Deposit Useless Information HERE Please


Literotica Guru
Apr 6, 2002
It has been brought to my attention that my head is cluttered with useless information, and if I were to purge such data from my brain, I would create room for much more enjoyable stuff. So, here's the place to deposit all those things you know that you don't NEED to know. Then you can replace them with really juicy useable information.
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dammit to hell, I was hoping to leave Redwave in this thread and never hear from him again.
Dine on Damask for breakfast & dinner -- Lace is for luncheon.
Mind if I deposit my old phone numbers going back to the '70s here? I'm really, truly never going to use my home phone number from when I was a little girl again.
while Nolan Ryan may have been the most dominate pitcher ever he never won a cy younag award. I'd say that's pretty useless.
Deposit away Nora -- but we reserve the right to know WHAT phone numbers you're replacing them with.
hmmmm Ok which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of lead? hehehe :rolleyes:
Contrary to popular belief, only one alligator has ever been found in the New York City sewer system. The 125 pound (57 kilogram) alligator was pulled out by four boys way back in 1935.
Your foot is the same length as the distance from your elbow to your wrist.

two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun.

I also know the theme songs to almost every tv show I ever watched growing up...but I may need those later.
Kitte said:
I also know the theme songs to almost every tv show I ever watched growing up...but I may need those later.

Like minds....Kitte, I was going to deposit all the lyrics to the Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Sweet Charity, the Music Man, Cinderella and the Wizard of Oz, but I decided I might still need them to use against Bluesboy.
The Washington Monument

is 555 ft 5 and 3/8 inches tall

The dollar bill is aproximently 6" long

The Quarter is 1 inch in Diamiter

Race car spelled backwards is Race car

There will be more. I have worked for years to keep this stuff IN and letting it out isn't as easy as it looks.


I have the largest ass of any person to work for the State of Texas in the 1990's
There is no such thing as useless information. There is only information. It may have no apparent value now but one day, who knows.

The Move did a song called 'Useless Information'
White shoes only from Easter Sunday to Labor Day. Stop wearing velvet on Valentine's Day.
some more

You can use the cover off of a standard book of matches to set ignition poits. Aproximate thickness 17 to19 thousth of an inch

One Thosand is the first number to use the Letter D in its spelling.

You LIE like a rug!

Bluesboy2 said:
I have the largest ass of any person to work for the State of Texas in the 1990's

Kinda makes me worried that all the state employees had pinheads for butts.... (this is NOT a pretty picture)
someplace said:
Deposit away Nora -- but we reserve the right to know WHAT phone numbers you're replacing them with.

None. I'm a child of the new millenium. I'm replacing them with email addresses.

Anyone want the pathetically small amount of Hebrew I've been mentally hoarding? I'm *really* not using it, and I think I could replace it with a more useful lexicon.

I think I'll also deposit all the stuff I learned in College. I'm really not using it and I think I could clear out a hell of a lot of room... Can I interest anyone in a slightly used knowledge of Social Psych?
F O R K -- LEFT (4 letters each)

K N I F E, S P O O N -- RIGHT (5 letters each)


* * * * * *

In the UK they put the spoon up at the top sideways across the center of the plate.
The oldest business in the United States of America is the cymbal company Zildjian which was founded in Constantinople in 1623.
someplace said:
The oldest business in the United States of America is the cymbal company Zildjian which was founded in Constantinople in 1623.

Ok, I think that one's cool. I'll take that one off your hands.
someplace said:
The oldest business in the United States of America is the cymbal company Zildjian which was founded in Constantinople in 1623.

I thought the oldest business was the brotheral in Plymouth?

*searches for Hawthorne*
largest fedral employer

Post office

At a 4 way stop sign four vehicles aproach and arive at the same time.
1) Police car
2) Fire Truck
3) Ambulance
4) Postal truck

None of the emergency vehicles have their lights or sirens going.

Who has the right of Way?????

The Postal vehicle does!
Want to know why?

It is Federal and all the others are Local!
