Did I miss something?

PC was proving a point.

Are you still hooked to Pour Some Sugar on Me or would that be a useless bump for you?
Did I miss something?
What the hell happened to the urinary prostitiute av?
Love is like a bomb, baby, c'mon get it on.

I have no idea what the drama du jour is for once. Apparently PB is miffed at PC because PC wasn't all pc with PB. Or something.

What's with the hedgehog? Been playing Sonic? Someone wrote gay porn about Sonic and Knuckles. It was, er, different.
Did anyone else notice that a lot of those bumped threads involved Lavendar?

Spelling buddy sez:


No, I didn't. Were we supposed to actually read them?

I'm hot, so hot, sticky sweet, from my head, my head, to my feet.