Do you believe in miracles?


Not what you expect
Jun 9, 2012
I was having a crisis of faith because I just got off jury duty convicting a child molester. I felt like a good god would never let that happen. I had decided everything was just chaos and no one was in charge. I was very depressed and spoke lengthly with my wife about it.

Later on my wife wanted to go to Walmart and I went with her to distract myself. I decided to buy a boogie board to have fun in the ocean and maybe just a way take my mind off things. It was more money than we had to spend but I was just looking for a way to take just take my mind off the child molester case.

We went over to look at the computers and while we were looking at the computers a complete stranger walks up to me and asks if the boogie board was for me and I said yes. He said God told me to give you all the money I have. He had 7$ and emptied his wallet.

I was grateful and I felt like God was saying "Hello, I know you are hurting."
Can God tell that person to bring me a milkshake?

I do hope you're feeling better, though.
Well...unfortunately its not a miracle.....miracles in the religious sense don't exist....because god doesn't exist. It was a nice gesture....likely by a mentally ill person. Think of it this way why would a god have someone search you out to give you $7.....yet that same god...would let someone molest an innocent child? It was just a random fluke.....both situations.

If Christ was so good.....curing a blind man....why did he stop there? Why didn't he just cure blindness?

Life is nothing but random your best to increase the odds of the good ones happening to you ....and reduce the chances of the bad ones....but most by the golden rule....Do unto others as you would have done to you. {because that will reduce your odds of the bad flukes happening to you] (and no....that is not a religious quote in my )

Don't lose heart....embrace the life you have...its the only one......don't waste it...cherish that you have the opportunity to make a make it
I was having a crisis of faith because I just got off jury duty convicting a child molester. I felt like a good god would never let that happen. I had decided everything was just chaos and no one was in charge. I was very depressed and spoke lengthly with my wife about it.

Later on my wife wanted to go to Walmart and I went with her to distract myself. I decided to buy a boogie board to have fun in the ocean and maybe just a way take my mind off things. It was more money than we had to spend but I was just looking for a way to take just take my mind off the child molester case.

We went over to look at the computers and while we were looking at the computers a complete stranger walks up to me and asks if the boogie board was for me and I said yes. He said God told me to give you all the money I have. He had 7$ and emptied his wallet.

I was grateful and I felt like God was saying "Hello, I know you are hurting."

How very strange.

I was sitting in my truck in line at the drive Thu at churches Fried Chicken one evening.

There was this man trying to raise money for something like food or gas or whatever and clear as a bell there it was... "Give him all the cash money you have on you."

I rolled down my window, fished my money out of my pocket and spoke up "Hey Mister" and motioned him over to me.

I handed it to him and said. "God told me to give this to you."

He was taken back a little but he finally got out "Thank you sir, I have tried all evening to raise gas and food money to keep going."

Now, I don't really know how much money it was, probably less than forty dollars but it didn't really matter I had my orders from HQ.

I know where it came from because God only has one do good things.

I know it will be hard or almost impossible for most of you to understand and that is the way it is supposed to be.
Well...unfortunately its not a miracle.....miracles in the religious sense don't exist....because god doesn't exist. It was a nice gesture....likely by a mentally ill person. Think of it this way why would a god have someone search you out to give you $7.....yet that same god...would let someone molest an innocent child? It was just a random fluke.....both situations.

If Christ was so good.....curing a blind man....why did he stop there? Why didn't he just cure blindness?

Life is nothing but random your best to increase the odds of the good ones happening to you ....and reduce the chances of the bad ones....but most by the golden rule....Do unto others as you would have done to you. {because that will reduce your odds of the bad flukes happening to you] (and no....that is not a religious quote in my )

Don't lose heart....embrace the life you have...its the only one......don't waste it...cherish that you have the opportunity to make a make it

Will that work in Vegas too?
Yes, but I don't care to explain because it will only be met with snark.
I was having a crisis of faith because I just got off jury duty convicting a child molester. I felt like a good god would never let that happen.
This is the paradox of religion that those with faith pursue and those without do not comprehend. All I can offer is sincere gratitude for your jury service, and the fervent hope that may you find solace in knowing that you have helped play a vital role in our justice system. It is not always perfect, but you have demonstrated that it is exercised with gravitas.
Yes, when PT Barnum and the Pat Robertson hucksters are left out of the variables. Hey RunSilent. :)
That is so wonderful. I hope you enjoy your boogie board and the renewal that comes when people show they care. I care too.:rose:
The world is sinful and God gives us choices.

This man chose evil.

His day of reckoning will come.
I have strange ideas about God and miracles. I worked it out myself, and few clergy will support my thinkings (I do not mean thoughts) on the subject.

The IRS just notified me that they owe me $407; I think theyre fulla shit, and the money isn't enough to be miraculous, but it will allow me to do some good. Pennies from heaven aren't miracles.

Whats miraculous is whats possible but highly unlikely. Last year I got two grape harvests due to a rare fluke of weather that requires perfect conditions within an exact period of time. The odds against it are huge.