do accents bother you?

I dont' mind accents at all.

I do find it difficult if the accent is thick and makes it hard to understand the speaker.

But, no,.....they don't bother me.
No way; I work with a lot of students from all over the world and I absolutely love hearing all of the different accents. On my team I have people from China, Poland, Finland, Bulgaria, Brazil, Wales, England, Italy, Japan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Uganda and Canada. Plus me of course. I really enjoy talking with my workmates and sharing common expressions, sayings, idioms, etc from our languages. Wednesday I used the expression "...everything else is gravy", talking about how we could make a return on an investment in a piece of equipment, and it turned into a great discussion about different ways of expressing the same idea in other languages.

Now that I have lived in England for a while I can recognize most of the different regional English accents, and that's kinda cool. I love listening to my friends from Newcastle talk with that great sing-songy accent (what's it called, jordie? geordie? how do you spell that, anyway?)
French, and French-Canadian...

I find it humorous that an obvious racist from your posts would assume to judge anyone else, you're a fucking trip, dooood.
Re: French, and French-Canadian...

Lost Cause said:
I find it humorous that an obvious racist from your posts would assume to judge anyone else, you're a fucking trip, dooood.

That is Standard Operating Procedure for yayati.
yayati said:
and not the hyundai car either LOL!

which accents bother you and why?

what bothers me is when people are racist about accents and dismiss or refuse to listen to somebody just b/c of an accent unless it is british, american or canadian. i feel sad sometimes when people are judged for having a chinese/indian/mexican accent...
I LOVE All the accents.

And i can immitate them so well too. :D

And i thinks accents are very cute.

And I have no problem listen to them.

Because I get use to it very easily.:D

And the Indian accent and thai are the cutest.

And i alway thinks the

Thai people have the Softest and the most sexest accent..

Way much sexyest then French accent .mmho.:D:D
I would describe my own accent as a kind of Hoosier Hick. My sisters kids (from Pennsylvania) say I sound southern. I notice my accent when talking to people from other regions :when talking to someone from say Georgia or Alabama I can hear the more northern pattern in my speech, but if I'm talking with someone from Wisconsin or Michigan I can hear the southern aspects of my accent.
I speak with a very slight accent that is part Irish and part Aussie with some pidgin mixed in. I say certain words differently than my American brothers...

for example...I don't pronounce the "ttle" in words, such as little would be li'l and bottle would be bo'l, literally.

Sandwich is sammich.

"Eva" means towards the water.

And I do say bollox when the need arises. lol
I like accents. A couple of my girl friends are from South America - well, not really, one is from Mexico, one from Peru - and I LOVE their accents, I think they're cute and sexy.

I'm from Pennyslvania, I get teased for saying Mondee, Tuesdee, Wendesdee, etc, instead of MonDAY... And our other oddness is leaving out the phrase 'to be' - as in, I the car needs washed, not the car needs to be washed.
I have the Bronx Italian voice. Wanna hear it<wink>

I love accents
Only one accent bothers me. And thats my own.

I've tried so hard for so long to get rid of it. And the damn thing is still there.