Desultory and Impulsive

Russia invaded the Ukraine

I got lunch at Mc Donald's
went through the drive through

I wasn't alone

4b. No onions

Could have done without the bacon
I thought it'd be good
It was
But not the flavor profile I realized I wanted

I wanted what my memory expected

That happens with people. Places


Lovers and friends
Husbands and wives

They are there

But they are not what they once were.

The Coca-Cola tasted the same
And that was nice

It's still sitting in the cup holder between the seats
Half full yet

I've no knowledge of international politics or diplomacy

I guess it's a full on invasion

The President of the U.S. talked on the matter
I didn't listen
Was buying a gift certificate for an expecting mother

...because everything is always for the baby

Mothers... ignored

A gift certificate purchased at a fancy locally owned women's boutique
Nice clothing for women

I eyed a fancy lace bra
It was a beautiful burgundy
And would look good against the pale complexion of my wife
Her heavy breasts filling it out
Straps and clasps

These such things are best bought by women themselves though
Because breasts are particular.

It's now snowing a dusty powdered sugar type snow
For those not here with me
It looks of fog
Off into the distance

I've not had the news on
I've not checked the headlines

I've puttered about here and there
While making chicken soup

Rainbow carrots
Homemade noodles bought from the Mennonites
Chicken--from that of which we raised
Stock made from various chicken parts

Down home old world shit

Necks, back, feet
...boiled down to a gelatinous goo.

There's an echo of a man
Inside my head
Who says to me...

I wanted to hold her before my lungs filled with blood.

I ask him...

Can you tell me what she looks like?

He doesn't say anything
He just closes his eyes
And smiles a weak smile

And in his memory
I see her.
Loving your words as always. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Not something I ever thought I'd ask on a board like this --- but do you process your chickens yourself? I've started a flock for eggs and have toyed with the idea of meat birds.
No. We take them in to get processed.

If you have more than 5 chickens I am of the opinion that it's far worth it than dealing with the hassle and never wanting to eat chicken for the next year and a half.
Looking for an empty

Something to slide into
And make home
And feel myself become whole

A place to fill and be filled
And feel how sunlight looks
Shining through
Into a library

A place
A room
A party of people
Glad to see me
And feel that my being there
Makes there feel all the more complete

A shell I can crawl into
And carry
And take places
To wherever I go

An empty
To protect

And feel within
Another dumbshit cuck/loving wife/whatever story idea/scenario wormed it's way into my goddamn head while masturbating yesterday and won't fucking let me go.

It's an interracial one that I'm not too proud of as it pushes the tired trope of "thug-ish" black guy stereotype

The rundown is this:

Young white couple have this fantasy where he watches her suck-off a black guy as payment for drugs. Neither husband or wife have done drugs or have a desire to do drugs. To them it's just a perfect ruse that also adds a serious element of taboo wrongness to the whole experience.

So they arrange to buy some coke in some random parking lot where he can sit and watch the transaction... but still remain undercover.

He watches as his wife walks toward and enters the car of the drug dealer. She sits in the front passenger seat and is quiet. They both are quiet and looking forward. Finally there's some small talk of some kind. It all takes longer as expected but it's all relaxed. all cool. although she's nervous and not entirely sure how to go about doing it all.

--skipping ahead because the details are yet weak and keep escaping me--

The driver; being the honest business guy that he is, offers the woman a small sample of what she about to buy. The husband sees all this as the driver holds up a small little spoon of powder to his wife. He spirals as this was not planned or discussed.

His wife is totally caught off guard and is in a panic of her own. But yet... the thought...

The husband watches the driver watch his wife as he holds the spoon for her. The wife is looking directly at the driver. Slowly she leans forward towards him. She's looking at him as he brings the spoon up to her nostril. With a finger she pushes closed her other nostril and she snorts the coke off the spoon.

The husband watches as his wife sinks back into the passenger seat and throws her head back. Her eyes are closed and she's given no choice but to focus on the feeling of her body become overwhelmed by the stimulant.

He watches as she reflexively brings her hands up and squeezes her breast together through her clothing, giving her nipples a firm grab as she did. Totally have forgotten about the driver.

This by itself was more self sexual initiative he had ever seen of her. And she just holds her self like that for a bit. As though she were finding herself.

The driver watches and says something like... "and that's just a taste of what you are buying"

Her husband sees the driver talking but is deaf to the conversation

She opens her eyes. Heart beating a mile a second... but her mind is so clear, focused, calm. And her body, hot and wet and buzzing...

Finding her self falling back into plan she opens her clutch purse to find it empty...

The driver says "that's going to be a problem"

She says "does it have to be?"

Embolden all the more by the coke she makes her moves

From the car the husband is left powerless to watch his wife lower her head down upon the driver's cock. And by the exaggerated movements he can tell he's substantial. He can tell that her hands are double fisting his shaft while her head continued to bob up and down. It was everything he wanted to see... but for the fact that she had snorted coke which greatly tinged the fantasy for him.

He watched as she recklessly sucked the driver's cock. And in watching her he realized something was lost. It wasn't just a thing they wanted to do anymore. It was a thing she wanted to do. And he felt himself being cut out of her experience. She was supposed to be doing it for him... for them. She was supposed to still be thinking about him watching and them both being turned on by the whole thing. But instead it was just her--and the driver.

And though her husband couldn't hear her sucking and gacking on his cock... it was as though he still could. And though he couldn't see the amount of thick throat gag spit running down her hands and his balls in his mind he could... and his mind wasn't wrong. And she didn't let up. She double down as the driver visibly reached his orgasm. Raising herself up on her knees, ass up in the air, her head down upon his cock, the driver finally took charge of the action and held her by the back of the head as his balls emptied into her mouth

Leaving the husband unable to do anything but watch the tell tail signs of his wife swallowing the black man's orgasm. All of it. His semen. His ejaculate. Unhinged swallowing. Sight unseen. Sexual history unknown. No care. Total disregard. And while watching it all happen right there before him he's struck by the reality hit him of how he didn't know this guy. His wife didn't know this guy or where his cock has been and what all else he's giving her besides his semen... And he thought how he'd have to kiss her whenever she made her way stoned and cum drunk back into the car.
Part 2 of this little story has the husband and wife agreeing that it was a "one-off". Something they did, which they shouldn't have, but did anyway. and yes it was hot (her words) it was over (also her words).

But as weeks go by the wife is getting edgy. She's also on her phone a lot. Going off into other rooms.

The husband gets suspicious

Wife is getting more and more unlike herself. She's distant during sex. The ambition and desire behind her blowjobs weren't even a fraction of what he witnessed her give to the drug dealer. It's been brought up. there's been explosive fights and swift recoveries and further acknowledgments that it all was just a bad idea.

nevertheless.... there's suspicion.

Something or another gives him a feeling on a particular day. Don't know what. Don't know why. Don't know how but he devises a plan to stay home from work and hide in a secretly little hidey-hole (where he; thanks to my imagination, is given God-vision where he's able to see everything from every angle)

He's hiding.

Wife is on her phone. Checking and texting.

She's wearing the prerequisite hot wife house loungewear. Black leggings... sensible shirt. Her hair is down. She for the most part is weekday casual. Normal.

Knock on the door....

It's the drug dealer. Tall, black, muscular-ish. The kind of black guy a white woman would want to fuck while he stood behind her at Starbucks

The wife... anxious? She's not giving a sex vibe per say. But it's there.

He comes in and shuts the door.

There's some small talk of shit that's not important. Pleasantries.

He holds up a baggie of coke.

She takes it.

He says "Payment the same as last time?"

She doesn't say anything.

Instead she turns and walks towards the center island in the kitchen.

There's a certain sway to her hips.
The kind of sway women give that guys know they know they fucking give

Watching her ass and then how her hair counter sways to her hips the dealer follow her

She takes the baggie of coke and pours a bit on the island counter top
Then cocking her hip to one side she leans over the counter onto her elbows and forearms and begins chopping a line of coke with her credit card.

The dealer walks up behind her and puts his hands on her hips.

Bringing all of her hair to one side of her she looks back at him with the slightest of smiles. His hands begin to round the curve of her hips. He's gentle but firm with his touch. Purposeful.

No words are said. She's just there chopping at the coke. Stalling. Feeling him feel her.

He then brings his hands up to waistband of her leggings. Hooks his fingers inside them and then slowly pulls them down exposing her bare ass to his eyes and hands.

Again, no words are said.

She continues to cut

He pushes his clothed crotch up against her while pushing her hips down with his hands. Small little dry fucking motions. She's enjoying the feel of the rough fabric against her body. It all brings about a momentary feeling of innocence. And in many ways that's what was taking place. And what's about to be lost

You know that feeling. It's like the last dying gasp of innocents and youth felt before a decided first of some kind. First kiss. first blow job. first fuck. feeling before the first night of knowing you're going to get black-out drunk. first toke of weed. first tattoo. and you know you are taking an active role of losing something you'll never ever get back. and it's all so heady.

I digress

He's feeling the warmth of her white naked ass against her body. And it's something he wants.... but at the same time knows that it's something (for her sake) he shouldn't do.

But that ass... her shiny white girl hair. her features. her body. her home.... so much of everything he'd never have

She pushed the coke into a line and then back into a pile to cut again. and then back into a line.

He unbuckled his pants.
Sagging as they already were they dropped to the floor. Underwear and all. His cock half swollen he stepped back towards her and pressed the shaft of it along the crack of her bare body. She was hot. Wet. He pushed himself against her all the more and in doing so he pushed blood further into his cock. He could feel himself swell against her. And so could she.

There movements were slight. Simple. innocent rubbing of parts otherwise supposed to be clothed

He separated himself from her but kept his hands on her hips. His cock was now engorged enough to have risen up inline with her pussy.

He pushed forward. He could feel her body begin to part. She was wet... but not so that he could fully penetrate.

Just the tip...

She cut the coke into a small little pile. Lowered her head. Pinched off a nostril with her finger and inhaled the white powder into her.

Time stopped as she brought herself up onto her hands and closed her eyes head back to feel the rush come in.
And just as she did, his cock entered fully into her. Pushing against her cervix. Stretching her labia. Her body and mind were so full of everything to were all she could do and seeming do so against her will was push herself back into him.
Nobody's given me any direction on my thread on the GB regarding the Covington vs Masvidal fight.

Thought for sure someone there would have something to say. But no. They're letting me down.

As stated I really don't give much of a shit. But yet I'm entertained that these two D bags are fighting. Masvidal is less of a D bag. But Covington's D baggery didn't come about until he realized becoming a D bag got him attention. So his D baggery is an act
BUT the fact he adopted the persona kinda really makes him a pretty big fucking D bag.

Masvidal was cool. But became an arrogant fuck ever since winning the BMF belt. But then he took out that one super D bag in zero seconds flat which was very much deserved.

But then Masvidal was a super D bag to Usman. Usman knocked him the fuck out with probably the most satisfying punches ever to land in ALL of fighting history. Seriously if you've not seen it Google that shit.

Covington was also a D bag to Usman. Usman dismantled Covington's jaw in return.

Lesson learned? Sign up to fight. Fight your fight. Don't be a D bag to Usman.

But so now we got these two D bags fighting and I don't know who I want to see lose more.

I'm leaning towards wanting Covington to lose because he just needs to be done.

But yet... he's really not had a good win in awhile and I kinda wanna see him pull through and win. But not by some weak split decision shit. I want a legitimate knockout tap out win.

And by "want to see" I mean see by some bootleg YouTube clip. Because I'm not paying for that shit.