Do you have a first aid kit?


Persnickety slattern
Feb 4, 2001
Mine has;
A Mum kiss for boo boo's
A jar of Johnson's baby powder scented vaseline :D
(You never know why and what this can come in handy for. LOL)
(Assorted including Harry Potter and ones for the grown ups)
Finger splint
Arm sling
Eye patch (I miss Naudiz)
Cotton buds
Vitamin C
Kyolic odourless garlic
Kava Kava
St John's Wort
Dr's no
A pair of needle nose pliers (Same reason as the vaseline)
Evening primrose oil
Echinacea and active Manuka honey
Comvita Cough syrup and lozenges
Gingko biloba
IOU's for hugs
Small bottle of alcohol for medicinal purposes
Olive oil
(Make great 'smelling' salts)
And wonderful on your toast. :D
Fresh water.
Heards Barley Sugars (full of glucose and yummy)
Assorted bandages
Cod liver oil
And a sense of light hearted humour for
ouchie moments.
What is in your first aid kit?
Well being the notorious accident prone klutzes yes. It was the first thing I packed for our trip. Must have band aids, first aid ointment, tweezers, tylenol, stomach upset stuff and allergy meds. A few other things that I can't remember.

And guess who sliced her leg open first on the damn metal bench at Sea World? :D
Sterile gauze pads


Antibiotic cream

Band aids

Tensor bandages


Gravol (anti nausea med)

Water proof bandage tape


Alcohol swabs



Pepto Bismol (for when things aren't coming out right:) )

Baby Aspirin

Sheehs and most of that is for the dogs!! LOL
extra papers

spare roach clip

water for cotton mouth

cookies for munchies

church key

phone number of my dealer

phone number of my bail bondsman

phone number of my lawyer
Dammit, I knew I forgot something.


Thanks for reminding me, Nimbus :)
I'd let you have some of my papers anytime LadyG. Heck, I'd even roll it for you if you'd share it with me ;) sweet!!

Of course I'd share with you, anytime:kiss:
K, but can you bring some lip balm to add to the kit, please?

Hate those damn little burns ;):heart:
Duct can fix ANYTHING with Duct tape

Hi Ya Debs....;)
I'll give you mouth to mouth on the last few hits so as not to damage those beautiful lips.

damn, what I don't go through to keep a woman happy:D
Effigy? If it's St John's it's likely to be a damn good first aid kit.

Draco! Shite I forgot no 8 wire and duct tape. :D
debbiexxx said:
Draco! Shite I forgot no 8 wire and duct tape. :D

And you call yourself a kiwi....? BAH

We can fix anything, anywhere, anytime with No 8 Wire, a hammer, duct tape and super glue.
I didn't realize how inadequate my "first aid kit" was until last night!

I busted my toenail open on the stairs...and all I had were these HUGE bandaids! lol

I added to my "kit" this morning after I stopped off at Wal-Mart. :)
My son won't use the bandaids with bugs on them. He says he doesn't like bugs, so those are the ones that mom and dad use.

Triple Antibiotic Ointment, Gauze pads, tape. Betadine individual pads. Swiss Army knife with the pin, scissors and tweezers. Superglue.

Drugs: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Tylenol and Pepcid Complete. Lemon drops.
Yes, I do.

I have one in the kitchen, bathroom and in my car.

I co-chair the safety committee at work ao I'm a bit fanatical about it - just ask my kids! LOL

I did exhange all the plain band aids with looney tune bandaids, though! ;)
I some fun putting together a LIT First Aid Kit as a prize for the last Houston Lit Together. Imi won it for being the person who traveled the farthest to attend. She promised to post pictures of it, but I don't think she has yet.

What do you think was in it? :devil: :D :devil:
Tank has a Combat Life Savers Rut Sack with everything under the sun in it, I think he has it covered.
Vegemite for smelling salts?

I knew the shit was nasty...but ...damn!:)
we basically got a whole trauma room set at home: from syringes to scalpells to assorted antibiotics and other medicine... im kinda accident prone, ya know. :)
Oh, man. So my soon to be mother-in-law put a first aid kit together for the boy and I, since we didn't have one. It's so big we have to keep all of it in one of those big white office filing boxes and it's still overflowing. It's got everything in it. Everything. Clamps, hypodermic needles, stethoscope, bandages of every imaginable dimension, various ointments and creams -- you name it, we got it.

So I was digging through it curiously one day and realized we really do have everything. Including, for reasons I'm too afraid to ask about, an umbilical clamp.

Yep. An umbilical clamp. So if I spontaneously have to give birth, we're all set.
