Intro to Advanced Conflict ((UnHolyPimpHand & WajaLover))


Not LitShark
Jul 12, 2010
Another new school year, the same ol’ shit.

The words seemed to laugh back at Professor Kyle McDrowery atop the unblemished composition book, dated 2022. What was there to write about, anymore? Everyone had settled into a constant state of defensiveness—looking after themselves, losing track of everything else. It was like the whole world had been circumcised of conflict, there were no stories left to tell. There were no corners left to cut.

If only the goddamn Bengals had been able to muster up the sack to beat the spread—Kyle had seen himself, on the beach in Costa Rica, sipping rum drinks and smoking a joint. He could surely summon up the muse, with a limitless ocean of Latina pussy to inspire him and the relaxed ideal of Pura Vida echoing through his existence.

This wasn’t that world.

In this world, the Rams had covered and Kyle was in debt beyond his means without a clear escape plan. “Dead Man Walking.” Three more words in the book. He was like a toddler learning the alphabet again. What the fuck was he even writing?

Long gone were the prosperous aughts, the double zero years, when one couldn’t pass the doorstep of a bookshop or drug store without glimpsing the idealized “Romance” covers of his past hits. Love, sex, romance. Real life heat, real friction, transported across time and space to flood settings heretofore unexplored.

But the here and now was 2022, and people barely touched one another if they could avoid it. Where was the conflict in that? Kyle couldn’t say.

He tossed the composition book across the messy space of his office, crowded from corner to corner with unsorted files, tucked into cardboard boxes with labels like “drunken bullshit,” “maybe bullshit?” “real shit,” and “horseshit.” The composition book easily cleared the ocean of shit, to shatter the one piece of adornment that Kyle actually cared about. His “Promising Young Author” award from aught eight. He rushed over to rehang the broken frame.

He was supposed to write the next Great American Novel, now he was going to be a footnote in the school paper: “Untenured Professor Gunned Down Under Mysterious Circumstances.” Some undergrad would probably win something inane for comparing his blood to the ocean.

Everyone always compared pools of blood to the ocean.

Both things we can’t see the other side of.

Kyle retrieved the bottle of Maker’s Mark Bourbon, filling his coffee mug with ¾ liquor. He topped himself off with fresh coffee from the teacher’s lounge before dragging himself to his “Introduction to Creative Writing” class. Where he would endeavor to teach children who knew nothing—that which cannot be taught.

Most were already seated as he wrote his name in tall letters on the dry erase board: K Y L E.

“Hello, good morning, buenos dias. My name is Kyle. You will all call me Kyle and I will call you by your first names. The TA should be handing out your syllabi now.”

Katie… the Teacher’s Assistant. Currently a grad student, working toward her MFA in Literature—dooming her to a life of teaching and other forms of “can’t do.”

Kyle had fucked her as an undergraduate, but he wasn’t proud of it.

He’d underestimated Katie’s determination and overall intelligence. Most lit majors faded off and never reappeared again. Katie had made a name for himself, and now he was a slave to her expectations. A slave of two masters. Job from the bible hadn’t suffered as much as Kyle did, teaching intro to creative writing.

He took a long sip of luke-warm, coffee flavored bourbon.

“So… you’re all here to learn how to write. Bad news, though…” another long sip, “writing is a lot like sex. Everyone thinks they’re the best to ever do it—but most have no clue what the fuck they’re doing.

“If you’re one of those who has no clue what you’re doing, I will tell you so. You will argue, rationalize, bargain, et cetera. But the facts are the facts. If you haven’t got it, I can’t teach it. Everyone can write—but only a select few are writers. Who brought something to read? Let’s see who has the guts?”

Katie began meandering the rows of the arena classroom, looking for volunteers to read some amateur fiction under very real and obvious pressure.

Fuck… Undergrads were looking younger and younger… it made him feel slightly guilty for being attracted to these young women. Sure, they were all over eighteen—but they looked more like kids every year.

Was this what it felt like to grow old?
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Ash Jones hesitantly took out her poem that she'd written and stopped the madness of other kids trying not to get picked on when they should be glad to get a chance to read to such a well-known professor. Yeah, he didn't do it for her in her eyes, there was something weak about his chin and whole demeanor, so she knew he wasn't a dom for her to cater to, but maybe he could be useful in some other way. Hmmm.... She would have to think further about it.

"I'll read, miss," Ash told the TA. "But not the whole thing. I'm still debating about whether or not the last part of the poem should be included in it or not. It has more personal response."

"Just read whatever you feel comfortable with," the TA told her kindly.

Ash opened her mouth and began to read: (This is my own personal work that I wrote this week and that I'm thinking about publishing here on Lit.)
Dear Mom and Dad,

Please tell me,
Did you ever think about me when you were ripping apart my dreams?
Did you ever think about me, when you were fighting in court?
Did you ever think about me, when you were battling over who got more time?
Did you ever think about my dreams?
Did you ever think about what I wanted?
Did you ever think about what I needed most in the world?
Did you ever think about what you were doing to me?
Did you ever think about what sacrifices I was making to keep the peace with you both?
Did you ever think about the cost to me?
Did you ever think twice about your vows before breaking them?
Did you ever think about keeping your vows?
Did you ever think about fighting the divorce?
Did you ever think about the reasons why you got married before you divorced?
Did you ever think about the love you once shared and wonder if maybe you should try to keep it together for me?
Did you ever think about my hopes?
Did you ever think about my future?
Did you ever think about me?
Did you ever think about my feelings?
Did you ever think about how hard life would be for me?
Did you ever think about what I wanted most from life?
Did you ever think about how you were tearing apart the one person you were supposed to protect most in the world, me?
Did you ever think about how much influence you would have over me?
Did you ever think about how rotten I’d feel when I couldn’t please you both?
Did you ever think about how divorces ruin children’s lives?
Did you ever think, even for one moment, about doing whatever it took to keep the peace in your child’s life? Did you? Really, did you?

Did you ever think about why I never had the normal dreams every child should have?

Did you ever think about what life I would lead,
Too afraid to get married?
Did you ever think about how messed up I’d grow up to be? Because of you both?
Did you ever think about me, Mom and Dad, when you made your vows?
Did you ever think about me, in the darkness of the night, and wonder how you messed up so spectacularly?

Did you ever think about how vows were made to be forever?
Did you ever think? Did you ever think? Did you ever think?
Did you ever think for one second about what you were doing to your only kid?
Did you ever think about me, Mom and Dad?
Did you ever think about giving me more friends my own age?

Did you ever think about what your fights were doing to tear me apart?
Did you ever think your divorce would influence someone?
Did you ever think about why married parents with kids stay together until their kids understand?
Did you ever think about the sacrifices I would have to make for you both?
Did you ever think that I would have to escape into my own made-up world to escape my life and to feel better about myself?
Did you ever think about me, Mom and Dad?

Did you ever think about what you were doing to me?
Did you ever think about how a person’s life is influenced by their childhood in some way, shape or form?"

Everyone was silent at the conclusion of the poem.

"There's more, but it's more personal and I refuse to read it out loud," Ash said. "And it doesn't really belong to this poem anyway. It's more of a personal response."

Ash Jones was a petite girl with large E breasts and trim figure. She was only 20 and she'd be graduating next semester. Her long hair was curly as could be and she didn't stand above 5'2. She really didn't stand out in the class or anywhere except for her breasts. They made her stand out with the guys drooling over her. She absolutely hated it and wished she didn't have them, but at the same time, she wondered if her ideal owner would love them. If not, he could pay to get them reduced, she'd decided recently on the subject.

Oh yes, lil miss Ash was definitely in the lifestyle. But she never showed it, not even in her demeanor like most subs did. She didn't let herself, not wanting to give herself away to any predators who loved weak girls like her.

After I graduate, she told herself again as she waited for the professor's criticism or praise for her poem.
As if by some fluke of divine providence, the hot blonde that Kyle had been looking at volunteered to read her work. When she stood up, he was able to get a full view of her—her body looked even better in motion. Trim, athletic waist—wide hips—round ass—long, blonde hair and tits that could start a war. Her tits were outstanding, huge, round and jiggled with even the slightest movement.

Kyle wanted her and didn’t even care that Katie could see that he wanted her.

He was barely listening to her reading. Pretty typical undergrad stuff, eager to unpack their traumas because someone once told them that writing should hurt—but that didn’t matter, really. What he was looking for was someone with the guts to read publicly—to put themselves out there.

She had certainly done that. (Yes, he was focused on her tits again)

“Very good, very good. No need to go on past your comfort. Very good, miss…” here, Kyle waited for her to introduce herself, “Miss Ash, very good. Everyone, thank her.”

Kyle led the class in a gentle round of applause.

“You may sit. Thank you. Now, I can’t really tell who among you is destined for greatness—or even capable of it. None of you are the writers that you’re capable of being—most of you will never become those writers. Most of you will give up and do something else with your lives, something less painful, less terrifying, less demanding of your absolute best at all times.

“Miss Ash, here has demonstrated that she, unlike any of the rest of you at least possesses the courage of her convictions—something that is absolutely essential if any of you intend a career in letters.”

On the board, Kyle wrote the words: “READING LIST”

“Those of you who haven’t got what it takes, I cannot teach you to have it. No one book can help you to have it either. There is no syllabus for this class. Instead I want each of you to compile your own reading list for the semester. Five to eight books that you will read and we will never discuss. Read something that makes you happy—I don’t care what. Just keep reading while you take my class.”

Kyle sighed and looked at the clock. It had only been twenty minutes and his lesson plan was at an end. He might have opened up the floor to further readings, but that would undermine the impact of Ash’s reading.

“Compile your own list and bring them to the next class. Write something else, too. I won’t check it. You will or you won’t. That’s all I’ve got. Class dismissed.”

Katie sighed audibly, she wasn’t sure why she allowed herself to hope that this semester would be different. The class stayed sitting for a moment, not quite sure what to make of being dismissed after less than a half-hour.

“Miss, Ash. I’d like to talk to you privately,” Kyle said, locking eyes with the gorgeous blonde before turning his attention back to the wider group, “go on. Fuck off now, please.”

This time, Katie giggled faintly.
Ash introduced herself at the appropriate time and she wasn't quite sure what to make of him dismissing the class after such a short time. Then she took in his clothes, his demeanor, the way he carried himself, everything about him, and she came to a snap decision. He wasn't worthy of her time. He was pudge. There was nothing he could do for her carreer. Nothing she could learn from him that she couldn't learn on her own or didn't know already.

From the way he couldn't stop staring at her breasts, she knew that he wanted only one thing from her, and she wasn't about to give it to him. The priviledge of breaking her hymen could only belong to one person, her future owner. Her thoughts swirled in her mind as she thought best how to play this.

This professor would make a perfect middle man to her finding her perfect owner. That's what she needed most in the world. That, and her ability to write. She had a feeling that she could negotiate for that on her own with whoever bought her.

After the classroom had cleared out, Ash took charge.

"Okay guys, listen up. I've decided you, Kyle, are no longer important to me climbing up the writing ladder," Ash said loudly, snapping her fingers in front of her large chest. She hoped that he'd pay attention to her, but decided it didn't really matter as he wasn't behind the brains of the operation. His Assistant, Katie, was.

"So since I have no further use for you, Kyle, I could just quit your class and have you dismissed from the college with a single word. But, I've decided that you can be useful to me, Kyle. Or rather, Katie can be." Ash smiled at her, who looked at her and gasped, surprised to be noticed.

"Now Kyle, you won't get to fuck me, but you will get to watch me get fucked by someone of my choosing, okay?" Ash said loudly, snapping her fingers again in front of her breasts. She sighed as she saw drool come out of his mouth. She turned to Katie.

"Miss, I need you to get me the numbers of all the wealthy, high-classed men. Do whatever you need to do and we can make out when we get back to my place and I can teach you how to read people as easily as I did Kyle. I need his connections to the powerful men in this town, to send out a single message," Ash told her.

"Oh? And what's the message supposed to be, Ash?" Katie asked her.

"Don't worry your pretty little head over that yet, Katie. I'll tell you when I need you to know that. If I need you to know that. I'm not sure you do." Ash said thoughtfully. "Let's just say you should tell them to contact me at their earliest convenience and that they won't regret it."

Ash took out her notebook again and scribbled her number on a sheet of paper, gave it to Katie, and said, "Don't lose it, dearest. Or I will be vastly upset. And you don't want that." Katie gulped and nodded, picturing horrible things in her mind.
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For a moment, Kyle stood stupefied, his mouth hanging open. It was really quite the reaction to him asking her to stay behind—especially since class was supposed to be in session for another hour and ten minutes. Katie played along, quite enjoying the display she was making of him—but when she began barking out orders, Kyle quickly had enough.

“Shut up!” Kyle shouted at last, the empty stadium classroom filling up with his loud voice as he slammed his copy of Shakespeare’s Complete Works on the table with a resounding thud, “who must you think you’re talking to, little girl? I am neither your pimp nor your entertainer. I owe you nothing. Whatever leverage you think you have over me, you are mistaken. If you wish to be owned, put a listing in the back pages. I am not your servant.”

Kyle stuffed his things into his bag and turned pointedly toward the door.

“You have overplayed your hand, little girl. Expect to hear from the dean regarding this little outburst.”

Kyle’s shoes made echoing sounds as he strode toward the door. He slowed down, coming to a stop with his back to her.

“Even if I did know someone who had use for a thing such as you, why would I vouch for you—misbehaved and obstinate as you are. What might you do except humiliate me? Is this the kind of behavior you think a pet should display?”

Kyle extracted a notepad from his pocket, quickly scribbling an address before crumpling the paper and dropping it onto the ground.

“If you can check that revolting ego of yours come to that address tonight. Wear something that demonstrates your desire to be possessed. If you displease the one I will introduce you to, there will be nothing I can do to help you—not that you deserve this much help, even now. Come on, Katie.”

Katie gave an apologetic shrug before hustling after him, leaving Ash alone in the room.


The Kinky Flamingo was a full-nude strip club, bathed in neon light in the midst of the roughest neighborhood in the city. There were fights nearly every night and the police patrolled the front of the building regularly.

Sergei Kovalev was the owner and proprietor of the club, a handy laundry for the dirty cash that flowed in from his other, less reputable businesses. Drugs, girls, bookmaking, loan sharking—there was almost nothing that Sergei didn’t have his hands in.

Kyle’s debt was just one of many markers that he held. A drop in the ocean of his empire. The money was practically meaningless, what mattered infinitely more was his reputation. Having his reputation tarnished by a small-time nobody like Kyle would have cost him dearly, both financially and personally.

He’d been tailing Kyle for over a week. Deciding what to do with him.

Lucky for them both, Kyle was honoring his appointment to meet with Sergei. A text from his man informed him that the sad-sack was pulling up to the club directly. Though the outside of the club was bathed in an absolute wash of neon pink light, the inside was meant to represent an omniscient view of the universe. Black walls and mirrors reflecting black lights and green lasers with over a thousand individual strobes going off at different intervals to replicate the stars. It was the kind of club that had to post epilepsy warnings at the door.

The bars, poles and stages were all made of smoked plexiglass around long strings of LED lights and EL-Wire, cycling the full range of colored lights at synchronized intervals. The poles, the bar-tops, the surfaces of the stage were all the same color at any given moment—but never the same color for long.

Serge loved the view from his office. Lights, colors and flesh—all splayed out behind his floor-to-ceiling windows. All his.

“You should have brought that pretty little assistant of yours,” Serge remarked, his thick Eastern European accent heavy with condescension, “I know you don’t have the money. At least I have use for pretty girl.”

“I’ve got something better, Serge! Trust me. She ought to be on her way now. I’m sure of it!”

“A different girl? Keeping that one for yourself, are you? Or maybe you’re scared I might break her.”

“You do have a reputation…”

“So do you.”

“Trust me, you’ll be pleased. All that will be left to decide is how much you’re going to owe me beyond settling my debts!” Kyle feigned confidence, sitting across from Sergei’s desk and putting his feet up.

“Trust is something earned. Not given,” Sergei still had not turned back from the window to look at Kyle.

“I swear, she’s coming. Really something special. Just make sure your goons let her up when she gets here.”

“They will let her in. Whether they let you out or not remains to be seen.”
Ash showed up at the address, nervous as hell, but trusting her instincts and the fact that her parents were out of the country for the next year, leaving her to do as she pleased.

Stepping out of the cab, dressed in a full-length overcoat that covered her head to toe, she went up to the bouncer and said, "Please, Sir, won't you take my coat from me?"

And she unzipped her coat, revealing her black bikini that was made up of 2 tiny black triangles that barely covered her nipples and a slightly larger thong that was made of more string than anything else. She also, funny enough, wore black knee pads. Those who saw them thought that was a bit bizarre. She offered her coat to the bouncer, who took it from her, his jaw hanging. She smirked and winked at him, then went to the door which was opened for her.

"Thanks," she said to them.

"My name is Pet. I expect to be well treated except when I don't expect it. Your boss knows me, I'm sure. I've never met him, but I want that to change right now. And Pet always gets her way, except when she doesn't, but only your boss gets to determine that part. Not you guys."

A goon came and lead her to Serge's office. He knocked politely, then opened the door for her. Whispering her thanks, Ash dropped to her hands and knees and crawled inside the room.

Ignoring Kyle completely, she looked around and crawled up to the handsome man she'd never seen before and looked him over, studied him for a moment as she knelt by his feet on all fours, much like how a dog would sit. Nodding firmly, she stretched out her legs and took off her knee pads, wincing with relief, then tucked her knees back under her so she knelt properly before him. She took off the string bottom and removed her top.

"My only requirement is that I get some time each day, Sir, even if it's just 5 minutes, to write. I've been doing that each and every day for as long as I can remember, so it's highly important to me, Sir," Ash said in a respectful tone, eyes down as she opened up the pouches on the inside of her kneepads and withdrew card after card. Most were almost impossible to maintain, they had such a high monetary value. She placed 10 of them in a stack on his desk in front of her new owner and then offered him a tiny usb drive.

Holding this up, Ash said, "Show the contents to my parents and whatever crimes you've committed will go away. They're out of the country for the next year, so it will have to wait, but they know full well my dreams, and while they don't understand them one bit, hell, I don't even get them myself, Sir, they fully support me and want nothing bad to jeopardize my life and happiness. If things get too dicey around here for you, you can always use their emergency number, which is on the drive, and contact them that way, Sir. Now that you have those cards, you have all the cash I own in the world, Sir, and that's just how it should be, considering what I am, a pet. And I know that the term sex slave may be more appropriate, but I prefer the term pet, so that's what I am in my mind at least, Sir."

She gave it to him, smiling. Ash had said everything in a low, even, respectful tone, so that she wouldn't accidentally upset her new Owner by speaking to him the wrong way and earn a punishment already. Nope, punishment so soon wouldn't do in her eyes at all, unless it was really called for. And she didn't see how.
“You see? Do I deliver or what?” Kyle smirked as Ash—er, ‘Pet’ made a grand show of prostrating herself in front of Serge, laying it all in the open both literally and figuratively.

“I need whores, not pets. I have a Burmese python and a very illegal Siberian white tiger. I have no use for any more pets,” though he was stern with Kyle, Serge’s gaze softened as he looked down at the girl kneeling beside his desk, he turned back toward the room for the first time.

“Yet, I am pleased with her,” Serge continued speaking to Kyle, looking down at ‘Pet’ as he did, “she certainly is lovely to look at. Does she dance?”

“I don’t know, but she’s a pretty quick learner.”

“Do you dance, pet?”

“Seems like you two would like to get better acquainted. I’ll just go ahead and let you…”

“Fine. Go. After I’m done assessing the value of this… thing you have brought me I will let you know what remains of your debt.”

“Oh, come on, this ought to settle it.”

Serge’s eyes flashed up at Kyle, silencing him on the spot.

“Or… yeah, just let me know. I don’t think she’ll disappoint you.”

“We’ll see,” Serge pushed a button under his desk, causing the large, automated door to his office to slide open, pocketing itself within the velvet-lined walls.

“I think I’ll call you Sarah, for now. At least until I decide to call you something different. Pet does nothing for me. Makes me think of stray dogs and cats. Sarah suits you,” Serge sat back in his chair, turning to face her when the two of them were alone.

“Let’s start slow. Dance for me, Sarah. Show me that you know how to move that excellent body of yours.”
Ash, now Sarah, thought back to all the hours of ball room dancing her parents insisted on her taking and shuddered, closing her eyes. She'd done her best with those, but where she'd really excelled were with the lessons that even they didn't know about, or so she thought. The belly and downright dirty dancing.

"If I couldn't become a whore for my eventual Master, I wouldn't have taken lessons for it, Sir," Sarah said, standing up gracefully, not smiling, as she sank into her dancing mindframe. She backed away from her new owner and wished for a moment that she was covered up still so she could do a grand reveal, but oh well. So be it. She'd work with what she had.

Tapping her foot, Ash transformed herself in her mind into this new persona her new Owner apparently wanted as she danced and swayed to the music in her mind. She bopped, shimmied, twisted, and turned in a relatively small space, as though she were confined in a box. Her new Master wanted to call her Sarah, wanted her to be a dancing whore, so that was what Ash would be. She boxed Ash up into a mental compartment in her mind and locked it away as she transformed herself into a dancing beauty for her Master.
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Sergei smiled, watching Sarah move her body. It was quite a body indeed. Her muscles flexing and contracting under her skin, tits and ass jiggling at the finish of each swish of her hips or turn of her shoulders. Her long, blonde hair swinging around as she moved.

“Alright, Professor. You may go, consider our deal squared,” Sergei leaned back in his chair, watching her move, he pressed a button under his desk, turning up the sound system that pumped in the music from outside, the song was Sex & Candy by Marcy Playground.

“Wait, I thought that she was worth a little more. Maybe a band, maybe two. Some credit for play at the very least…”

Sergei stopped the music again, turning his head slowly.

“You do not wish to reopen negotiations with me.”

“Ahem—you’re right. Boy are you right? When you’re right, you’re right.” Kyle backed out, continuing to mutter apologies that were lost as the music flooded back in.

Once Kyle was gone, Sergei opened his pants, exposing his huge, thick, uncut cock.

“You dance alright. I can work with. Show me you know what to do with this, now,” Sergei brandished his cock while his other hand beckoned her closer, “if I like it, we’ll pick you out some new clothes—some suited to your new life… Sarah.”

“For now, you may call me Sir. If and when you earn more familiar titles with me, I will inform. You may put knee pads back on. They were good thing to bring—useful in dancing, too. I like a slut who can think ahead to more than the next cock. It’s not strictly necessary, but I like it. It is strictly necessary that you please my cock.”

Sergei opened his legs invitingly.

“Then you tell me about Teacher’s Assistant. I want you to have a sister.”
Sarah silently gave thanks to all of her practice lessons with a fake large cock. She'd practiced deep throating cocks of all shapes and sizes and could swallow anything with ease. It was all a matter of counting in her head and relaxing her throat, she'd found, and of course, breathing whenever she let herself breathe. She'd practiced every which way she could and was, she thought, quite good at it.

But it didn't matter what she thought or what practice sessions she'd had, Sarah thought now, if she couldn't please her new Sir. Quickly putting on her knee pads, she got up and stepped back, made sure that the air was clear of obstacles, and threw a few kicks. Frowning, she adjusted a strap and kicked again, then nodded her satisfaction and knelt.

"If I'm not careful with the knee pads, Sir, then I'll regret it at some point in my life and why have regrets that you can prevent with a safety precaution in place, Sir, right?" She smiled up at him right before she lowered her gaze on his large cock and swallowed much as she could so that it filled her mouth in one go.

Sarah kept still for a moment, waiting, then mentally started tapping a tune in her head and got to work licking his large cock. She licked, sucked, and slurped on it, working about half of it with her mouth before she switched songs in her mind and said to herself 'Bring it on!' mentally.

And that's when Sarah really went to work, pushing him past her throat entrance and down her esophagus. If Sir was watching, he could probably see his own dick move down her throat as she bobbed up and down, burying her nose against his pubes for counts beginning at 5, then increasing to 10, 15, and ending eventually at 50. Finally, Sarah sat back on her knees and smiled up at him, rubbing at her slobber running down her cheek.

"The Teacher's Assistant is very submissive, Sir," she said. "I could read her as I did him, as I did you, and I judged you as worthy of what I gave you. So I gave it to you." She shrugged like it didn't matter when, in reality, it really did matter. If Sarah didn't want to be there, then she just had to activate the tracker in her false tooth and her parents would get a notification on their phones and she'd be rescued faster than anyone would be aware. But she pushed all those thoughts aside as she focused on her new Sir. "Anyway, enough about what I gave you and what I sensed. All I know for sure is that she obeys him completely and she seems helpless to do otherwise. He might have a hold of some sort over her, Sir, but I can't imagine what it could be. He's certainly not smart like she is. She's much smarter and would never do anything dumb like get mixed up in your business if there was any way to avoid it, Sir. You'd have to force her hand in some way if you want her to be my sister, Sir. She's even perhaps more submissive than I am. I have a bratty side, a stubborn streak to me, and I didn't sense that at all about her."

Sarah kept her eyes lowered and her whole tone respectful during her entire speech. Yes, she wanted to push her new Sir, but the timing was all wrong still, so she would wait for it. She didn't want to think she was unworthy of him.
Serge leaned back in his chair, bringing his large, ring-covered hand to the back of her head, letting her continue to set the pace on her own. Just a reminder that her throat belonged to him, even though he was allowing her to use it on him rather than using it himself. Sarah was nothing if not eager to please. She perhaps gave herself a little bit more credit than was due as far as reading people, but she was well mannered, obedient.

“Who trained you?” Serge asked at last, when Sarah was done giving a faithful report about Kyle’s Assistant, “someone must have and it certainly wasn’t that dipshit Kyle. I’m curious. Do you have lingering allegiances that may come back to bite me at inopportune times? Residual feelings for someone else?”

A low groan escaped Serge’s lips as Sarah continued to suck him generously. Yes, he could get used to this. He reached down with his other hand, gathering one of her massive tits and caressing it affectionately while he continued to suck.

“I expect you to be a big earner for me, Sarah. We’ll need a stage persona for you…” Serge squeezed her naked breast and continued to let her suck his cock and lick his balls, “maybe something unique… an Angel.”

Just as he was considering, her big, blue eyes met his and he was stricken. The word “Angel” just kind of bubbled out of him.

“Yes, Angel. Your stage name is going to be Angel. White fishnets, platforms, white lace, satin gloves… maybe even wings… maybe not. If you can earn Me five grand or more tonight, I will buy you a proper collar and bring you home with me tonight. If not, you’ll stay here until you can earn that amount. Understand? You may whore yourself, but only in the back rooms. Understand?”

Now, he was pushing a little, his breath becoming ragged as his climax approached. He wasn’t expecting an answer as the crown of his cockhead wedged itself in and out of her throat repeatedly.
Sarah said quickly during one of her breathing breaks, "No one did, Sir," before shoving back down on his cock, sucking him hard. When she needed a longer break, she gasped, "I trained myself using videos, Sir, and various sized dildos." Then she went back to sucking like the obedient slut she was in her mind.

She smiled when he grasped her breast and tried to keep doing what she'd been doing. Yes, her suction power weakened for a moment or 2, but not for long before she was fully focused on blowing him again. She grinned up at him best she could and gave him a thumbs up when he told her his plans for her, but knew he probably didn't see it from where her hands were, nor did she really care. She wasn't about to risk breaking her rhythm by moving her body unless he told her to move it, and so far, that wasn't happening.

As Sarah sucked, she thought about how she could get the 5 grand quickly, and smiled around his cock. She had the perfect way. Pushing out those distracting thoughts, she focused as best she could on becoming the best cocksleeve slave her owner had ever had and pushed her limits to the max. She hummed her approval to make it even more enjoyable for him as he strained toward his climax.

When he finally came, it overflowed her mouth and fell on her breasts as she swallowed repeatedly. When he finally pulled back, she scooped it up and smiled, savoring it, showing it to him in her mouth before swallowing it. She got up all the semen she could and smiled.

"Thank you, Sir, for my very first bj," Sarah said, softly, eyes down. "I have the most perfect plan to get you your 5 grand, Sir, unless nobody cares about fucking the new girl on the block. A girl they will only be able to see the head and rough figure of. Oh, and would you like my virginity or should that also be for sale, Sir? I think I know what i'd choose if I were you, but then again, I'm not you, so who knows." She shrugged.
Serge knit his brows together, genuinely perplexed by the girl he’d been brought. She’d taught herself. With dildos. The fucking internet was absolutely insane, he decided for the third time this week. Serge was old school, he remembered the days you would have to drug a girl and murder her father to get this type of obedience—sometimes years of work. Sarah had been gifted to him.

“Yeah, you’re welcome,” Serge chuckled, tipping back the lid on his desktop humidor, “If you’re going to be Mine, like forever, you should await my preferences rather than trying to anticipate them.”


Serge used a gold-plated device with finger holes and overlapping Damascus steel blades to cut the end of his cigar off, a clean cut, exposing the oily, moist leaves within. Once he set the cutter down, he reached down, taking her chin between the knuckle of his index finger and the tip of his thumb. He raised her eyes up to meet his.

“Don’t avert your eyes. Your eyes are beautiful, expressive. They are like giant, blue billboards advertising your worthiness. Never hide them, not from me, not from anyone. Lead with them. Let them follow everything, see everything. If you want to be useful to me, your eyes have more value than your body. I want your eyes to be everywhere. Never hide them.

“Tongue.” Serge’s tone made it clear that this was a command. The tone and brusqueness of his command a form of instruction that far surpassed the previous, long-winded speech.

When she produced her tongue for him, he reached down, dabbing the freshly cut end of his cigar onto her tongue. Four, five, six times.

“Now, suck it like a cock. Get it nice and wet.”

When Sarah had finished treating the tip of his cigar, Serge brought the wet end up to his lip and struck a match, dragging his thumbnail across the surface. He drew in deeply, bringing the orange flame into the nest of dark, overlapping fibers of exquisite, Cuban tobacco.

“Virginity is an interesting prospect. To Me, it has no special value, but to you, it might. I leave that up to you. If you can make my money by dancing and using your mouth, and you want to save that for me tonight. As a gift. I would accept. If you need to sell that to raise my money, you won’t be punished. The bottom line is all I care about.

“You are a money-making tool. Nothing more. Your value to me is directly proportional to how much you can earn for me. Hands.”

Hands was another command. He wanted her to hold them out, cupping them together. Once she did, he tapped the ash from the end of his cigar into her palms. Using her as an ashtray as he began tapping keys on his computer, spreading the cards she’d left on his desk out across the surface of his desk. Entering numbers, checking balances. He breathed in deeply.
"Yes Sir," Sarah said quietly when he told her not to anticipate his needs. She raised her eyes up to his and sat back on her heels more comfortably. She offered him her tongue at his harsh command and sucked on the end of his cigar obediently.

At the hands command, she offered him her hands and waited his pleasure. After he instructed her in how to hold out her hands, Sarah quickly did so and watched, patiently, as he used her as an ashtray and checked the cards she'd given him. She hoped he'd be pleased with the amount on them, but she didn't anticipate anything would come from him because of her generosity to him. As she'd said, she was simply His, and everything that she owned was now his, and that included all her funds.

Each card had exactly $10,000 on it and there were ten of them in total. As he worked, she looked around the very impressive office, trying to get used to his latest command to not look down and to always look up and around her. It went against the grain, but if that was what her new owner wanted, then who was she to question it? Not her, that was for sure, Sarah thought fiercely. But she knew that her submissive manner was bound to get her in trouble at some point, she just had to remember who she'd been before she'd become so submissive.

"I wasn't always submissive, Sir," she said quietly. "I used to have a will, and I still do, Sir. It's just changed to become the best submissive person I could possibly be to best serve my future owner when I was old enough. Fact is, I was in danger of becoming like one of your girls when I was only 14, Sir. It was a police officer, who was a slave in her private life, who set me on the path that I'm on right now, Sir. I only owe my loyalty to her, and she's the one who got me to put in the tracking device in my false tooth in my mouth, Sir. It can't be taken out Sir, not without activation, but its signal can be rendered useless. If it isn't within 4 minutes of being activated, Sir, then hell will descend on you whenever they can get a help team to me."

Sarah tried to remain calm, but her heart was pounding fast. Like he told her before, anticipating his needs was not part of her job description.
Sergei’s eyes went wide as she mentioned the device hidden in her tooth, he hadn’t even considered needing a more thorough search of the naked teen girl who was offering herself as a slave to him. He hadn’t considered that she would be hedging her bets, communicating with the police. Keeping the cops out of his club was more important than Sarah’s life, as far as Sergei was concerned.

“So you’re betraying me? You hedged your bets from the very beginning and brough a device in here to alert the police!” outraged, Sergei drew his revolver from his desk, pointing it down at Pet—since he no longer considered this intruder his, he no longer thought of her as Sarah, “can you remove it?”

Apparently, the device needed to be activated and apparently she could remove it.

“Set it here, on my desk. Then, get the fuck out of my office. Tina will get you an outfit. You’d better be a good worker for all this stress you’re putting me through…”
Sarah set it on his desk and nodded.

"Yes Sir." She had tears in her eyes, but she didn't dare let them fall. Not even one. Not in front of him. Tina saw her and knew that something bad had happened, but she had no clue what.

"Come along, sweety, we'll get you fixed up," Tina said soothingly. "We'll get you dressed up in clothes that will make you the star of tonight's show for the night."

"Not just tonight, but every night," Sarah said fiercely. Tina was surprised by the way that the tears seemed to disappear from the new girl's eyes.

"What's your stage name," Tina asked her. "Don't care about your name. You'll get a new one here if you're owned by the boss."

"He already named me, I was a gift to him, a settlement of a debt, when I just wanted to gift myself to him for free. But I ruined it by opening my big mouth. I should have just taken care of the problem in private. But now I can start earning money on his floor and living wherever his girls sleep at night or during the day as the case may be. Name's Angel," Sarah told her, as they entered the dressing rooms. Her hands immediately started pulling down anything white. After she got several things, she moved to accessories and after much searching, she finally found a halo headband and put it on.

"I won't be working the back rooms, not tonight," Sarah said. "Not for a few nights. I need to get a feel for how much I can make without working them."

Tina was surprised by Angel. She'd never seen someone act so young and innocent and yet so experienced before. They could sell it, she decided, and decided to help her out best she could. She could tell that Angel was going places and would possibly help those that helped her out along the way. It couldn't help to try. She was tired of being in charge of wardrobe. She wanted something bigger than this old life.

"Whatever you want, or need, you tell this old broad, you hear me," Tina told her fiercely. "Tina will get it for you."

Angel looked at her, dressing quickly, and could see that she was on her last legs in this world. "I'll take care of you, sister. If you can last a year, then your life's problems will be over," she said mysteriously, thinking about the few aces she still had up her sleeve.

Angel clapped her hands and said, "Now let's go out and dance our hearts out!"

And dance they did! They both did. Everyone saw something new about Tina and everyone wanted a lapdance from Angel. Money piled in from every direction and she loved it. She reveled in the attention and laughed. When the night was over, she was exhausted, but had made over 5 grand. Her success continued into the next night, and the next. She continued to rake in the big bucks and she loved it.


Katie's life, meanwhile, had gone downhill as Angel's improved. She was sick to death of the professor and his money grubbing ways, his taking credit for whatever she did right, and his 1-2 lovemaking. It wasn't ever fun for her. She'd only fucked him to get ahead, but instead, she'd fallen for someone who'd only take her down with her if she let him. She wanted out of this boring life, and she hadn't seen Ash in class again. When she'd confronted Kyle, he'd hemmed and hawed before finally admitting that he'd traded her for his debts to Sergei. She'd heard of Sergei, of course, and she wasn't surprised by the stupidity of Kyle. He'd been stupid before, and he would be again, but this really took the cake!

Katie lived in cheap place, all she could afford, and she had no family. No one would miss her but Kyle if she disappeared, and that's the way she wanted it. She'd disappeared before, and this time she was about to again, but this time for her own sake, not for another's. She drove her car to Sergei's place, got out, paid the entrance fee, and went in.

Katie was one of the few girls who wasn't there working, and she certainly wasn't dressed like the eye candy of the guys who had girls on their arms. She studied the place, taking everything in, and finally found someone who somehow looked familiar. She was dressed all in white and had a halo on her head, crooked. With a jolt, Katie realized that this was Ash. She clapped for her and laughed at the transformation for her friend.

Katie looked around and realized that this was her chance to impress the boss. She wanted what Ash, now an Angel, had. And while she was relatively innocent, she knew how to make love to a woman quite well. She went up to Angel on her way back to the dressing rooms and said, "Next time you leave me with that dipshit Kyle, you're gonna regret it, Missy!"

Angel blinked, turned, and laughed at Katie. "Yeah, right. Isn't this place a blast? I love it here! You don't mean it and you know it, lil Missy!"

"True, and you know it! Bitch!" The girls laughed. Angel hooked arms with Katie and brought her back. At the goon's look, Angel said, "Boss told me himself before the shitstorm hit that he wanted Katie to be my sister. This is Katie. We only met the one time, but we know each other quite well. Like recognizes like. Right sis?"

"Right, Angel," Katie said easily. "Wait, what shitstorm? What did you do?"

"Ugh! I was a fool! I don't wanna talk about it!" Angel said. "Less peeps know, the better for all of us anyway. So you're joining me? You need to tell the boss. But maybe after you bring in some dough."

"I can help outfit her, Angel," Tina said, coming from the back. She looked them over. "Different body types, but still good workable."

"Oh wow. This is happening so fast." Katie said, stunned.

"You need a stagename," Angel said. "Right after he named me, the boss gave me a stage name. It's defined me."

The 3 girls talked and talked, finally deciding on Toots for Katie's stage name. She could be anything that anyone wanted her to be and Katie loved it.

At the end of the night, Toots had raked in 3 grand. Not bad for not knowing how to dance.
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“Who authorized this?” Sergei asked, his tone like black ice as he watched Katie moving on stage, bills fluttering through air like grey moths around her.

“Angel just kind of took it on herself. Said that you told her you wanted this,” Ivan, Sergei’s best bouncer and right-hand henchman answered, scratching the back of his head sheepishly, “should I pull her from stage?”

“Don’t be stupid. Can’t you see the money she’s pulling in? In her own way, Angel is right. I did mention a wish to acquire this girl. I didn’t expect it to be quite so… effortless,” Sergei’s eyes moved over to where Angel was tucked into one of the semi-private booths just off of the main floor, grinding on a patron’s lap while Katie worked the main stage, “just send them both up here after we close.”

“Sir,” Ivan nodded, eagerly fleeing Serge’s office, knowing how volatile his contemplative moods could be.

Sergei continued to watch from the floor-to-ceiling windows as Katie became Toots. Perhaps he had been harsh on Angel. She was a prolific earner already, in spite of her peculiar decision not to offer private dances. She seemed to be defending her chastity for Sergei, but he didn’t understand why she wouldn’t sell handjobs or blowjobs—even lap dances were more profitable in the private booths. According to the police, that’s all that happened back there anyway.

In the small time she’d been performing, Angel had gained quite a following among the patrons of the Kinky Flamingo. Regulars sometimes got violent if she was unavailable. The line for nights that she was headlining wrapped around the block. Patrons were offering mid five-figures for just an hour of private time with Angel—but she always shit them down flat.

When the club finally was closed and the house lights came up, Sergei’s automated door slid open smoothly and silently, pocketing into the wall. Fingers dripping with rings beckoned the two girls inside. The door slid closed behind them.

Sergei snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground at his feet, seeking Angel’s eyes to see if she remembered the little bit of training he himself had given her.

“I heard that you gave yourself a promotion,” Sergei said to Angel, flipping open his polished, desktop humidore, “from whore to general manager. Quite the meteoric rise indeed.”

Sergei had yet to even spare a glance for Katie—or Toots, as she had taken to calling herself. He was still staring laden daggers at Angel before clipping his cigar.


“Tongue.” Sergei commanded, using his pet’s mouth to treat his cigar as before, “maybe you want to change the name, since you run my club now? Seventh Heaven? Angels Fear to Tread? I don’t know. Must be why I promoted you to general manager, for you to have creative ideas for my club.”

The sarcasm was practically running down the glass as Sergei lit his cigar, blowing a large cloud of smoke.

“Hands!” for the first time, Sergei allowed emotion into his tone, this command was a shout—he hadn’t planned to keep Angel waiting this long, but she had displeased him much by hedging her bets and risking his operation, “and what’s this one’s deal? She got a GoPro tucked up in her cooch? She recording now? You working with that asshole Kyle to try and blackmail me?”

This bit was directed at Toots, as he tapped a large disc of grey ash into Angel’s outstretched hands. Using her as an ash tray was the most intimate thing he’d yet shared with Angel. He was grooming her to be a Bottom Bitch, but she was proving… more enterprising than he’d expected.

Independence wasn’t exactly something he looked for in his sluts.

“Speak!” Sergei demanded of Toots. Both girls still in their costumes.
"Sorry Sir, I didn't think to ask her why she showed up here out of the blue like this, and I've only met her the one time. Yeah, we seemed to click, but hell, I'm not always the best judge of character, Sir," Angel said softly, looking at Katie accusingly, a warning in her eye. Katie gulped and began to explain.

"When Ash, err, Angel didn't show up for class, I knew that she would have if she was still living her old life, Sir, and had been free to," Katie began. "She writes so well and.... well, it doesn't matter now. I confronted Kyle and he told me what he did. I wasn't surprised, he'd done it before with other girls and other debts. The difference is, I didn't care about those girls. I cared about this one, Sir. And I knew full well that she had to be happy wherever she is, doing whatever she is doing, or she wouldn't be here. She gets things done. She's going places, Sir, and I'm tired of Kyle. Him selling her when she had a future in the academia world just broke me."

"I never wanted that future, Toots," Angel said. "I've wanted to be someone's slave since I was 14, and I am his, even though I don't yet wear his collar because of some stupid shit I pulled the night we met. Fact is, I even thought of ways we could do the backrooms together, making out in front of patrons."

"After a night up on the stage with you, Angel," Katie said, "I can believe it. You were made for the spotlight. I wasn't so much, so it was more of an act for me, but even I enjoyed it. I loved the money pouring in, even though I didn't know what I was doing. Oh yeah. I thought about making love to you on stage too. That would be so great!"

The girls laughed together before the clink of His rings together made them aware of the boss's presence again. Turning serious, Katie looked at him.

"GoPro, Sir? Being in cohoots with Kyle to deceive you never crossed my mind, Sir. Hell, he's expecting me this weekend, but I left him a note saying to leave me alone and that we're done," Katie told him. "I've disappeared before off the face of the earth, and I can do it well. Before, it was for a loved one, but he's dead now, for the last 5 years, so it doesn't matter." She wiped away a tear at the thought of her beloved father, but then hardened her heart. Who cared what anyone thought. Angel was so happy and she wanted to be happy to. "Unlike Angel here, I don't care about preserving my virginity as a gift for you, Sir, as I have none left after fucking Kyle for so long. I don't mind working the back rooms and I probably will start tomorrow night if you don't throw me out for this stunt I pulled. I'm tired of being used by Kyle for my brains, tired of him getting all the credit for my hard work, Sir. I want nothing more to do with him, Sir."

Angel looked at Katie with amazement in her eyes. She opened her mouth, then promptly closed it. She'd learned the hard way that silence was best sometimes.
Sergei sighed, dropping another disc of grey ash into Angel’s cupped hands, listening to the girls go back and forth. His patience for this type of chatter was limited, but he did want to hear more. He gave Angel a little corner of a smile as she seemed to turn on her newfound friend, flashing a warning glare.

After hearing Katie out, Sergei sat and pondered, briefly. After some time, he reached into his desk, the same drawer where Angel knew he kept his gun. He let a moment pass, watching their reactions to his motion, not knowing if he might suddenly blow their brains out for any reason at all.

Eventually, he produced a brand-new, designer collar. He placed the object in the center of his desk. The glowing orange ember at the end of his cigar left trails of pale smoke as he used it to gesture, coming around to point at Angel.

“I bought this… intending to give it to you tonight. But maybe you don’t need it, being the general manager and all. Maybe you’d rather Toots wear it, hm?” Sergei was teasing her, but it amused him greatly to see her discomforted in this way. It was clear that she badly wanted to make him happy, which ironically she did well, it was just that he enjoyed withholding gratification of that desire from her.

“That is what you want, as I understand it. You wish to become my property, isn’t that so? I don’t run a boarding home for dissatisfied, suburban whores. I run a business. Angel here is an earner, therefore she is useful. You had a good night, but I’m not sure you’re useful… yet.”

For a moment, Sergei hovered his cigar over her wrist, teasing the idea that he might stub the burning end out on her wrist… waiting to see if she’d flinch. When she did not, he moved over to the alabaster and marble ashtray on his desk. Using the cutter to remove the burning end altogether, leaving a clean cut behind.

“It does work in your favor that you’re not a virgin. You at least know how to please Kyle—regardless of his inability to please you. But if you’re looking for someone to please you, you’re looking in the wrong place. As I said before. This is a business, not a charity,” his eyes moved back to Angel, “go wash your hands.”

When Angel washed her hands, Sergei turned his chair, isolating Katie from what was about to take place. When she knelt at his feet again, Sergei gently pulled her face into his lap and leaned forward to kiss the top of her head.

“I have decided to accept you as my property,” Sergei said at last, letting her head up and gently placing the collar into her hands, “this collar is the symbol of my ownership of you. No one can place it on you except yourself. No one can remove it except for Me. Do not affix this collar around your neck lightly. Once it is on you, I own you from this moment until the moment I revoke my ownership.

“As for you,” turning back to Katie, Sergei placed his large hand possessively on Angel’s head, slightly pushing her halo more offset, “the cleaning crew has been up my ass about having girls stay here overnight, so I’m bringing you both home with me. If you please me, you’ll work again tomorrow night. If you can earn again tomorrow night, I will offer you a collar as well. No negotiation. Take it or go back to Kyle.”

Sergei pressed a button on the intercom phone on his desk.

“Bring my car around,” he said into the phone, clipping a chain leash to Angel’s collar.
Angel frowned and stomped her foot, pouting as he teased her about giving her new collar that he'd bought for her to Toots, her sister.

"No please Sir, I'll learn my place yet, I swear it," she said. "No more decisions like this, ever." But Angel had no idea how tempted she would be in the coming year. Katie kept silent but simply nodded at the info that she'd have to earn her living here as Angel did. At the command to go wash her hands, Angel relaxed and eagerly rushed off to obey.

When she returned, she knelt before the man she considered her Master and smiled up at him, remembering not to look down as he'd taught her. Of the 2 girls, she definitely owned the room. And Sergei owned her. She smiled against his thigh as he kissed the top of her head. If she could've purred, she would have. She was in heaven as He placed the new collar in her hand and gave a little speech about it. She nodded eagerly, said, "Yes Sir," softly, and attached it to her neck quickly.

Angel wanted no one to doubt ever again who she belonged to, and no one ever would. She would do whatever it took to fit in and be the best slave whore for her new Master possible.

"I'll take it, Sir," Katie said softly. She bowed her head briefly and looked up. She'd noticed that the only time Angel didn't look at her new owner was when he had manipulated her head so it was impossible for her to do so. So he doesn't like his girls to look down in subservience, Katie thought to herself, taking note. I'll have to remember that. "I want to decide my future, Sir, not be sold to whomever Kyle pisses off next. I know he isn't fucking any of the college kids yet, so I'm next to be offered up like Ash-Angel was to you, Sir." She sighed softly. "Someday soon I'll forget about her past name completely, I hope."

"I hope so, sister, for that person is dead," Angel said. "Ash used to write everyday, Angel never writes. Ash lived for her dreams of slavery, Angel is living those dreams and even more dreams that she didn't know she had. This is the life I was meant to live, Toots. If you can't hack it, get out now. Once Sir owns you, you aren't getting away anytime soon unless you betray him. And then I hope you have poison somewhere on you as a way to avoid getting shot. That gun of his is scary as fuck. I should know, I've seen it."

All this was whispered as they waited for Sir's car to arrive and to walk down the empty place. Girls were leaving, packing their things and talking. But they all stopped and watched as they saw the boss with Angel and Toots walk past them. Once they got to the car, they stopped talking naturally, and Angel smiled as she kneeled in the limo at his side.

"Sir, I think tomorrow night would be an excellent night for Angel to join the back rooms. I want to rake in even bigger bucks for you, Sir, and now that I've got quite the following, why not indulge the money spenders? I'll keep it to lap dances only though." She smirked and didn't say her thoughts. Who knew what really went on in those rooms anyways. It was best to be silent on the subject.
“Careful with all that thinking, Ashtray,” Sergei smirked, sitting in the backseat of his sleek, gunmetal grey Rolls-Royce, beside where Angel—now, Ashtray was sitting, “you aren’t terribly good at it and it’s not at all what I want you for. You will begin working the back rooms tomorrow night, but not just lap dances. You will be sucking and fucking anyone who can pay a premium for the honor. Now that you belong to me, I won’t have you wasting your time or your talents on the main floor. You’re my whore now and I’m going to turn you out. Period.”

Sergei laid his hand gently on the back of Ashtray’s head. He fully intended to relieve her of her cherry that night, as well as get her comfortable sucking cock and giving tit-jobs—but he wasn’t going to tell her that. She was still willful and at times badly behaved. He intended to tease and test her continuously. Now that she was his, more intensive training was required.

When Toots joined them in the car, Sergei reached across her, pulling the door shut behind her. The car began moving a moment later. When he sat up again, he looked over at Katie/Toots. It was time to give her a more permanent name.

“Toots is terrible. Until I decide on something else, your name will be Hazel, understand?” Sergei laid Angel’s cheek on his knee while he talked to Hazel, her would-be sister-slave, his palm still resting on her head, “Hazel, I’m sure that Kyle made you suck his cock. On the way back to my place, I would have you suck mine. Ashtray here, will watch and she will learn from you.”

With Ashtray’s head still in his lap, Sergei unbuckled his belt, sliding down the zipper and freeing his thick, uncut cock. He wasn’t even fully hard and his cock looked bigger than Hazel’s forearm, easily over ten inches and thick all the way around. It flopped across Ashtray’s eyes, a heavy blindfold.

“Don’t be shy with your throat. We are instructing a novice after all,” Sergei spread his legs wider, making room for Hazel between them as his cock slid off of Ashtray’s face, “you may begin.”
Angel flushed at the insults at her thinking ability. And Ashtray? Had he renamed her? She looked into his eyes and apparently she was no longer Sarah, but Ashtray instead. Ugh, the new name was going to take some getting used to, she thought. As she listened to his plans for her, she could only nod once and say, "Yes Sir." And try not to think about it. Besides, as he'd said, she wasn't there to think, she was there to obey him and be his whore.

She smiled up at him as he manipulated her head to his liking as he talked to her would be sister. Hazel, she thought to herself. Katie is no longer Toots, but Hazel.

Katie's thoughts were going along much a similar vein. She gulped, seeing his large cock. She'd swallowed bigger, once, and tried not to think about how much her throat had hurt her afterwards. This is gonna take some getting used to, my new life here, she thought, right before she licked and sucked on his cock. She stretched open her mouth as far open as it would go to keep her teeth away from it, and spent half a minute fitting as much as would go in her mouth. He reached her throat quickly, but luckily she had destroyed her gag reflex through much practice over the years.

Katie pulled back, took a deep breath, and then shoved it down her throat. She couldn't quite reach his pubes, but she spent the next several minutes working her way down, opening her throat further. This is gonna hurt, she thought again. And it did, but she didn't care. She knew that the only thing that mattered was pleasing the boss. And soon enough, she was buried against his pubes. She stayed there long as she could before pulling back and gasping for breath and going down on him again. She wouldn't quit until he came or he told her to. He'd definitely grown the longer she'd gone down on him.
“Ahhhhhhh, yessss,” Sergei sighed, his gold striped fingers slipping into the smooth locks of Hazel’s brunette hair, his hand moving with her head as she went down on him, took him deep and held him there—it was some struggle, “I guess Kyle never challenged your throat like this. I admire your dedication, but use your tongue some, too. I need your throat to be available for clients tomorrow—so will you, if you want to keep coming back to my house.”

Sergei’s hand made a fist in Hazel’s thick hair, bobbing her head up and down, only lightly using her throat before steering her tongue down his shaft to his balls, letting her rest her throat between deep swallows.

“Now, pay attention, Ashtray—she is good at taking it deep, but you don’t want to be too good. It reminds the trick that it’s a fucking slut sucking his cock and not the girl next door. Better to choke on it a little, maybe even small puke. Better to make the trick feel like he’s a big man and you’re not a wrung out jizz rag, understand?”

Sergei pushed down on the back of Hazel’s head, deliberately shoving his cock into her throat before she was ready, gagging her on purpose while his other hand gently slid along Ashtray’s golden hair as she lay in his lap, petting her as he used Hazel’s face as a teaching tool. As his words grew harsher, so did his treatment of Hazel’s face.

The next time he let her up to lick his balls, the driver was pulling into his automated garage at his cliffside mansion. He pulled Hazel back off his cock and led both girls inside, Hazel by her hair and Ashtray by her leash.

He wasted no time, leading them both directly to his bedroom. He tossed Hazel onto the bed, lightly shoving her face, sending her sprawling into the Egyptian cotton sheets.

“Up.” Another command, meant for Ashtray, his hand slapped the saddle of a high-tech sybian machine, adorned with an alabaster facsimile of a carousel horse’s head.

The rubber attachment had no penetrating piece, merely a rubber nub with a variety of textures focused on the clit. When Ashtray obeyed him, straddling the device, he made her lean forward, buckling her slender wrists into lambskin cuffs at the front of the device, keeping her clit pressed against the vibrating, rubber attachment.

“Now… I want you to watch Hazel here take my cock. She’s not burdened by being totally, and absolutely inexperienced in the ways of sex. She didn’t have to practice by herself on rubber toys. She knows what it is to serve a man,” as he was saying this, Sergei was stripping naked, climbing up behind Hazel, the sybian humming loudly as the intense vibrations approached their maximum setting, “your name is Ashtray because now that I own you, you are defined by what you do for me. If you fuck clients, make me money, then you are whore or slut. If you fuck me for my pleasure, you are cum dump, semen tank. Those would all be promotions for Ashtray. For now, you catch my ashes and ride my fucking—orgasm—saddle!”

He was shouting, suddenly and inexplicably full of rage as he thrust his hips forward again and again, penetrating Hazel like he was trying to hurt her.
Katie shook her head to the boss's comments carefully when he spoke about Kyle's challenging her throat. She quickly used her tongue more as he instructed and started to make choking and gagging sounds on his cock. She swished her tongue to the back of her throat and made herself gag on him. She shuddered and coughed around his cock, trying to make it good for him. She needed to please this man, her very livelihood depended upon it, Katie thought to herself. She absolutely hated feeling like a slut, but she supposed that was what she always was and would be from now on, if He permitted it, and it seemed like he would.

Then Katie thought of the warnings Sergei had given Angel, no, she thought hard to herself, her name's now Ashtray apparently. She didn't get a chance to continue her thoughts before she forced herself to refocus on pleasing him. As she did, and as he spoke, Katie was surprised to find that she loved the roughness he treated her with and was even starting to get wet.

Oh wow, Katie thought to herself. I like this! I actually like being treated like a dirty slutty whore! She couldn't believe it. Her pussy was getting wet!

Katie was in a mindless fog as she licked his balls, got out of the car, and followed him to his bedroom. She was about to move from where he threw her on the bed when she remembered his words to Ashtray. He clearly didn't like his girls to take the initiative, so she stayed put exactly where she was except to spread her legs wider for him to take her whenever he pleased to at his leisure.

When he mentioned Hazel, for a moment, Katie was confused before remembering suddenly that the boss had renamed her Hazel, and that apparently, from what all the girls had said when they'd asked her for her new off-stage name, that was common for him to do with every girl, even if he didn't own them like he was gonna own Angel and her. Hazel, she repeated in her mind. I am now Hazel. It was a beautiful name.

When the boss got on the bed, Hazel jolted out of her thoughts and watched and listened for any instructions he might have for her avidly. But he was only talking to Ashtray about names and how his system went. It mostly went in one ear and out the other. She didn't want to think about names or anything but how she could please this man best. She tightened her sheath, feeling it get wet in anticipation of the hard fucking she was about to receive from this man.

Suddenly, He was inside her body, catching her completely unawares and she yelped at the unexpectedness of his harsh, cruel penetration into her cunt hard. Crying out, she looked behind her at his face and shuddered at the rage on it and did her best to ride out the storm that was pure fury and pure masculinity and roughness. She loved it, and soon wet squishing noises filled the air as he pounded into her hard. She did her best to meet each of his thrusts with her own, but she wasn't always prepared for how forceful he was and he soon drove her off her arms and into the mattress. She kept her knees under her and ass up, making sure to always give him easy access to her core. That was essential, she knew from her past experiences, if she didn't want a beating. She'd been beaten in the past by men just like him for not pleasing them, so she'd learned a few small tricks.


Ashtray, having made the switch to her new name a lot easier than Katie did, watched the pounding her new Master and Owner was giving her friend and soon-to-be sister slave. She was soon crying out her pleasure as the nubs on the sybian vibrated against her clit.

Oh, I hope I can earn this treat again, Ashtray thought to herself as she started an unending wave of orgasms. But soon enough, her oversensitive clit started to protest the unending vibrations and she was straining against the device and her cuffs.

"Please Master," she begged, "I'm too sensitive! Please let me up! Please punish me another way, Master!"

Suddenly she realized too late that she'd just called him Master when he'd expressly told her not to call him that or anything but Sir.

"Oops, I'm sorrry SIIRRRR," she shouted in pain as another orgasm wracked her helpless weak body. Ash could only cry silently as she watched him use her sister helplessly from the sybian. Orgasm after orgasm continued to wrack her body as the pain increased in her clit. Finally, she sagged, unable to fight the machine anymore or even cry. She blacked out as the pain intensified in her body.
“No, you may call me Master, now. You’re wearing my collar, that makes you mine. That makes me your Master—go on, cum your fucking brains out!” Sergei continued tormenting Ashtray as he slammed his huge cock into Hazel over and over, he smacked her ass hard, leaving a red handprint behind, “you too, give me that climax. Cum for me.”

With her pussy making a wet, squishing sound each time he slammed his cock back into her warm, tight pussy. His heavy balls slapped her clit and the inside of her toned thighs, over and over, driving her face first into his mattress.

“You’ll endure that saddle, whore! Did you expect it to be easy? Did you think you were getting a free ride? Huh?” as he shouted, Sergei lifted her hips up and continued fucking her, walking her like a wheelbarrow off the bed and toward the sybian.

“You should be as sensitive as I tell you to be. No more, no less,” Sergei and Hazel left a trail behind like a weeping slug as he walked her over to where Ashtray was bound.

“Climb up her,” this command was for Hazel, as he’d led her to the base of the device Ashtray was bound to, his hand struck her ass again, in case there was any confusion.

When Hazel at last raised herself eye level with Ashtray, by grabbing her shoulders and lifting herself up.

“Now, look into each other’s eyes. Don’t look away. And then I want each of you to explain why you should be the one to take my cum—why you deserve it more than the other. Whoever argues best will get it. But you’d better argue quick or its going in the back of Hazel’s cunt.”