Do you consider the day of the week when submitting?


Virgin Wannabe
Apr 7, 2014
I don't make a conscious effort to do it, but it seems that I tend to finish my stories and submit them for posting on Fridays. The story gets published on Literotica sometime the next week, which is fine.

I am curious if any of the more experienced authors have discovered benefits to submitting stories on particular days of the week, and if so, what the benefits might be?
I must admit, I've thought about it. Unfortunately, I've no idea what any particular day would mean and I decided I was obsessing a bit too much.
Monday has to be the worst day to have a story published. Hardly anyone reads stories on Mondays. In some categories your story is only up on the main page for a day or two, and if it's published on a Monday, hardly anyone sees or reads it. From what I can tell weekends are the best for readership, Sunday in particular. That said, you can't always tell when you submit, what day of the week your story will be published.
Sometimes. I try to avoid weekends and Mondays. But it's not a hard and fast rule.
Not at all. I don't know when it'll get approved anyway so I don't think too much about it.
Given that it's mostly a crap shoot as to how long it takes to get a story published (I've had anywhere between 24 hours and a week - but typically two or three days), trying to get a launch on specific day seems a fairly random affair.

How does one predict when readers read, anyway - who has access to the site's traffic to that depth?
I always ask that my stories be published on Mondays, and they always are. My last story, I submitted on Thursday and asked that it be published on the following Monday. It apparently didn't make it out of the queue in time, so it got published on the next Monday, eleven days after I submitted it.

When I did a statistical analysis of published stories, I found Monday was the best day to have a story published. It has the fewest stories published, so they have the highest average number of views, favorites and comments.
For years I submitted on the same day of the week so that any regular readers I might have would have a good idea when a new story of mine would pop up. Mine post quite regularly two days after submission. After I acquired a voter with the capability and intent to drop upward of 40 downvotes within an hour, I mixed up the submission date for a while. But as the downvoter can and apparently did favorite me so that he/she knows immediately when a story has posted, I've gone back to submitting regularly on the same day and just turned off all voting.

I try to do all such calculating on my own and not burden an overworked submission system with specialized requests on when to post.
I always ask that my stories be published on Mondays, and they always are. My last story, I submitted on Thursday and asked that it be published on the following Monday. It apparently didn't make it out of the queue in time, so it got published on the next Monday, eleven days after I submitted it.

When I did a statistical analysis of published stories, I found Monday was the best day to have a story published. It has the fewest stories published, so they have the highest average number of views, favorites and comments.

That's very interesting and very helpful. It's not something I've paid much attention to, but I will going forward.
Used to, not anymore.

I remember when I first started writing 10 years, I used to email chat with the writer Oedeplex (not sure how that happened, I think he messaged me after liking my first story). Anyway, he talked about aiming for stories to be released on the weekend so readers can have more time to read. It made sense and I used that philosphy for years.

Nowadays I don't think it makes much of a difference. Especially with the amount of stories being posted.
I enjoy submitting, day doesn’t matter…oh wait you’re talking about stories… my bad lol
I have, I am not sure it matters. Plus, everyone else is also trying to get the story posted on Friday or Saturday.
I always ask that my stories be published on Mondays, and they always are. My last story, I submitted on Thursday and asked that it be published on the following Monday. It apparently didn't make it out of the queue in time, so it got published on the next Monday, eleven days after I submitted it.

When I did a statistical analysis of published stories, I found Monday was the best day to have a story published. It has the fewest stories published, so they have the highest average number of views, favorites and comments.

That's very interesting and very helpful. It's not something I've paid much attention to, but I will going forward.

And now everyone will be asking to have their stories posted on a Monday. ;)
Just curious -- looking back, I noticed the time between my submissions and the publishing day is all over the map, anywhere from under 24 hours (for a contest) to up to nine or ten days. Although normally, they get published in about three days. Since I'm waiting for my latest submission that never made it time for the 'On the Job Challenge' which I submitted on April 25th, I'm wondering how long I might have to wait to see it published. Has anyone noticed if it's taking longer to see their stories published lately?
Yes. I've always oporated under the assumption that you get the most eyeballs on the weekend. So I usually submit stories on Wednesdays. It takes usually 2-3 days to post on the site. Friday-Saturday is when it usually goes live.