Do you post here on Literotica when people are around you?

Yeah. If I'm on in the evenings, sometimes the gf is reading over my shoulder. But... really that's it. I don't tend to be on-line if I'm in a big group of people unless I'm on-line for the purpose of showing them a stupid youtube video or something.
Yeah, my husband, son and daughter are all aware of me posting here.

I have to gauge who is cool or not.

But really a lot of people listen to SavageLove or something, and explicit sexual content isn't really as mysterious or shameful as it used to be.

Depends on the audience.
I do. I am usually mobile, so it isn't like anyone can see what I am doing. Even so, most everyone in my life accepts that I am who I am, and nobody cares or is offended.
Of course I post here while folks are around. Not ashamed of this place in the least.
People are clueless. I'm in a crowd of about 20 people waiting for a bus. Looking around all sneaky-like, I can see if anyone notices. NOPE! They all have their own phones to surf FB on, and no one sees Lit.