Define Friend


Looking for the way
Feb 4, 2001
how would you define a freind?

what is freindship, what makes a good freind?
Someone who stands by you, no matter what is taking palce. Being there for aid/comfort.
being there during and after the worst is a test of friendship, but for the rest of the time a friend is good company, a sympathetic ear but still the person who knows when to tell you to quit whining. The person who tells you when there's food on your face, the person who you can laugh with.

That's a friend.
A real friend tells you the truth, even when you don't want to hear it. A real friend will be willing to jeapordize the friendship if in doing so it is in your best interest. A real friend is your mirror. The person that reflects the true you and understands you. Just as you do your friend.

Perhaps not the end of the world. When you are too drunk to walk straight and have vomited all down your front, the person who gets you home safe is a good and true friend.

That doesn't mean that they aren't allowed to rib you for it in the morning.
A friend is there when you are at your lowest low and at your highest high. Someone you can laugh with and cry with. The person who always has a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear or a funny story to amuse. A friend is someone who loves you for you and accepts you as you are.
Fly_On_Wall said:
how would you define a freind?

what is freindship, what makes a good freind?

"A true friend is someone who is there for you when they would rather be someplace else." --Len Wein

A great friend listens not only to what you say, but what you don't say.

btw I love that AV... eeyore is the best :)
Someone who has stuck by you through thick and thin sense you where 5 years old. Yep that's Cindy!
Ishmael said:
A real friend tells you the truth, even when you don't want to hear it. A real friend will be willing to jeapordize the friendship if in doing so it is in your best interest. A real friend is your mirror. The person that reflects the true you and understands you. Just as you do your friend.


Bravo Ishmael!

That is the best definition of true friendship. As I have gotten older, I have found, that friends like that are hard to come by. (Maybe that is just me) But, when they do come along, I appreciate them all the more. Priceless.
A friend is someone who helps me be a better me. I can count on my friends. One of the things I have found, is that a friend is someone I can ask to help me and they will. I have found that it is a way to make an acquaintance a friend, too. A friend is a person with whom I can be vulnerable.
Summery said:
Bravo Ishmael!

That is the best definition of true friendship. As I have gotten older, I have found, that friends like that are hard to come by. (Maybe that is just me) But, when they do come along, I appreciate them all the more. Priceless.

I agree with that.

a freind can tell you shut the fuck up your being stupid and still treet you normal the next second
I like Ishmael's definition best.

Some say that a man's friends are the people with which he does things, while a women's friends are the people in whom she confides.

I think our friends are the people who understand us & what we're going through, or want to.
A real friend gives you space. A real friend believes in your personal freedom...your right to choose for yourself. It is a pseudo-friend that out of pride assumes to know your heart and your desires, and then chides or directs you. A real friend listens. I recently heard or read that the only people worth taking advice from, are the people who don't think they have any to give.
To me a friend is someone that is there for you through thick and thin. Always a willing shoulder, ear or pat on the back when necessary. Tells you the truth no matter what. Someone that at times when it's hard to say the words, knows something is up and is there to just lend their support without being asked to.

Though I've never met my friend face to face, my friend is this kind of friend to me and I to him. We've had our share of squabbles, but in the end we always work them out and remain friends. Stronger, maybe even closer than before.

Earlier this week I needed someone to just be there. When I called him he sensed something was wrong and instead of pushing me to tell him what was going on he just spoke with me and made me laugh. Always the best medicine.

Last year he'd lost his grandmother after a long illness. He knew his Mum was devastated over the loss, which upset him. I'll never forget this moment ever. While driving back home from the service, he called me and just broke down in tears. I just let him have his moment.

Ugh... just realized this might sound strange to some.

I do have other friends here in R/L. Neighbors that are more than just neighbors. Sharing breakfast on weekends or dinner during the week. Friends that I go out with to movies or to share a laugh out for the night.

The other friend described above stands out because there is some sort of connection between us that we simply understand each other very very well.
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Every friendship that I have is different. I suppose that at some point or another, a critical threshold has been passed that makes someone a friend and not simply an acquaintance.

For one thing, it's hard for me to think of someone as a friend that I have only seen in a single context--a workmate or classmate, for example. Once this is extended to an after-work drink or a study group, then I feel better about calling them a friend.

I would probably never consider someone a friend after a single meeting--unless I saw that person continuously and exclusively for a period of at least five or six hours in some sort of informal and voluntary manner.

There must be a certain mutuality about a friendship. I may work to advance a friendship, but unless the feeling is mutual I will not consider another person to be a friend.

I usually have to see someone alone to consider them a friend. I need some one-on-one time to establish a connection. I would not consider someone a friend that I know exclusively within the context of a particular social group. For example, before I had coffee and dinner with my stepmother, I did not have any experience with her outside of her relationship with my Dad. In order to consider her a friend, I needed to have some time alone with her. There's a certain trust that can only be developed one-on-one.

That's all I can think of, right now.
English Lady said:
A friend is there when you are at your lowest low and at your highest high. Someone you can laugh with and cry with. The person who always has a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear or a funny story to amuse. A friend is someone who loves you for you and accepts you as you are.
I don't know you butt I definitely agree with you..
A friend is there thru thick and thin ,til thee end....someone you can tell anything to and they listen with an open mind and heart .......
A friend is some one who gives you space when you need it, hugs you close when you need it, tells you the thing you need to know and hear... even when they are things you didn't know you needed.
A friend is someone who gives a little, takes a little, loves you no matter what and never takes the last Oreo cookie.
No problem. Oreos aren't my favorite. Now oatmeal raisin or chocolate chip.....

My definition continuing on MissTaken's theme:

You're down to the last bite of the most incredible hot fudge, brownie sundae, you've ever had, you look up to see your friend staring as you go to take the last bite. You offer it to them.
I just finished the oatmeal cookies.

I do have some choco chip left, though!

There are those that will put their own needs before their friends. They will jeapordize their "friends" welfare for their own selfish and in many case purient purposes. These are not friends. Mostly they are manipulative pieces of shit that pose as friends. They have manipulated everyone around them and have a track record of doing so. But pieces of shit they are.

They haven't the slightest concept of straight forward honesty. And they recruit others to 'front' for them. Being wholely incapable of being a complete human being on their own. They are called dependents in the best of circumstances, and welfare cases in the worst. But they do pose as friends.

Cloaked in the guise of romanticism or some other viel, they use those around them to suit their own purposes. Seductive liars they are. And convincing as well. Because they have lied to themselves and believe.

They are marked by the fact that they laugh when you laugh and cry when you cry. But having no experience or opoinion of their own, they can offer none to others. For to do so might compromise their ability to use you in the furture.

They are weak people with grandiose plans. None of which will be realized, but the lure is not to be denied. They have abandoned their family because of they are weak. They seek counseling regarding self esteem because over all their years, they've been unable to develope their own.

So to all of you out there that think that a friend is a passive supportive entity. FUCK YOU!

To you out there that think that a friend is some one that is so unaware of their friends hopes and dreams that they are making uninformed statements to their friends. FUCK YOU!

Ignorance is the lack of education. Ignorance of self is stupid. Placing a friend in jeapody for your own interest is selfish an not a real friend.

Our "true friends" can be counted on the fingers of one hand, with fingers left over.

They are the people with whom you can sit for hours and say nothing, or discuss everything from politics to personal fears. The ones who call you "just to check in and make sure you're doing okay."
The person who listens when you're heartbroken and offers no advice because they know there isn't any advice in the world that will mend your heart.
The person who is more thrilled than you are when your life goes well.
The person who knows they can tell you you're a pompous ass who needs a major attitude adjustment, and knows you'll hug them for saying so.
The person who admits to not having the answers, but will offer to help you find those who might.
The person who doesn't count time spent with you as an expense to be repaid.

Friends don't keep scorecards.

True friends are a blessing. I hope you all have at least one.