy to be open minded enough to feel no more discomfort from my toy box as he would my underwear drawer.

I believe in lines that shouldn't be crossed. Still, people manage to trip over objects with breadthless length.
Laughs out loud...God forbid my wife and i die in an accident together. The kids will be quite surprised.
Yup. But then I guess I wouldn't really care, would I.

I'm more concerned about something happening where I'm still alive, but people have to come to the house to do a search for some reason -- maybe to find next of kin to notify for example. Things they might find would be tough to explain later.

I've actually thought of having a lawyer draw up papers to seal the house for at least 10 years. They'd keep an excrow fund to make sure taxes were paid and maybe keep the yard from getting too overgrown, but other than that, all utilities turned off and NO ONE would be permitted to enter for any reason, not even the lawyer.

After 10 years, no one would remember me anyways, so it wouldn't matter.
When my dad died my sisters cleaned out his bedroom. They were shocked, SHOCKED to find XXX magazines and movies in his night stand. I damn near fell down the stairs laughing at their consternation. A year or so before that he called me and wanted to know how to get a stuck tape out of his VCR. I told him I'd drive over and see if I could figure it out. He was adamant that he just wanted me to tell him how to remove it. After talking to him for over 15 minutes I hung up and went over anyway. When I finally got the tape out it was some XXX movie.

He looked defensive as hell and his comment was,"Damn boy, even at my age a man's gotta' do somethin'. The only sex I get any more are with old lady thumb and her four daughters."

For my part, I want my daughter as she cleans out our night stands to go,"Oh that's gross! Old people having sex!"

I think I'll leave a note tucked inside one of the DVD's that says,'Just think about your mom and I all wrinkled up watching this and trying to have sex.'

That'll learn her!

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I believe in lines that shouldn't be crossed. Still, people manage to trip over objects with breadthless length.

Well, it's not like I am going to show him the contents before I die. Though I imagine he'll open the box, realise quickly what it is and throw it out, just as he would with my underwear. I don't think he'd go through the things item by item. Then again he did find a set of my handcuffs after hubby failed to put them away one night, so I've already dealt with part of the problem.

"mummy, what are these?"
*blush* "handcuffs buddy"
"are they for bad guys?"
"yes they are. Now give them to me and go play."
Well, it's not like I am going to show him the contents before I die. Though I imagine he'll open the box, realise quickly what it is and throw it out, just as he would with my underwear. I don't think he'd go through the things item by item. Then again he did find a set of my handcuffs after hubby failed to put them away one night, so I've already dealt with part of the problem.

"mummy, what are these?"
*blush* "handcuffs buddy"
"are they for bad guys?"
"yes they are. Now give them to me and go play."

Thankfully, kids are resilient. But then you have Lyle and Erik Menendez. It's a crap shoot.
Well, it's not like I am going to show him the contents before I die. Though I imagine he'll open the box, realise quickly what it is and throw it out, just as he would with my underwear. I don't think he'd go through the things item by item. Then again he did find a set of my handcuffs after hubby failed to put them away one night, so I've already dealt with part of the problem.

Oh my god. At work a couple of months ago we were teaching our students about jobs and careers. When we got to police officers, the students were obsessed with the fact that they have handcuffs. One boy said "My mommy has handcuffs in her bedroom, but she's not a police woman. I don't know why she has them."

I died.
Thankfully, kids are resilient. But then you have Lyle and Erik Menendez. It's a crap shoot.

*Chuckles* I figure it will be a while before he figures out mummy is a bad guy. I also figure its not really any worse than finding used condoms in your mums bedside drawer... Which happened to me when I was a teenager. I never looked at my mum or my godfather the same way after that.
Oh my god. At work a couple of months ago we were teaching our students about jobs and careers. When we got to police officers, the students were obsessed with the fact that they have handcuffs. One boy said "My mommy has handcuffs in her bedroom, but she's not a police woman. I don't know why she has them."

I died.

*laughs* There's a source of potential embarrassment I hadn't considered. *blushes at the thought*
Now that I think about it, deleting my comp history won't be enough. What about all my explicit pictures?
Now that I think about it, deleting my comp history won't be enough. What about all my explicit pictures?

That's why I try to not keep my pictures on my computer. They're floating around cyberspace out there, just not here. ;)
Wonder what that hook in the bedroom ceiling is for?, they ponder. Funny place to hang a plant, as the sex swing hides in the closet.
Toys. Porn. Whips. Chains. Those of you with children, can you picture the mortified faces of your kids pouring through the boxes and boxes of your most intimate possessions? Or maybe your brother?


You won't believe this, but my sister was having sex with her horse.

"Who told you that?"

Her horse of course.

"Is this a parody of the old Mr. Ed television series from the 1960's where the horse could talk?"

No, it's not a parody. Her horse can really talk.
