Dining Out, Alone

Aug 4, 2001
How many of you do it? How many of you are comfortable doing it?

I have not been in a restaurant alone very often, but last night I was and found it quite relaxing actually.

I got home last night and was partivcularly hungry. Since unfortunately there was not a beautiful woman cuddled up waiting for me in my bed, and some evil person had earlier planted the idea of eating brownies in my brain, I knew it was a night out for dinner. When the other inmate in my asylm arrived and was being less than personable I decided now was the time and I should go alone.

It was quite interesting, arriving at a local Italian place down on the corner at around 8:00 on a Friday night. I always like going there because they're locally owned and the food is always fresh and impeccably prepared. They sat me against the far wall, from where I could watch the comings and goingds of the other patrons. Being a people watcher, this was one of the best dinner experiences I've had in a while. A nice Chianti, some chicken Napolenana (or something it was good) and a excellent fudge brownie sundae for dessert.

It did make me wonder how many people there are out there who go out to eat by themselves?
I'm pretty comfortable going out to dinner alone. In fact, if i have a particularly bad day at work, i'm quite likely to have dinner out and give myself time to relax and regroup before i come home.

I'm not a people watcher, i always have a book with me to read.
I live alone too, Dawg. Some of my nicest dining experiences have been flying solo. Once you get over the hurdle of anxiety it can be a lot of fun. Sometimes I take a magazine or book, and sometimes I just enjoy people watching.
I'm cool eating out alone, but since I'm not really a people-watcher, I don't think I have as much fun as you seemed to, lol. I just sort of do my thing, maybe bring a book along, and leave when I'm done. The longest I ever stayed while eating alone somewhere was a couple of hours, while writing a 10-page paper due the next day... That was actually pretty fun!
I did it all of the time when I was in traveling alone in Italy for 3 months. I also used to do it when I was in Wales and Ireland - though in those cases it was pubs that I would venture into alone. It can be quite enjoyable - not as an all of the time thing, but I enjoy the adventure aspect of it - that is, by placing yourself outside of a intimate social setting (being partnerless at a restaurant) opens up this other world in which you are alone, watching everything from the outside. I also like to go to movies alone, though that is a different thing altogether.

I eat out alone less here - in the U.S. Perhaps it is the necessity aspect of it - I can always order in at my apt. Or, maybe it is because I'm just a poor student who can barely afford to pay others to make me food. :)
In a real nice sit down restuarant....no..but i love diners...i have one near my house...good cheap food and interesting people to watch...
Wow these are some great responses, I do love the idea of reading a book during a good meal. Perhaps for the future.

I too love going to some movies by myself. Others are really good to be shared though. Depends of the film I think. :)
I am a definite people watcher. Whenever on business travel I won't eat at a table, but rather at the bar (usually not crowded at that time) with a good ale...

...then just watch and listen
The best thing about going to the movies by yourself is the ease of sneaking in to see a double feature for the price of a single ticket. You can try it with two but it draws the eye more. :)
I got out to eat alone. I went last night too. I was tired and not in the mood to cook. I've tried the book/magazine thing but I'm always distracted by wanting to watch the people around me. I find it interesting the number of people who go out in pairs and then say less than 10 words to each other throughout their entire meal. I wonder if they are happy. I often find that restaurants will seat you in a back corner if you are alone, I find that interesting. Another observation...when people (in pairs, etc.) are on their way to their table and see you seated alone they try to figure you out mentally, you can see the wheels turning in their head...smile at them, it throws them off. ;) Kinda fun.
dinner or movie alone

BigDawg69 said:
Wow these are some great responses, I do love the idea of reading a book during a good meal. Perhaps for the future.

I too love going to some movies by myself. Others are really good to be shared though. Depends of the film I think. :)

I can do either alone. I can sit in a movie theater and watch a good movie alone. I don't like talking during anyway.

And dinner, I take a book or magazine or watch people. Not a problem.

Having a date is nice, but I dont need one! :rose:
I used to be very panicky about going out to dinner alone. So, I would just pick up fast food. But once, when I was driving, and I was in the middle of a good book, I decided to stop and have lunch and read the book.

Now, I love to take a break from driving that way. But that is the only context in which I have tried it.

I'm glad you found it relaxing, BigDawg. :)
I hate when the snotty little hostess asks, "just one tonight?" Bitch. What is with this JUST stuff? Calling me a loser because I am eating by myself? Huh?

I'm never going to IHOP again as long as I live.
That's okay, SaintPeter. With a little practice you can make that Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity at home!
I don't mind eating out alone. I will usually take along a book or a sketch pad. I have met a lot of people who will come up and ask what I am drawing. :)
SaintPeter said:
I hate when the snotty little hostess asks, "just one tonight?" Bitch. What is with this JUST stuff? Calling me a loser because I am eating by myself? Huh?

I'm never going to IHOP again as long as I live.

I know. Can't they just be straightforward and to the point:

"Just being a loser tonight? Right this way, sir..."
"Loser table of 1. Loser table of 1 your table is now ready!"

Hahahaha fortunately I frequent this place enough to get good treatment even as a table of 1. :)
I don't mind eating out alone, but I have to have something to read, or I'd be a nervous wreck and eventually run out screaming.

I've gone on entire vacations alone, eating out or getting room service for a few days was a nice break from the usual.
Wow a whole vacation alone . . . I'm not sure I'm ready for that one, but it does have a certain appeal.
I eat out alone alot when I'm traveling. I do it at home sometimes, too, but not too often. I'd rather eat with someone if I have a choice, but I'll take a newspaper or magazine with me and eat alone.
Crossword puzzles are awesome to bring with too when eating alone.

Yeah I went to Vegas for a few days alone. My usual Vegas buddy couldn't make it, so I went anyway and had a great time.
I think the merits are measured by how comfortable you are with yourself as company. I was an only child and I now live alone so I am used to being by myself. I don't actually prefer it, but I am accustomed to it. I've taken several road trips alone and had a great time, but no matter what I've always wished I could share it with someone else. It's just a little bittersweet watching a beautiful sunset or discovering a really cool place by yourself.
That is a good point Rose. I've really not spent much time alone in my life. I had an older sister growing up. One of the things I worry about my not to distant future will be my transition to being alone. I've never really lived alone before. Last night was actually a big step for me.