Did the suffragettes inspire alqueda?


Gods rep on Earth.
Nov 10, 2003
A century after the death of Emily Davison at the Epsom Derby, the movement that gave votes to women still has much to teach those continuing to fight for equality

On 4 June 1913, Emily Wilding Davison travelled to Epsom Downs to watch the Derby, carrying two suffrage flags – one rolled tight in her hand, the other wrapped around her body, hidden beneath her coat. She waited at Tattenham Corner as the horses streamed past, then squeezed through the railings and made an apparent grab for the reins of the king's horse, Anmer. In the Manchester Guardian the next day, an eyewitness reported: "The horse fell on the woman and kicked out furiously". News footage shows racegoers surging on to the track to find out what had happened.

Davison suffered a fractured skull and internal bleeding, and as hate mail against her poured in to the hospital, she remained unconscious. She died four days later. Thousands of suffragettes turned out on the London streets dressed in white, bearing laurel wreaths for her funeral. They marched four abreast behind purple banners, urging them all to fight on.

So .... suicide bombers.. the cause is all...... look at the mess the world is in now.... allah be praised - but wont do the washing up :mad:

edited to add - from http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/may/29/nine-lessons-suffragettes-feminists
Yes, of course they were. Very good Hobbit.

*pats head*

so .. a terrorist organization.. and lets be honest here arson is terrorism.... is a terrorist organization.
My feeling is that they were inspired more by Thomas Lawrence who showed them arabs directly that pointless violence against superior enemies leaves a lot of dead people around - but also wins fame in the future.
*reads article*

"Constables and plain-clothes men who were in the crowd passed their arms round me from the back and
clutched hold of my breasts in as public a manner as possible, and men in the crowd followed their example …
My skirt was lifted up as high as possible, and the constable attempted to lift me off the ground by raising
his knee. This he could not do, so he threw me into the crowd and incited the men to treat me as he wished."

She later had to seek medical attention for the bruising on her chest.

{gsgs comment- This reminds me an incident, that happened not so long ago, involving another woman, and another country.}
My feeling is that they were inspired more by Thomas Lawrence who showed them arabs directly that pointless violence against superior enemies leaves a lot of dead people around - but also wins fame in the future.

Lawrennce actually came after pankhurst and her terrorists set fire to numerous buildings. it wasn't all brave sistahs hurling themselves in front of horses.. these buggers had a political motive!
Lawrennce actually came after pankhurst and her terrorists set fire to numerous buildings. it wasn't all brave sistahs hurling themselves in front of horses.. these buggers had a political motive!

i think it can be traced back to General Gordon who died in the attempt to terrorize Africa into becoming and remaining a British possession.
i think it can be traced back to General Gordon who died in the attempt to terrorize Africa into becoming and remaining a British possession.

Gen. Gordon and his assassination in Khartoum had little to do with the rights of none males to harass innocent horses.

None males are now allowed a status far beyond their intellectual ability, and for what end? that of a long since deceased Edwardian bint with delusions of equality.
Gen. Gordon and his assassination in Khartoum had little to do with the rights of none males to harass innocent horses.

None males are now allowed a status far beyond their intellectual ability, and for what end? that of a long since deceased Edwardian bint with delusions of equality.

Perhaps then the terrorists were inspired by Alfred's terror campaign against the 9th century Danes? Striking at the rightful rulers from hiding places in swamps.

That seems even more likely than your horse terror story.
Judges 16:30 Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived.
Perhaps then the terrorists were inspired by Alfred's terror campaign against the 9th century Danes? Striking at the rightful rulers from hiding places in swamps.

That seems even more likely than your horse terror story.

hereward the wake held a genuine view on those he opposed. none of this none male estrogen fueled blame anyone due to the lunar cycle and the none male element of the middle class elites need to fend off criticism for its inept handling of the canaries down the pits fiasco.. pankhurst was a terrorist.
Judges 16:30 Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived.

Exodus 11: One day, when Moses had grown up, he went out to his people and looked on their burdens; and he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his people. 12: He looked this way and that, and seeing no one he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.
none males with the vote? for surely they should be doing what God designed them for.. giving birth and harvesting crops.

Hobbit. chapter 1 verse 1.