Do you get the point?



Are we catching on yet? Or do I need to keep bumping? There is plenty to discuss in this forum, there are plenty of new ideas to present.


We can continue to flame each other.
"Do you get the point?
Are we catching on yet? Or do I need to keep bumping? There is plenty to discuss in this forum, there are plenty of new ideas to present.


We can continue to flame each other."

I prefer hostile posts to patronizing ones.
There's something to be said for controversy.

If I wanted lovey-dovey-huggy all-the-time, I'd post in the playground.
Sandia said:
There's something to be said for controversy.

If I wanted lovey-dovey-huggy all-the-time, I'd post in the playground.

You can certainly find all the controversy and negativity right here. We are chalkful of it.

Personally, I am not interested in mean spirited debate. Any other kind is welcome by most all THINKING individuals, including myself.

I sometimes like lovey-dovey-huggy.

Its get me all gooey inside.

I also think that if you have a thought,even if it is not popular,you should be able to say it.

And not get attacked for it.

No matter who you are.
lovetoread said:
I sometimes like lovey-dovey-huggy.

Its get me all gooey inside.

I also think that if you have a thought,even if it is not popular,you should be able to say it.

And not get attacked for it.

No matter who you are.

Absolutely. Call me goofy but I like to read the positive and educational stuff and often, the really funny stuff. PlayDoe is providing some fun to this board. He is a welcome addition, at least in my eyes.

I do not think everything has to be hateful and serious. But that's just my silly little opinion.

lovetoread said:
I sometimes like lovey-dovey-huggy.

Its get me all gooey inside.

I also think that if you have a thought,even if it is not popular,you should be able to say it.

And not get attacked for it.

No matter who you are.

I like lovey-dovey stuff, but only if it's directed at me. ;)

ADR, your opinions aren't silly.
ChilledVodka said:
I wanna fuck Cym, Rysia and Muffie all at the same time.

Anyone interested in who I want to fuck?

I feel a poll thread coming right up......

Sandia said:

I like lovey-dovey stuff, but only if it's directed at me. ;)

ADR, your opinions aren't silly.

As a matter of fact--- I like the love-dovey stuff too, flung my way. I especially like it when it sticks......... all over me.

Never said:
"Do you get the point?
Are we catching on yet? Or do I need to keep bumping? There is plenty to discuss in this forum, there are plenty of new ideas to present.


We can continue to flame each other."

I prefer hostile posts to patronizing ones.

And I prefer helpful posts to hurtful ones!
Let's put our heads together

and work on a Fuck You or Fuck Me poll thread. I do not mean neccessarily ME (Rose) per se, but Me in general.

It might be interesting. We can figure this out.

Rose (who is really posting tongue-in-cheek, if you don't realize it.)
Really, I'll go either way. As long as there's fucking involved, I mean.
Sandia said:
Really, I'll go either way. As long as there's fucking involved, I mean.

I appreciate your thoughts but this is not really helpful, Sandia, as we all likely feel as you do.


We all want to fuck (in 120 pt headline Helvetica bold)

But you are not contributing to a fuck me/you thread idea.

Okay what kind of details need to be worked out?

As in...

Whom you'd like to take you?

A Desert Rose said:
We all want to fuck (in 120 pt headline Helvetica bold)

But you are not contributing to a fuck me/you thread idea.


I guess I don't understand your idea, ADR. Is it who we think should fuck you? Or who you think should fuck us?