Do I look better with more or less hair?

So a few years ago, pre-Covid, I cut off my pubes for the first time, because I was messing around with a girl online and she liked hairless. And to be completely honest, I'd been curious for a while how it would look. But ever since I did it, I completely regret it, because one, I made it uneven. Two, I have a really bad OCD and I wanted to stay natural. Three, I started meeting girls who prefer hairy, now I don't wanna do it with anyone until it goes back to the way it was before. I thought it would grow back within a couple months, but it never did. Looking at other pics, most men don't seem to have that much hair, but I also like to stand out and find that one girl who likes crazy hairy. But IDK, what do you guys think? Did it look better before or how I have it now?
I was apprehensive about posting pics on here, but I really need to know.