Dillinger, I miss seeing your lovely cock.

I'd hate to have to put Dilly on ignore. Maybe he could just e-mail it to you and you could use it as wallpaper or something.

seems that me hunt fer th' Great White Whale is t' never be a ceasin'!!


with me last breath, i stab at thee! from Hell's heart, i stab at thee!

with a harpoon! a "big fucking" harpoon!
scylis said:

seems that me hunt fer th' Great White Whale is t' never be a ceasin'!!


with me last breath, i stab at thee! from Hell's heart, i stab at thee!

with a harpoon! a "big fucking" harpoon!

whale envy ahab???? ;)
Thing is - I don't have any new pics - but if you don't mind a repeat pic:

Dillinger said:
Thing is - I don't have any new pics - but if you don't mind a repeat pic:


Oh man! So that's the picture that was supposed to be emailed to me weeks and weeks ago. :D
I'm sorry - I have been travelling something like 10 out of the last 12 weeks - I've kind of lost track of things. I hope this makes up for it?

Dillinger said:
I'm sorry - I have been travelling something like 10 out of the last 12 weeks - I've kind of lost track of things. I hope this makes up for it?


Well you're well on your way to making amends. :) Keep it up.
I thought we all got it straight a long time ago that its always up?

Dillinger said:
I thought we all got it straight a long time ago that its always up?


I see that, and stand corrected.

The original fullsized versions would look oh-so-good in my email.

Ooooo..what a great thing to come upon tonight.

Thank you Dilly!

Again - unfortunately - I'm on the road and don't have them with me... I'm sorry!

Dillinger said:
Again - unfortunately - I'm on the road and don't have them with me... I'm sorry!


I'll hold your tab til another day then. :)

You don't happen to be close enough to Washington state.. that I can see that thing in real life, are you?

Please say yes.. :D I promise I won't touch it.. I just need to see it ...
Ummm...and if you ever make it around Wisconsin....

I would even drive hours to meet a man like you! :kiss:
Only a couple states away actually - look out your window - it might be visible by moonlight.

Unfortunately, he'll never get into Canada carrying that weapon. :)
Only a couple of states away?

I'm free on Friday afternoon...
If you start driving now..

I promise.. no touching. Only looking. :)