Democrats' Grand Slam Thursday - Offending Blacks, Latinos, Catholics, and Marines All In the Same Day

It's finally clear the party of inclusiveness means including everyone in your derogatory words and treatment. Fine work demorats. Your true colors are shining through and at exactly the right time.
It's finally clear the party of inclusiveness means including everyone in your derogatory words and treatment. Fine work demorats. Your true colors are shining through and at exactly the right time.
The usual disclaimer applies: don't confuse reality with what you wish would happen.
The usual disclaimer applies: don't confuse reality with what you wish would happen.
Reality is they got caught doing what they always claim the right does. Too bad YOU can't see the reality of the hypocritical and ignorant nature of the Harri/Balz campaign.
It's finally clear the party of inclusiveness means including everyone in your derogatory words and treatment. Fine work demorats. Your true colors are shining through and at exactly the right time.

Bern obvious for a long time

Remember Joe The Plummer
It's finally clear the party of inclusiveness means including everyone in your derogatory words and treatment. Fine work demorats. Your true colors are shining through and at exactly the right time.
Probably should read Twitter sometime.

The party of inclusiveness...or something