Did You know using Baby Oil After you shave bikini area stops those little red bumps


Yes i'm back
Oct 8, 2001
Plus it feels good to apply it on that smooth skin.......

I wanna start using it all over me...

Just need help to get it on those hard to reach areas.

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I know people that use it to shave, instead of shaving cream or gel. They say it works great and it doesn't clog up the razor.
For me, I put baby oil everywhere but my freshly shaven pussy. I found it clogged my pores (but I have sensitive skin). I use rubbing alcohol now and almost never get an ingrown or irritation.
Wiggles said:
I love baby oil.

But I didn't know that, thanks.

I just started to use it on my special regions past 3 days and I have not had any bumps. Maybey it wokrs for me. no guarateee for all. but dam if mastrubating with baby oil dont feel good.
Actually, Phoenyx, I never had a problem with Magic. Nair on the other hand......OWWWWWWWWWWW:eek: