Do Blondes Have More Fun?


Dirty Grandma...
Feb 10, 2003
And does it bother you guys if the 'carpet' does't exactly match the 'drapes'?
crazybbwgirl said:
And does it bother you guys if the 'carpet' does't exactly match the 'drapes'?

LOL...hadn't heard those euphemisms before--but FYI, I doubt it, and no it doesn't matter to me. I'm sure lots of guys like all kinds of 'carpets,' from bare to shag rugs...


have more fun. Red hair (real or not) makes a great conversation starter. Red heads are known to be wild and have a fiery temper. Red heads don't have to put up with being considered a "dumb blond" (no offense, I've been both) red-heads are taken a little more seriously (IMNSHO). Feared, respected and lusted after. But don't take my word for it- try it out, its only hair color.

ps. men who think the "carpet should match the drapes" are a little dense. The carpet is nearly always darker - those drapes are hanging in the sunlight after all!
tigerjen said:
Brunettes are known for being mysterious........:devil:

I think what ever you've got, the key is to *work it* and you my dear are definatly working it in that av!
Re: Redheads

sweetnpetite said:
have more fun. Red hair (real or not) makes a great conversation starter. Red heads are known to be wild and have a fiery temper. Red heads don't have to put up with being considered a "dumb blond" (no offense, I've been both) red-heads are taken a little more seriously (IMNSHO). Feared, respected and lusted after. But don't take my word for it- try it out, its only hair color.

I would have to agree, redheads have more fun. I hated my hair when I was young, but love it now.
my take

Hot Brunettes are almost always hotter than Hot Blonds, that's becuase almost anybody can look hot w/ blond hair. (and men see the blond and a "hypnotized" into thinking your finer than you really are) A brunett who is beautiful really IS beautiful, its not an optical illusion. Some brunetts can blow you away when they go blond, others just blend in (most I think). Everyones trying to be blond. You know who's really hot? Angie Harmon. Selma Hyak, Jessica Alba. I've seen a couple of them w/ blond hair and they look better as brunetts. The key with brown hair is SHINE. Dark hair absorbs light, so you want to do what you can to make it reflective. So if your already a hottie, I wouldn't go trying to look like everybody else, but if you need a "boost" blond almost always works.

So does red. If you have red hair- people comment on it. If your in public not a day will go buy when someone doesnt say something. If you like attention, go red.

If you color, its ok to do something drasticly different from what you have but make sure it matches your skin tone and dosn't overpower your face. More than the "carpet" I'd focus on the eyebrows. You'll have to have them done professionaly, unless you can use cosmetics (if your brows are light, a sweep of shadow or some brow-pencil does the trick). Another idea is to use a haircolor that complements your brows- same "color family"-ask your stylist about it if your not artisticly inclined. If your eyebrows match, people will think its natural. If you do it right, you can fess up and people will say something like "well it suits you."

I've been blond (it was great!), went to brown- it didn't suit me, and I felt invisible. I just wasn't feelin' it, and I changed it in about a week. Then blond again then several different shades of red (clay-brown red, black cherry, dark auburn) and I've liked them all. I might go back to blond someday. Just for a change.
crazybbwgirl said:
And does it bother you guys if the 'carpet' does't exactly match the 'drapes'?

What if we like bare floors??

Personally it's never really mattered. The real interaction's always been scattered around anyway.
Re: Redheads

sweetnpetite said:
have more fun. Red hair (real or not) makes a great conversation starter. Red heads are known to be wild and have a fiery temper. Red heads don't have to put up with being considered a "dumb blond" (no offense, I've been both) red-heads are taken a little more seriously (IMNSHO). Feared, respected and lusted after. But don't take my word for it- try it out, its only hair color.

Yup, no truer statement ever made! I was born with auburn hair and it lightened to blond all the way up until my teens. I thought that was pretty cool - got a lot of attention. Then my hair started to darken until it reached the natural red I was born with. Now I love it!! I get more compliments on my hair now than I ever did. And men? Damn, for some reason they mostly think of blonds or brunettes - till they meet a redhead, and the game is over! I've gotten more attention from men just because of my red hair than anything else!
I am naturally blonde. I HATE my haircolour. It's pretty, but it doesn't make me look good. Now then, I have dyed my hair purple, red, black, a browny-red colour, etc.

Though I enjoy having black hair for the wintertime, I generally go red again in Spring, and stay red for the summer.

Having been blonde, red, and black I can honestly say that redheads have more fun... for all of the reasons listed above.

I found that, as a redhead, it was okay for me to be edgy, bitchy, mysterious, and crazy, and no one thought anything bad about it, cus I was a redhead. I felt sexiest as a redhead, too.

When I was blonde, I heard blonde jokes ALL DAY. All through high school, and through last year of uni I heard them. When I've been red, though, people have this sense of awe... it's like automatic respect.. *grin* or automatic lust... they treat you better, hold doors open, hit on you (or me, rather) way more often, etc.

Having black hair confuses everyone.. I have this pale pale complexion and green eyes, and the black hair makes me look kind of... mysterious, I suppose... I get avoided a lot more, but at the same time, I get stared at a lot more... I see guys smiling at me all the time, and I don't understand... I think it gives me a more moody appearance than red or blonde.

But my honey says I'm 'way hotter with dark hair'. :)
I found that, as a redhead, it was okay for me to be edgy, bitchy, mysterious, and crazy, and no one thought anything bad about it, cus I was a redhead. I felt sexiest as a redhead, too.

When I was blonde, I heard blonde jokes ALL DAY. All through high school, and through last year of uni I heard them. When I've been red, though, people have this sense of awe... it's like automatic respect.. *grin* or automatic lust... they treat you better, hold doors open, hit on you (or me, rather) way more often, etc.


what I hated about being blond was that I sometimes felt that people where just *waiting* for me to do something stupid. You can never make a mistake without being called (or considered) a ditz. And that LOOK they give you when you say anything less than perfect sounding. You can't even be goofy, people see it as dumb. You never dare to say "I don't get it" when someone tells a joke. No one explains anyway, they say stuff like "It's over your head" People think your nieve and easy to take advantage of. When you're mad, or exighted people don't take you seriously, when you say something that is smart, people think its "cute"

Its not all bad, I just eventually got sick of always having to try so hard to prove that I have a brain! When I first went red, I had NO IDEA how popular it would be. I think blond hair looks better on me (I am very light complected) but I like who I AM as a redhead better. I feel better able to stand up for myself. Mabe that sort of thing should come from within, and maybe if I ever go back to blond, I'll retain that "inner red-head" of course I'm glad for my time as a blond, I definatly still carry that "inner blond" with me. (and not just the ditzy characteristics, but all the good stuff too)

If you (the person who started this thread) decide to go blond, I hope you'll let us know how it turns out. (Most likely it will be fun, and the negative stuff might not bother you for a year or more- if ever) I definatly think its good to be blond at least once in your life. Only you can decide how fun it is!!!!
I have really long blond hair, and I get compliments on it all the time. I think it's because it's not a really light blond, but more of a golden blond. I've never put any color on it, which seems to amaze people the most-- that it's naturally the color it is.

Thing is, is that I'd -love- to dye it red. I totally agree with all of the comments about having red hair. Unfortunately, my cheeks are naturally very rosy, so I don't think having red hair would suit me.

So, until my cheeks become less pink or my hair turns red on it's own, I'm going to have to continue to work what I've got.

And I like to think that I work it well.
Something about this thread invites sooo many unfair generalizations, almost like racial prejudices. Hell, one of the most intelligent, talented women I ever dated is blonde. And the drapes and carpet matched.
Amfig said:
Something about this thread invites sooo many unfair generalizations, almost like racial prejudices. Hell, one of the most intelligent, talented women I ever dated is blonde. And the drapes and carpet matched.

You're right, it does. We're not saying blondes are stupid. Not in any way. But until you've lived in the shoes of a blonde, you can't much answer this question, can you? I'm a smart woman. I have accomplished a lot of things, and have always been KNOWN to be intelligent. But my blonde hair always made my silly embarrassing moments worse, because of the generalization.

The thread asked if blondes had more fun, and those of us who have been blonde have shared our experiences.

My straw-blonde hair makes me look stupid, when I have bloopers. When I have red hair, people don't make fun of me when I have a blooper, they just sort of laugh with me. No 'dumb redhead' comments.
I'm semi blonde at the moment. My natural color is a medium brown. I've been every color in the world. I just enjoy change.

But I have to say I have more fun when I'm blonde or red. Some of it has to do with people's attitude towards me, but I think a lot of it has to do with me liking the color.

So until the next time I need a change I will blonde my way through the day.

And I've found the quickest way to kill a blonde joke is the shot the punch line back at them.
Amfig said:
Something about this thread invites sooo many unfair generalizations, almost like racial prejudices. Hell, one of the most intelligent, talented women I ever dated is blonde. And the drapes and carpet matched.


Thats the point that we are making. Sometimes having a certain haircolor invites unfair generalizations. Do blonds have more fun? Are all blonds slutty? Are blonds dumb? Do red-heads have a temper? Are brunettes dull? Are they brainy? Are latina's all HOT MAMMA's? Are girls with glasses closet freaks? Of course not. Will an inordinate amount of people treat you as if one of these statements is true? Very likely. Every haircolor has positive and negative attributes unfairly attributed to it. We are just sharing the pro's and cons of certain hairstyles in regards to how others often percieve us depending on the shade of our tresses.

Same way if someone said, "should I get breast implants?" we might say: "You'll get 10 times more attention, but never to your eyes!" or whatever our experience is. I don't know how it is for men, but for women, our lives are (unfortunatly) full of unfair generalizations. Especially over the most superficial aspects like hair color, weight, ethnicity, height, clothing, ect. We need more people like you who dont' make these unfair generalizations about us, but until that happens, we just have to live with it.:)
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UGH! Stereotypes & big sweeping generalizations demean who & what each of us are as individuals.
Lust Engine said:
UGH! Stereotypes & big sweeping generalizations demean who & what each of us are as individuals.

are you agreeing with us or yelliing at us?

My 'drapes' always have been darker than my 'carpet'!
When I shave (which is rare) it doesn't matter much. Love Lisa
I just went blonde a couple of months ago. It doesn't even look very good on me, but I have been getting a ridiculous amount of attention from men. I can't even walk down the aisle in the grocery store without overhearing some comment. Still, I found myself standing in Target with a bottle of red dye in my hair yesterday. I put it back, but I may go buy some tonight. I've had every hair color except blue and green, and I may be having fun as a blonde, but dark roots are no fun at all. And I don't have any "carpet"--I have a big tattoo there instead--so I never have to worry about curtains and carpet matching.

I agree with sweetnpetite...redheads have all the fun! Of course, I could be a little biased. lol. The thing with red hair though, you can always spot a fake. There is no dye that matches the real thing exactly. And I'm just as glad!

It's true, having red hair lets you get away with a lot. When my husband gets frustrated with me, I just tell him, "You knew what you were getting into marrying a redhead!"

But it's also true that if you are happy with what you've got and you work it well, you'll be the sexiest thing alive. Confidence and happiness go a lot farther than color.

once i was at a party hosted by my red-headed friend. i went to use her bathroom and after i washed up i noticed a razor sitting peacefully in her shower. i always wanted to know if a red head really had red pubes or not. the suspense was just killing me. i stood there thinking if it was really necessary to investigate. i finally picked it up and saw short red pubic hairs stuck in the razor. it was actually pretty hot. i know that has nothing to do with nething. just something i thought i would share from my high school years.
i once dyed my hair blue with blonde spots. i doubt those cutains would ever match my carpet.