Did Jesus Commit Suicide?


Literotica Guru
Sep 20, 2001
If he's God and God is all-knowing, then didn't he know what was going to happen from the get-go?

Does that mean Jesus is in Hell for killing himself?

Boy, this religion thing is a mindfuck.
Jesus sacrificed himself for our Sins, to give us our path to Heaven. Not suicide at all. Plus, he rose from the dead, which goes to show that through Jesus, we have eternal life. Boo-yeah.
It's a little complicated. Technically, God killed him, I think. But then you get into the whole trinity thing...
Siren said:

never looked at it that way.

perhaps he Martyr'd himself, rather than killed himself.

Leave it to a lawyer to spin it.

...sorry, couldn't resist.
So Jesus

hands the inkeeper some nails and sez "hey buddy, could you put me up for the night?"
Eagle70 said:
Jesus sacrificed himself for our Sins, to give us our path to Heaven. Not suicide at all. Plus, he rose from the dead, which goes to show that through Jesus, we have eternal life. Boo-yeah.

Big deal. He knew the outcome from the beginning. If he didn't, He wouldn't be God, no?

In other words, He put on a show so you'd have something to do on Sunday before the game.
Brak is God.


Anything else is just a sham to sell greeting cards.
I think he was just a misunderstood magician who lived in the wrong period of time. Lots of false prophets.

Turn water into wine, and suddenly you have a cult following.
So he did a suicide by police thing?

Where you want to die,but cannot do it yourself,so you get someone that can?
Marxist said:

Big deal. He knew the outcome from the beginning. If he didn't, He wouldn't be God, no?

In other words, He put on a show so you'd have something to do on Sunday before the game.

No show pal. He knew he was to die, he even asked his Father to spare him during his passion in the garden. But he accepted his fate, knew that he would be condemned, and accepted his death. He knew it would be for a reason.

In other words, I'll be One with God while you're left alone. all alone. Just my beliefs though.

Heres a question I'd like to pose. With the "leader" of Christianty dead, why didnt the movement die with him? Why has it swept the globe, and become the largest relgion in the world? Was it because it was all some "show"? I think not.
seXieleXie said:
would jesus want you visiting a porn site?

Sure. If there were a Jesus, I'd bet he'd have been into German stuff...or maybe Japanese. That's some weird shit, yo.
lovetoread said:
So he did a suicide by police thing?

Where you want to die,but cannot do it yourself,so you get someone that can?

Good analogy.

Actually, he tricked Judas into betraying him as well. The Bible says he was clued in to who would do it. So he's got another suicide on his hands as well.

A double suicide without a pact. Talk about a miracle.
Eagle70 said:
Sins of the flesh my darlin...i'm only human.

uh-huh. it's by grace you've been saved and all that. i'm very impressed. really, i am. enjoy heaven.
Marxist, to add on your initial question...if God is so omni-potent, then why didn't he create a perfect world to begin with? Some being that can create the universe, and populate the Earth with creatures and man should have been able to get it right the first time.