Did We...? (Closed)


Jun 9, 2003
Lena sat looking at the paper on her desk… On “official letter head” that goof Spencer has actually told her she is cordially required accompany him home to a wine and wings night with him and Greg… Seriously… If she had known they were going to gang up on her like this over every little rough patch in her life… She never would have introduced the two of them to each other. She knew why they were doing this… She and Jaxon had hit a rough patch in their relationship which ended in their splitting up and as was her way she had kinda blamed herself and had again become a reclusive. Keeping to just going to work and home unless life demanded more from her like buying food and such as that. Greg had known her most of her life and this was probably more his idea than it was Spencer but Spencer was picking up on things about her and now with Greg there to tell him more she was outnumbered. She also knew what she was going to hear from the two of them about Jaxon... Greg nor Spencer cared much at all for him... honestly she thought they hated him and Jaxon thought they were jealous. She knew deep down Jaxon could be as bad as they thought he was a tad aggressive but love always made her see it as more him being passionate rather than dangerous.

She called Spencer’s extension on the in house line there at work and sighed.

Hello Spencer… Fine you two win I will attend the wine and wings night tonight on one condition and this goes for both of you… The first I told ya so I am out of there even if I have to walk home okay…

You had better call and let Greg know the stipulation as well… Oh he knows I would walk home.

I should be done with the Francen account in about an hour.

What kinds of wine… Well Chianti you both know I love and what about Sangrias… Yeah the little 4 pack bottles like Carlie had a ton of at the office pool party…

Okay see you in 1 hour…

She hung up the phone and looked at the account. Mr Francen was a sweet old man but trying to make any changes to this account to get him any more money would be easier done if she were a magician…maybe. She sighed and found a way of getting a dime more in his returns per quarter and tossing her pen down on the desk and hitting enter to save for the final time she sat back and took a deep breath before looking up at her office door to see Spencer standing there waiting for her and sighed but smiled.

Lets go

She picked up her jacket and putting it on and then grabbing her purse. 28 and already a partner in the firm for 3 years and she still looked young enough to be mistaken for a secretary or extra typist during the rush times. She smoothed her hand over her jacket and dress and walked out with Spencer.

Greg was waiting downstairs in the car when Spencer returned with Lena. He had sent Spencer up because he knew he needed another few minutes to prepare himself for the sight of her. She was still utterly gorgeous, sex on two legs, and the knowledge she had finally ended things with that horrible mess of a human being Jaxon was enough to make him shout from the rooftops. She deserved so much better than that asshole. But he'd sworn he wouldn't say a word about it and Lena deserved a night out more than anyone he knew.

He had come straight from work, so he was wearing a shirt that covered his tattoos and his long black hair was most tamed. Spencer deposited Lena in the passenger seat and then slid into the back.

Greg leaned across the console and kissed Lena's cheek. "You look beautiful, babe. Ravishing. Spencer has the drinks in the back, so wh don't you just sit back and let us take care of you tonight? You deserve to be pampered."

She looked wary, but eventually she sighed and relaxed. He knew he'd won her over when she kicked off her shoes and settled back against the seat. He caught Spencer's eye in the rearview mirror, his partner's eyebrow rising in an unspoken question, but he silenced anything he was about to say with a quick shake of his head.

They were going to be perfect gentlemen. At least until halfway through the first bottle.

http://bestof.provocateuse.com/images/photos/victor_webster_98.jpg - Greg

http://img.poptower.com/pic-88935/james-purefoy.jpg?d=600 - Spencer
Leaning her cheek closer knowing the kiss was coming she sighed with a wary glance she knew they hated Jaxon and she knew well enough that the We told you so was hard for them not to say but she was willing to humor them. After all she had known Greg nearly her whole life and Spencer had managed to meet her approval to be introduced to Greg and they were a great couple from all she had seen over the last couple of years. She was safe with them and she knew it there was light flirting but nothing more they were all friends. In all honesty this "pampering" was something she needed and she knew it. She had to quit becoming a hermit after every break up.

Thank you Greg and as I told Spencer one single I told you so and I will walk home.
You don't have to worry about that, babe. Tonight is all about you and the future, not about whatever mistakes you made in the past that shall remain nameless. We're going to get you home, get you into some comfortable clothes, and we're going to help you remember what a fun, sexy, beautiful lady you are. So don't worry about a thing.

He patted her leg just under the edge of her skirt, his palm rough on the smooth skin of her thigh. He withdrew before he focused too much on just how good it felt and returned his hand to the steering wheel.
I thought this was wine and wings and yours and Spencer's place? That is what Spencer's "Official letter head" memo reported as the events of the night.

She smirked as it seemed they both had two different plans or were trying to throw her off the real plan. She would play along for now and sat back relaxing letting her eyes close for a moment with a deep sigh.
Spencer shook his head and smiled at Greg in the rearview mirror. "No, we'll just wing it," Greg had said. Well, that plan turned out fantastic, didn't it? Spencer reached around the seat and gripped Lena's shoulder, massaging the tension out of it as she slumped against the seat. "We're going to our place," he confirmed, "Wine and wings just like I promised. Greg's just a little flighty when it comes to details." He winked at his partner and brushed his fingers lightly over Lena's neck, making her moan with pleasure as the anxiety was massaged out of her muscles.
You would think after all these years I would remember that about him.

She laughed a little and sighed content at the massage.

Mr Lancen is a sweet old man but I can't get him any more money out of his investments without serious magic but he does not want to change companies he has buried all that money in. I could get him better returns with even just swapping out two companies. I managed to get him a dime per company per quarter but that is it with his rigid loyalties.

How are your cases goes Spencer?
Spencer sighed and made a so-so gesture with his hands. You know how it goes. One gains, the next loses. You just have to find a balance between the two so that you don't go too far down the slide. You do it better than most, Lena. I wish I had half the acumen you did when it came to finding the winners. Well. Winning investments, men not so much.

Greg said, "Ah-ah. Remember the rules. No talking about that." He winked at Lena to let her know he meant it and he wasn't just playing the game, then focused on the road again. "It'll be just like old times. Promise."
Old times...

She smiled nodding

Only instead of swiping beer from Dads garage its sangrias Chianti and who knows what all wine Spencer bought.

Another little laugh till she looked out the window of the car and spotting one of the bars that she and Jaxon used to go when they were happy and sighed.
Greg recognized that sigh. He looked at Lena and then reached over to massage the shoulder Spencer wasn't taking care of. "It'll work out, sweetie. You'll get over him soon enough and you'll find someone who truly appreciates you. But for tonight, you're just going to take care of YOU, all right? Don't worry about relationships or romance, just focus on getting drunk. I happen to know Spencer is better stocked than most bars tonight, so we'll be all set."
Yeah... Okay.

She smiled looking back to Greg then Spencer.

Lets just get there and enjoy some down time away from the office and everything else.

Reaching a hand to rest one on Spencer's and one on Greg's hand.

So wine wings and what else? Movies... sappy romantic comedy sitcoms... whats the flighty plan?
The wine and wings are for sure, Spencer said. Beyond that, it's lady's choice. We have movies, we have music. Sometimes the best way to get over someone is to act like a complete fool. Just give in to your inhibitions and go hog-wild. That is why I got a karaoke machine. Hopefully we can get you wasted enough to since "Forever Young" before the night is out.

He squeezed her hand and looked at Greg, who still looked anxious about the whole situation. Lena was his oldest friend, and Spencer knew there were romantic feelings there. She was the only woman he'd ever really had strong, lasting feelings for, and Spencer could understand why. He just hoped that if the wine opened up a few unspoken possibilities they weren't too awkward about it in the morning.
You didn't learn after the office Christmas party... Spencer you alcohol and karaoke don't mix well.

She shook her head they were going all out and cheesy at times but she needed this. No matter how much her mind said hermit she needed this. She sat back relaxing waiting till they got to their place and got this little celebration underway
Office Christmas party? Spencer said, feigning ignorance. Christmas party? I have no memory of a Christmas party.

Greg smiled. "The way you were tossing them back, I'm not surprised. Trust me, Lena, I'll keep him away from the microphone. You're the one who has to cut loose tonight. We're just going to be there for moral support and to make sure you don't get TOO crazy." He pulled into the parking garage of Spencer's building. "Get ready for a wild and crazy night, Lena. We're not going to go easy just because you're heartbroken. From here on out, it's no holds barred."
I am NOT going to be the only one on a karaoke machine if I even get near it at all though Spencer... you might want Greg to sing though I am betting you have already heard that.

She had seen them kiss and get a little cozy at office parties and stuff like that but here at their place alcohol and celebrating she could not wait to see how affectionate they got with each other.
"If that's what it takes to relax you, I'll certainly be willing to jump on the karaoke machine and belt out a little Elton John or some show tunes. I've got a pretty good voice, you know." They got out of the car so Greg didn't see Spencer roll his eyes at the comment. As they walked toward the elevator Greg put his arm around Lena and hugged her close, while he hugged Spencer close on the other side. "As long as the three of us are together, we're not going to have any tears."

Well, maybe tears of laughter if you make good on that threat to sing, Spencer said, and Greg swatted him on the rear end.
She smiled curling into her old friends hug as they walked. She laughed a little at Spencer's comment about Greg singing. She used to love hearing him sing when they were growing up. SHe had to admit though at times his choices of songs were a little questionable but she still loved his voice so it really didn't matter too much.

Well then Spencer... if there is Karaoke then we all sing or no one sings fair enough.

She was relaxed and happy smiling to both of them as she let them lead the way to the elevator.
Spencer stepped away from their little huddle to hurry ahead and press the button so the elevator would arrive by the time Lena and Greg reached it. The doors slid open and he ushered them inside, putting his arm around Lena's waist so that this time she was pinned between him and Greg. "That's the spirit," he told her. "We'll have you forgetting old whats-his-name before you know it."

He smiled at her and Greg, who was almost a full head taller than her. They were both so beautiful he couldn't help but wonder what lay in store for them upstairs. Wine was no friend to any of them, but sometimes it was necessary to do things that needed to be done. Right now Lena needed to get over her sadness and back to the vibrant, vivacious woman they all knew existed.

For that, they would need wine. Much, much wine.
Off to the wine and the rum... And we can't forget the wings.

She slipped into the elevator hugged up between them as she looked around the elevator seeing the smile on Spencer's face but only having seen him look at Greg she smiles.

NO more reference of any kind lets forget all of that and work and just have fun
"Fun sounds fun to me," Spencer said. He let his hand slip over Greg's arm as they rode up to his apartment. Greg put an arm around Lena to guide her out and down the hall, and Spencer followed behind them to admire the way Lena looked in her outfit. How she could make bland work clothes look sexy was beyond him, but even he had found himself eyeing her from time to time when they were alone in the office. He unlocked the apartment door and let them inside.

"Make yourselves comfortable. I'll get the drinks."
Slipping from her jacket and placing it and her purse on the little entryway hook she turned around smiling. She loved the view from their home as she wandered towards the balcony to stare out over the city. The breeze and the peaceful night were perfect as she stood there taking a deep breath her eyes closed enjoying the breeze.
While Spencer was busy getting the drinks ready, Greg watched Lena go out onto the balcony. He just watched for a moment, admiring the way she looked against the backdrop of the city. She looked peaceful and beautiful, but he missed the carefree girl he once knew. She worried too much about work and relationships. She may have protested (mildly) but he knew this night was exactly what she needed.

He joined her on the balcony and rubbed her arms, leaning forward to kiss the back of her head. "You sure you're all right? We really do care about you, you know."
I don't have any choice but be alright. No matter how much things have changed.

She leaned back against him never having any clue that any feelings had lingered past them being kids in school.

I know you and Spencer mean well but my problems should not interrupt what time you two get together. So I mean two years so far you two are pretty serious...

She winked with a smile truly happy for them.

You're welcome. I knew you two would be wonderful together.
Greg smiled. "You're right. We're tremendously happy together. If I didn't know better, I would think you were fishing for a thank-you gift." He squeezed her arm so she'd know he was just messing with her. And it was true that if she wasn't there he and Spencer would probably be making out on the couch and half-naked already. The thought formed the mental image in his mind and he felt the stirrings of arousal below his belt. But tonight was supposed to be about Lena.

"You're not taking anything away from us by being here," he assured her with a kiss on the cheek. "You're a part of this family, and if one of us is hurting, all of us are hurting. We want to make you feel better, Lena." He turned her head so he could see her face and lightly kissed her lips, just like they had done when they were younger and still trying to figure out the whole sex and romance thing.
She bit her lip after the kiss unsure what Spencer would think if he had seen Greg kiss her. The memories it brought back however were so soft and wonderful she quickly smiled and reached a hand to his cheek for a moment.

maybe we should go help Spencer get everything ready...