Just had a question here for people with Long term girlfriends / Boyfriends or are Married etc.
Do you ever think of someone else while having sex with your partner?
More specific an EX say?
I mean She/He is your partner for a reason cause you chose them over all the rest but after years of being with them and doing ONLY them ... does it ever cross your mind to just close your eyes and think your doing an EX or that hotty down the street or whatever?
Just Wondering ...
Do you ever think of someone else while having sex with your partner?
More specific an EX say?
I mean She/He is your partner for a reason cause you chose them over all the rest but after years of being with them and doing ONLY them ... does it ever cross your mind to just close your eyes and think your doing an EX or that hotty down the street or whatever?
Just Wondering ...