Do you think your government should trust you to make responsible choices?


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
Even when you might make bad ones that hurt other people? Why or why not?
As long as the government can set up an agency to check on what the masses choose.

You really cannot trust the masses. That is why the government has Florida to change voting results.
Yes I think so. It falls into the whole innocent until proven guilty idea.

If someone proves they can't make decisions without hurting others criminally, then the government has the responsibility to step in and take control. That's what we have laws for.
SaintPeter said:
As long as the government can set up an agency to check on what the masses choose.

You really cannot trust the masses. That is why the government has Florida to change voting results.

I was thinking the same thing.

The government likes to keep the true majority in the minority.
An individual is smart, and makes responsible choices.

A group is not. Oft times gullible, and are nothing more than sheep.

Governments lead groups, individuals elect government.

Vicious cycle.
i've been driving chevrolet's nearly my whole life. i eat wheat bread. i wear sensible shoes. that proves i can make proper decisions without government help. go ahead, elect me govenor or something. i'm qualified.
unclej said:
i've been driving chevrolet's nearly my whole life. i eat wheat bread. i wear sensible shoes. that proves i can make proper decisions without government help. go ahead, elect me govenor or something. i'm qualified.

I'll be your campaign manager!
The fear of being ruled by King Mob is another question.

Right now we have a government that is happy to make laws that protect us from hurting ourselves so I doubt it has any problem with laws to protect us from others.

The majority of people can make responsible choices. What do you do about the small percentage of people that make irrational choices?

The man on a shooting spree.

The man avoiding a building permit and improperly instally the furnace.
Allow? If the choices made fall within the limits of the law, yes.

Trust? No. There are too many that would harm others by neglect or intent. Thus we need the government agencies that are the watchdogs to uphold the law.

If you don't like what the government allows you to choose and not to choose then support and vote for the referendums that do and the candidates that share your values.
unclej said:
i've been driving chevrolet's nearly my whole life. i eat wheat bread. i wear sensible shoes. that proves i can make proper decisions without government help. go ahead, elect me govenor or something. i'm qualified.

What are 'sensible shoes' and does that not keep you from being gov of a certain state down there? :)
Goes without saying. That is the way it was formed in the begining and the way it should stay. It is OUR right as American Citizens to decide our or make our own destiny
Good bait


I'll just sit back and watch you set the hook.

Re: Good bait

Ishmael said:

I'll just sit back and watch you set the hook.


She won't have to. Most of them swallowed the hook.
Re: Re: Good bait

miles said:
She won't have to. Most of them swallowed the hook.

<shrug> So much for 'catch and release' I guess.

Who killed more Native Americans, the US Army or regular, property pursuing folk?

The supposed American Way is to push to absolute limit because that is our natural right. Until there is a commonly accepted qualifer on our WAY, government involvement is an absolute necessity. Ishmael's quest is counterproductive, this country was largely founded to find ways to preserve a quality level of life for future generations. California today is evidence of what unregulated America would become: no water, rampant pollution, a caste-like system, all in a sea of concrete.
One reason that I'm a Monarchist. I will trust an individual to make a decision and take responsability for it, but a trustworthy bureaucrat is an oxy-moran. I take a Prince any day.
unclej said:
i've been driving chevrolet's nearly my whole life. i eat wheat bread. i wear sensible shoes. that proves i can make proper decisions without government help. go ahead, elect me govenor or something. i'm qualified.

Maybe I'll think about it when you learn to spell governor and that plurals don't require apostrophes.
unclej said:
i've been driving chevrolet's nearly my whole life. i eat wheat bread. i wear sensible shoes. that proves i can make proper decisions without government help. go ahead, elect me govenor or something. i'm qualified.

If it was'nt for the chevy statement, I would have probably voted for ya to.
KillerMuffin said:
Even when you might make bad ones that hurt other people? Why or why not?

To paraphrase Melissa Tome in "My Cousin Vinny:" "It's a bogus question? Nobody can answer the question."

Government has no rights or authority to dictate my personal decisions. Government does have the right to hold me responsible for the consequences of my actions, to the extent my actions impact other people.

Government frequently oversteps its authority and tries to regulate or control personal decisions that only impact the decision maker, but they are usurping authority they were never given by the governed.
Re: Re: Do you think your government should trust you to make responsible choices?

Texan said:
To paraphrase Melissa Tome in "My Cousin Vinny:" "It's a bogus question? Nobody can answer the question."

Government has no rights or authority to dictate my personal decisions. Government does have the right to hold me responsible for the consequences of my actions, to the extent my actions impact other people.

Government frequently oversteps its authority and tries to regulate or control personal decisions that only impact the decision maker, but they are usurping authority they were never given by the governed.

Spelling Buddy says: Marisa Tomei

But other than that, I agree with you.
Re: Re: Re: Do you think your government should trust you to make responsible choices?

RawHumor said:
Spelling Buddy says: Marisa Tomei

But other than that, I agree with you.

Sorry RH..... but her name isn't in my computer dictionary. Hell, if spell check doesn't catch it, I can't spell it. (or in this case, pronounce it.)
But she's hot, so I tend to remember her name better.

Man, I'm a shallow bastard sometimes.
70/30 said:
Who killed more Native Americans, the US Army or regular, property pursuing folk?


I think Native Americans killed more Native Americans than anyone else.:rolleyes:

KillerMuffin said:
Even when you might make bad ones that hurt other people? Why or why not?

can i make responsible desicions? of course I can.. shoudl the government trust me? never. America as it is is fucked up to all hells, and I am waitng to take a torpedo to the side of the ship of state..