Do you ever wish you had just walked away?


Dec 31, 2009
Or if you did, maybe wish you'd done it sooner?

Do you look back and wonder what if you had and how things might have worked out?
Everyone's getting deep tonight.

There have been times I felt like walking away.
There have been just as many times where she could have.
I know why I didn't leave. And I know why she didn't either.
We're stubborn that way.
I think everyone who has been in a long term relationship goes through a period like this. Slumps or challenges give way to doubt, and doubt tends to cloud the mind. The grass always looks greener on the other side, they say.

When it comes to my ex, sure, I wish I had walked away sooner. When it comes to my current wife... that's complicated. We've had a great marriage, but the challenge we face is taking its toll, and one that isn't her fault. Through sickness and in health and all that, but there are times I wonder how things would be different...

But in all honesty, my life's biggest regret isn't that I didn't walk away from someone, but rather I didn't walk towards someone. One of the best friends I ever had and never once told her how I really felt. That was 24 years ago, and I still think of her all the time.

... Sigh. Everyone regrets something, I suppose.
I am guessing we are asking about relationships? I probably should have walked away after her kids grew up and moved out. That is when I became painfully obvious that she did not do anything around the house for years, how us being complete opposites and how much we did not enjoy the same things. But after 17 years, watching my aunt and uncle, as well as married with children I really thought being together that long was just how love and marriage really was. Needless to say I have not heard from her or her kids in YEARS.
That’s a question I have every day for myself, but I own the choice every day I do stay.