DO NOT! I repeat DO NOT


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
Play online Jeopardy with Lasher when you're not sober. He's way too quick on the buzzer and he knows EVERYTHING.

That is all.
Lasher, there's better ways to take advantage of a lady when she's intoxicated than taking "potent potables" for $800. ;)
storm1969 said:
Lasher, there's better ways to take advantage of a lady when she's intoxicated than taking "potent potables" for $800. ;)

Nah, he knows smart turns my crank.
"Buck Futter"

"Buck futter? What is a buck futter?"

"You should know Trebeck."
Lasher said:
She keeps wanting to play over and over and over and over and over and over...

Whoda thunk sex and on-line Jeopardy could have the same draw?
Lasher said:
She keeps wanting to play over and over and over and over and over and over...

Well I'm stubborn. Is there anything you DON'T know?????