Do you consider marijuana a drug?


Sep 13, 2001
I don't care if you smoke it or not, but do you consider it a drug?

Someone just told me that to her, it's not a drug. That makes no sense to me. How can it not be a drug?
No more than...

Anything else that activates a chemical reaction resulting in altered moods in your system, which includes coffee, sugar, and tea.
Yeah, it's a mind altering substance and is a drug.

Furthermore, a lot of so called "herbs", are drugs, like Ephedra.
I dont smoke pot or use any drugs more powerful than a motrin or whatever anymore, but I used to smoke a lot of pot, and I dont think it affected my memory.....not that I can remember anyhow.

Of course, but non addictive. Cigaretts are more addictive.
no...drugs are pills and liquids and rocks. marijuana is a natural herbal dietary supliment.
I dunno - my dictionary says something used as a medicine - pretty vague - but I'll take my medicine every day anyway - just to be safe.....
Re: No more than...

Lost Cause said:
Anything else that activates a chemical reaction resulting in altered moods in your system, which includes coffee, sugar, and tea.

I agree.

It is as much a drug as my Mountain Dew.

lilminx said:
Uh, yeah, that's why my friend's husband has no short-term memory...

Sorry to hear he has a memory problem, but is the weed the only mind bender he's been using, it never had any effect on me or any friends when we were into it heavy a few years back.
If anything it always made my mind sharper as well as my imagination wilder, hehe.

I've got the munchies something fierce... I could go for some some Rubyfruit.
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IT MUST BE A DRUG IF................

If it can show up on an employer's random drug test and get you fired, then it must be a drug.

If it can alter the way you think, rationalize, and make decisions, then it must be a drug.

If it turns your eyes red and unfocused, then it must be a drug.

If your only reason for daily use of it is to help you cope with the stress and strain of your life, then it must be a drug.

On the other hand, those above statements does not apply to anabolic steroids. But yet, they are considered to be drugs.
I consider it a drug, yes. Alcohol is a drug, cigarettes, caffine, etc.

Anything you take to alter your conscious being, be it drank, taken in pill form, inhaled, snorted, injected, or smoked is a drug.